How much do you love pic related?
Watched 12 episodes and then put it on hold for now, not sure if it's worth my time
your time isn't worth shit
I am very much aware of this
Pluto and 20th Century boys are better, people only talk about Monster because it got adapted into an anime and the other two didn't.
I don't
18 Volumes of hype, and then it doesn't deliver. What's wrong with this kid, what's his plan, what's 'Monster' anyway. Nothing gets answered. Waste of time.
In this thread,
Overrated shit
I honestly dont get it why you fags keep mentioning the show being slow paced, it's not an action show where 10 mech robots fight around the whole duration. Shit needs time to build up everything.
>literal manchildren with a patience of a goldfish
Excactly. They don't understand intelligent anime like Monster so they keep watching pandering garbage like NGE
I honestly dont get it why you fags keep mentioning the show at all, it's a boredfest of 74 episodes of nothing happening whatsoever. Shit fucking sucks at everything.
>literal baby's first thriller
It's pretty good, but brought down by Urasawa's trademark disappointing ending.
Read the manga, the anime has some serious pacing issue.
>anime is literally manga frame-by-frame
>anime has some serious pacing issue
>literal baby's first thriller
This isn't a bad thing since it's also the best.
20th century suffered from other problems, Pluto was the best
>anime is literally manga frame-by-frame
That's the point you dumbnut, you read a manga quicker than you watch an anime and they didn't adapted the narration to fit the anime medium.
>you read a manga quicker than you watch an anime
Watch in 2x then, you brainlet, and stop complaining
The slow pacing actual plays to the show's strengths. A carefully woven, methodical narrative that makes you ask questions. As much as this word is becoming more and more meaningless, it's the epitome of 'comfy' anime. Nothing better than to sit back and enjoy 3 or 4 episodes after a long day. You could even fall asleep while listening to the soundtrack. It's that soothing. No doubt an anime experience I'll never forget.
I'm still waiting on that live action series or whatever.
True. You could excise about 60% of the show and miss nothing, but you NEED that shit to get invested in characters and actually see what they go through during the time Tenma chases after Johan. It's kinda important for a character driven show.
was he autistic?
Yeah. He didn't give a shit about justice, he was just addicted to the dopamine rush of getting his job done.
he's also the detective who went in too deep and just wants to see the case through even after his life falls apart.
A lot. It's one of the best manga I've read so far alongside Steel Ball Run and maybe something else, but I don't remember anything this good.
>shit pacing
>muh poor foreigners/turkroaches in Deutshland
I liked it but it could've been so much better if they cut alot of bullshit out.
Not much, I only read the manga. I felt it dragged for too long and the payoff in the end wasn't that great.
No it doesn't, the pacing is horrendous. Otherwise good show it would be.
It's alright I guess.
Sup Forums is mostly moefags, they don't have the attention span for something like Monster that doesn't endlessly pander to them
I loved it, certainly in my top 5 in manga that I've enjoyed.
I'd place Kokou No Hito, Pluto, and few other shit in its league. Probably 20th Century Boy too, though it did get worse after every timeskip, but I would never say it fell into an area where it was BAD.
nah 20th Century Boys became pretty bad when the Mary Sue girl takes over as the MC
Agree to disagree then.
We both likely have different standards of what something BAD looks like.
Though I will agree, she wasn't very good.
I didn't watch the show, more of a reader than a watcher, but assuming the adaptation was faithful the story did suffer from severe pacing issues, with entire volumes that could have been cut for the story to retain all of its suspense and drama building nonetheless
Or maybe Monster is genuinely a boring, poorly executed show with a moral dilemma so bland that it hardly constitutes 70+ episodes? Maybe you can't help but think Monster is good because you invested roughly 30 hours into it and you refuse to believe something that ate up that much of your time could be bad. Monster is a slow burn that suddenly sputters out of existence. It was never good and you should have just read the manga.
I wasted even more time with Fairy Tail and i can say it is garbage.
it's 74 episodes, it's not even that long, try something longer than 12 episodes for once, newfag
t. triggered moepleb
It's the greatest anime of all time. Anyone who disagrees is an uncultured retard.
at least Monster is much better than the disaster that is Billy Bat. Urasawa can't do multiple protagonist narratives.
>it's only 74 episodes
It's actually 76 episodes. Maybe if you watched the series instead of just glancing at the first episode and then telling everybody you completed it you'd know that. I guess it doesn't really matter in the end: each episode is practically indistinguishable.
>it's not that long
It's long enough that spending any time on it at all would be a waste when there are shows out there I've yet to watch with less episodes and more substance than the metaphorical elephant tranquilizer that is Monster.
You're just a retard that needs to be spoonfed
Still one of my favorites after all these years. Never got the "boring" argument, and I even read the manga.
Would any of his other works ever get an anime?
Here is your answer OP
Not at all
It isn't.
Fuck off, ANN.
It's terrible. Every time a character like this guy is done it ends up terrible. It's established that he's this grim unthinkable evil force who will unleash himself upon the world and is built up with this tryhard droning music, characters losing their shit when he's mentioned and surreal occurrences whenever he's on screen and all this culminates in some underwhelming low-key catharsis and pretentious psychological complexes in a small settlement. How do people keep falling for this? Why was this animated to begin with?