Chapter 33
Dr. Stone
>Add salt
>that image
What a memelord.
Kinda looking like Hiruma there.
niggerstream's translation of the bottom panel makes more sense
Finally the best time of the week.
The end.
Feels like the chapters are getting better and better each week, the manga's progressing at a nice pace now as well, things are looking promising desu
how come that the scans haven't dropped this manga already?
>Chemistry, The Manga.
I don't get why anyone would find this even remotely interesting.
0/10 completely shit manga.
Maybe she met him when she was a little kid and got petrified at like 5-6 yo, then matured after breaking off the stone. She did have some knowledge of the world but it was confused if I remember correctly.
Doesn't make sense she has a look alike sister and parents though.
Wait what, how possibly can Ruri know him?
Entirely sold by the main character
She is the one that gets to know all the villager's stories. The real question is what Senku did that was so important that it got retold or what the stories are even about
does the writer have deep knowledge on chemistry?
Sister may have been revived with her, but being younger she doesn't remember anything.
Parents just adopted her.
They have a scientist as partner. Like in SnS where they are working with a cook.
As a chemist myself, this manga is fucking gold
>He doesn't like chemistry
Pathetic taste right there. Chemistry is top tier.
that's dope
My point is, even considering that people de-petrified before Senkuu, about everyone got petrified the same time, so the maximum that she could've known is about stories of Senkuu told by his club mates that got de-petrified before him and told her, but it couldn't be
>I've known him from an eternity ago
She was born and raised in this village, no?
Damn i'll give it a try, I hope i'm not wrong and it paysoff in the distant future.
>She was born and raised in this village, no?
Yes, so it can only be the 100 stories she knows him from.
Maybe some classmates got unpetrified much earlier and founded the village?
>Hurr durr muh dragon ball super.
Don't you have to finish your elementary chemistry homework before mommy let you shitpost with the big boys?
they might as well be the main characters of the manga.
i already forgot the names of his first two friends.
I wonder what Senku will build after synthesizing the sulfonamide. Search for vanilla and cinnamon to make the cola? Construct a water wheel to constantly generate current instead of rely on the spear brothers to work for him? Electrolyze water and make a dangerous hydrogen blimp?
I dont think she's a former classmate of Senku, wouldn't make sense with her having parents around.
It could be that at some point she actually met some unpretified classmate of him, and that person could be the one who taught her stories from the old world and told her about Senku.
I love this manga
>I dont think she's a former classmate of Senku
I meant she was a little kid while Senku was older, they look around the same age now because she was revived earlier
If I ever have to teach Chemistry to anyone, I'd do it based in this manga, simulating a post-apocalyptic scenario and etc.
The annals are probably school reports or something like that.
Everyone in the village currently was born in the village to people born in the village.
A latern.
A forge.
Gunpowder with shit and corpses.
>Rolling point
So this series is basically just Don't Starve: the manga?
>yfw the one who founded the village was Senkuu's dad
>five month
Man if the time has a frantic pacing in this manga. This chapter alone was compensated for the last previous that slowed down.
Oh, man. I hope this TWIST is answered in a nice way.
No, is basically monsyer hunter without Monsters
Well, there are probably some reports of a kid building a rocket and other shit. He probably called a lot of attention, wonder why he was in a random school and not a top one, though.
Energy would be a priority, so collecting as much metals as possible and maybe build some motors.
Also, quite a shame they did not give glass and iron as much focus as they should get, they are fundamental.
My favourite page
I fucking love this mango
It was one of the best chapters. Senku and Chrome are way too good characters.
Dumping Taiju was the best thing that happened to the manga.
It may play fast-and-loose with purity of the solvents and starting materials but as a Chemist it's pretty spot on.
This is mine, I love Chrome's reaction at the end
It was a sad chapter in a way. Because he'll probably not live log enough to see the would return to that point.
i swear this series is the best thing jump has made in an extremely longass time its so good.
Not everyone is an ignorant High School dropout that hates learning things like you.
I'd really rather just have a few hundred chapters of Senkuu being Stone Age Beakman and basically playing a peaceful game of Civ.
Instead we're gonna get sidetracked by a war with a retarded anarcho primativist idiot.
That being said, this is a still pretty fanciful. Sulfate drugs weren't that great- if Ruri has something like TB or whatever she's not going to be cured by sulfates.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dr Stone. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Senkuu's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Dr Stone truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Senkuu's existential catchphrase "Kukuku," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Riichiro Inagaki's genius wit unfolds itself on the pages. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Dr Stone tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
>That bare Kohaku ass cheek under the glass
How far will Boichi go before we find out whether or not she wears panties?
>Instead we're gonna get sidetracked by a war with a retarded anarcho primativist idiot.
This is still fun for a JUMP manga nowadays.
Maybe she doesn't personally know Senku, but knows of him through one of the 100 stories?
I bet Senku will win by science bullshit, then he will say "as the new chief, i ban NTR!" And give Ruri to his science bro.
I hope chrome enters in a disguise and wins tournament
>Instead we're gonna get sidetracked by a war with a retarded anarcho primativist idiot.
Reminds me of Blue Gender
Senku is his bro, if he wins he will give Ruri to him anyway.
I like Dr Stone but this is some amazing pasta.
Is rick & Morty's pasta
R&M pasta never disappoints.
What are the odds of Senku springloading his fightstick? He should be able to make gunpowder by now.
Nope, the stories are generations old.
>Friendship ended with Taiju, now Ginrou is my best idiot friend
The stories were just some Jump volumes lying around right? Maybe some of his shit got mixed in.
Or maybe was his dad the actual founder of the village?
What's that?
Old animu about post apoplectic world where fundamental fight giant bugs
>Not interesting
I'm pretty sure the last chapter is going to be Senkuu finally achieving his dream of going to the space.
When the fuck will that fucking blind fuck inform Senku that he can't see fucking shit.
Senku made glasses for the midget girl. Come on.
I know that's going ot be the plotpoint that will make the dude win vs that other dude but still.
Doesn't it take time to make glasses? So how will he pull off making glasses by the end of the day?
How long until they encounter someone with as much knowledge as senku on a different field?
Chrome is going to become village chief through some sciency bullshit, after Kinrou almost defeats Magma but still loses after realizing he could have won if he had talked about his issues and gotten glasses from Senku
Screencap this
They don't know about the glasses thing.
Fucking hilarious.
Is this Gon-san reference?
Man I love this series so much.
This chapter was fast as fuck and my man Senku was funny being full retard the whole way
>Tfw fun
What meme is this referencing?
It's fun