Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito

This show is if Spirited Away met Harry Potter: New seasonal anime which everyone should be talking about. No joke guys watched first 3 episodes and hooked!

The pacing makes the show gripping to its audience, it gets dark; no kiddie shit, and very good at world building. Found myself lost in the story and had to marathon. Harry Potter the girl or the skeleton man?

This show hit me so hard this is my first ever post on Sup Forums; that motivating XD

I look forward to joining the degeneracy

The manga was already winning awards. Step up.

>This show is if Spirited Away met Harry Potter
I think it's more like Skyrim with guns.

Girl; she has fucked background

Will Elias' epic tantrum continue?

They need to chill the fuck out with shoehorning each scene with soundtrack.

Naw dude adds to the atmosphere

Reading is for losers, how am I supposed to read and breathe at the same time? Impossible.

>Spirited Away met Harry Potter
Thanks for the warning. I considered watching it, but now I see it's not worth it.


I was able to get a couple girls I know into the manga by comparing it to neil gaiman, it's really got that kind of feel to me

It's nothing like that. Just watch it. It's like Made in Abyss but with magic rather than super tech.

>Made in Abyss but with magic rather than super tech
You just keep making it worse.

Are all these replies ironic shitposts? If so, they really fit the anime. It tries way too hard while neither going deep into the psychology of their relationships, nor picking the easier "Teaching Feelings"-style waifubait pandering. I would have been fine with either.

;-; tries to convince people to watch
autism scares people off

just watch it

Why the fuck is no one discussing the recent chapter?

Spoilers for anime adaptation?

How exactly is it like Made in Abyss? Is there suffering? MiA took way too long for the plot to kick in and it doesn't seem like Magus Bride is any better in that regard.

Fug, you got me.

Oh goddammit. It'd just be a sea of black text.

We no read so good

It has the lighthearted tone that disguises the cruel dark reality of the situation they're in.



There's nothing lighthearted about MiA except the artstyle, and even that is mainly for fetishistic purposes.


Just fuck already.

So what the fuck is Elias?
Given that his element is shadow, whatever he was as a full spirit weren't a kind thing.

>waifu/apprentice's ten-year-old friend comes over
...She'll go away eventually like everyone else.
>friend talks with waifu for a while
Any second now
>minutes pass
>thought of waifu enjoying time with another human being occurs
NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! I'm going for a monster prowl.
>waifu notices and follows
Ah, she's all mine again~
>enshroud waifu when she arrives
Let's just stay like this for a while with no one else threatening to take you away from me

What's his problem Sup Forums?

It goes both ways.
Whole point of the manga is that both of them are broken, kinda egoistic and need each other.

everyone in this thread is a faggot. This show is slow and boring with a completely uninspired fantasy magic world.

A shade maybe? Didn't his friend's master mention him possibly being a mage who fucked up and offed himself?

What is wrong with this newfag thread?

Reddit show attracts reddit posters

If you said so. Here, an explosive puppy to brighten your day.

I remember that manga specifically mentioned multiple times that there's no chance in hell he was a human once.
Probably some sort of a very powerful spirit who wanted to become human and got transformed into something inbetween. Even the fae royalty really wants him by their side.

I like it. It fulfills my Natsume Yuujinchou quota.

When you put it like that, just what would their potential child be?

>central antagonist is a Wandering Jew

I think that someone in this manga said that their potential child would be an extremely powerful magi.

Seems realistic.

That's half-human and half-shadow monster eldritch god thing/guy

There was a quote that said elis coulda been formed from tree's shadows fucking. Dont remember which oage tho

Strong magi like Chise are already described to be closer to fae than humans. If their child is even stronger, he would be even closer to spirit world most likely.

It was great. Going downhill real fast though.


"Oh hey, Uncle Lindel!"

"...Um, hello, my dear nephew, where are you?"

"Oh, I'm here...And there...And there...Everywhere basically."


"I'm basically a super version of whatever dad is. Pretty fun moving by shadow."

I very URGENTLY want to headpat and cuddle Chise.

I really like how this manga spins the whole "beauty and the beast" story by making both of them awkward freaks not suited to live in society but forming such a strong bond with each other they can't bear being separated anymore.

her scalp is all used up from her headpat whoring

Is the jew gonna cuckold elias even further next chapter?

Convinced me, I'll try it.
Watching just because.

When I marry her my hand will be the only one that headpats her.

prepare to be eaten by elias

I will shatter his dumb bony head.

>This show is if Spirited Away met Harry Potter

>this show is X meets Y!

So this is basically a teacher x student tumblr fanfic?

Sup Forums's predictions on ghost boi were right but it really does seem to be heading into hallucination territory and Elias being in the cage was a good tweest.

Elias and Chise are really cute together, this plus The Promised Neverland are the chapters that I am most looking forward to.

Unfortunately that's the state of 80% of Sup Forums.

You're kinda right.

Every time I catch Elias' neck it just looks to me like a black guy wearing a skull, really doesn't help that his name is so close to Ainsley. I wish they'd have made his skin more purple.

A human head wouldn't fit in the skull

I don't know anons, I'm not sold on episode 1. Girl meets dreamy boy and falls in love with him at varying speeds is every shoujo ever.
Not that it's bad, it looks like something that I would watch the full show in an evening, but it doesn't look interesting enough to keep me hooked in a weekly basis.

>so this guy is an undead, red points of light in eyes, mage, uses uses illusions for face and his name is AINSworth

i jast started watching the anime, anyone know when he strats calling his home Nazzaricksomething ?

Those bags under her eyes are kinda arousing desu.

Nobody called out the viral marketing in the first few posts? You're slipping, Sup Forums.

the signs of a broken woman


Please don't joke about it. Some on Sup Forums really seem to have difficulties with that.

What happened to Sup Forums as of late?