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Can people stop complaining about no /lit/ chapter now?

Definitely in the harem.

it has to be intentional at this point

/lit/ > Sup Forums = /sensei/ > /senpai/ > /chem/ > /imouto/ > /sci/


Please, I don't want /lit/ to get any focus or development.


Fuck off Sup Forumsshitter

Nice foreshadowing.

No, I will stop when /lit/ get her solo chapter.

/lit/'s hair was fucking cute.

Good chapter, but still, I WANT A SOLO /LIT/ CHAPTER COME ON,

Remember anons /lit/ is master race

Fumino >= Sensei > Rizu >= Asumi > Mizuki >= Sekijo > trash > actual trash > Uruka

>Cake ending never
It hurts so fucking much Sup Forums

This is how the future will look like.

Why is she so disgusting?

I am a /lit/fag and all this begging is starting to be annoying.

She has another hairstyle at the end, so I guess she went to the house one more day.


Moeyuki cleaning Sensei's Appartment Part 3 soon?


>two potential yandere.
God save him

That's excessive. She can't keep calling him round constantly to clean up her living space. He's clearly just going to have to move in.

/lit/ doesn't have yandere potential. She is a good, stable girl.

I dunno, you do that like 20 times in Persona 5.

No, you.

Fumino, please.


Yes, she is a good, stable girl.

>/lit/ doesn't have yandere potential
I agree. Potential implies that the behaviour is not yet present.

She jabbed the shit out of Yuiga when she thought Komi was his girlfriend . What would she have done if it was actually true, and not a misunderstanding?

More importantly, what kind of hairstyle would yandere /lit/ wear? When will we see sexhair /lit/?

Just occurred to me, does imouto wear ponytail because she knows about her brother's preferences?

He was getting to friendly with girls, strange girls.

I was about to say sexhair /lit/, I see you are a man with a plan ahead.

Or did his preference come to be because of imouto in the first place

she is a disaster, and I love her, Tsui made her the complete opposite of Yuiga, I wonder if that was intentional

I just realized /lit/ also had a stomach ache in chapter 24.

>What would she have done if it was actually true, and not a misunderstanding?
She'd get distraught, worried, and sad. Some of it for her friends' sake and some of it for her own.

>More importantly, what kind of hairstyle would yandere /lit/ wear?
Dunno. But interestingly she could pull off THAT hairstyle.

I cannot see that happening.

Where is my /incest/ chapter?

I fear what'd she do if she found out he was a manslut.

That's more of "What would happen" instead of "What would she do." It's not like /lit/ has to consciously think to feel empathy for her friends, after all. Wait, shit, that's going to something /sci/ will start doing before she completely gets the hang of emotions, isn't it?

I want to vore Uruka.

/sci/ is worst girl
/imouto/ is a goddess

Do? Probably say something to Yuiga and try to see if his feelings are real. She'd monitor his situation while they studied until there is relationship drama which she may not help with because she'll be fed up. Not sure she actually wants to be NTR'd.

Most likely castration.

I want to marry /imouto/
Having Nariyuki along as a cute sister wouldn't be bad.

Why do people take Fumino liking Yuiga as a given?

Because it is immediately and blatantly apparent from even a cursory read of the manga.

I'm in love.

It's a romcom manga and she's a main girl.


Yuiga's family is poor, he didn't have access to porn so he used his sister to masturbate.

>/sci/ is worst girl



Why is :> the best face?

Because he was poor and his family lived in the same small space, he obviously never had a secure placr to.fap. He's either pure or so blueballed he's going to impregnate the winner on the first try.

A teenager isn't going to not masturbate for years, it's just not reasonable.

>he obviously never had a secure place to fap

Perfect Waifu doesn't exi-

you can tell tsutsui has so much fun drawing her hairstyles

OTP and she knows it.

>what is the bathroom
Or maybe imouto helps him out on the job.

>Can people stop complaining about no /lit/ chapter now?
it is not a solo chapter Fumino
with MC only
there are always other girls

she does not have her moment with Yuiga yet like the other girls

If Yandere Fumino happens
I wish she'd keikaku girls on steering clear from Yuiga

oh shit, this announcement is nagging at the back of her mind for quite some time now

lit/ = Sup Forums = /sensei/ = /senpai/ = /chem/ = /imouto/ = /sci/
This is the true patrician answer.
I am an Sup Forumsfag, but they all really grew on me.

Just found this. Anyone got other girls version?

>imouto opening
>best girl (boy) is there too
>new /lit/ hairstyle
>married couple cooking antics
>/lit/ suffering
>literally everyone
This chapter had everything.

There aren't any.

there are no other versions, unfortunately.

Yanderes are either 0 or 100 very fast.
She either won't touch or hurt until death.

/lit/ is the only grill MC interacts with this chapter.

There needs to be a compilation of almost snapping/psycho Fumino faces.

As irrelevant as he may be, imouto is still a girl.

The husband is taking a bath while the wife is preparing food for him. What a cute married couple.

I wish this give start slower so it can show her middle face more.

>lit is so shit that the only care about her hairstyle


You saying this in every thread will not make it true, shitposter-kun.

dodged your bait user

>not claiming to be Sup Forumsfag to maximize shitposting potential


For a moment, I thought you were serious.

/sci/ is so shit that the only care about her autism
Sup Forums is so shit that the only care about her fanservice

Sup Forums is so shit that they only care about her chances of winning which is now 0.


They are so cute. Fuck, I don't want to get attached to ships in a harem.

Remember, /lit/ girl is best girl

Sup Forums got introduced after the main girls. She never had any chance of winning.

How many chapters left until she snaps guys? Just Fumino

Is this your first series?

/lit/erally perfect

imouto chapter ?


/lit/fags are obnoxious.

/lit/ looks cute and nice but she is a materialistic whore who will divorce after married the first month




Komi had enough of this shit.

She's jealous because she though /lit/ finally starting making moves on her property.