Stalker thread

***,*68 Love Live Sunshine S2
***,103 SideM
***,217 Deremas
***,231 Mahoyome
***,306 Yucky Tuna
***,493 Kino

***,522 Houseki
***,582 Osomatsu
***,691 Kekkai
***,865 Umaru-chan R
***,915 Gintama
***,971 Dies Irae

**1,038 Hozuki
**1,049 WUG
**1,321 Code:Realize
**1,705 Girl's Last Tour

**2,014 Konohana Kitan
**2,063 Blend S
**2,164 Just Because
**2,398 Imouto Sae
**3,396 Shigatsu
**3,435 Two Car

**5,501 Shobitch
**9,862 Dynamic Chord
*11,973 Animegataris
*12,026 DreamFes
*13,521 Infini-T Force
*14,579 Inuyashiki
*21,517 Kujira
*27,465 Osake
*34,268 Oosama Game

*94,444 Urahara
127,605 Senbura
170,844 RabuKome

Thoughts on the hits and flops? And what went wrong with Urahara, Animegataris, and JUST Because?

Other urls found in this thread:

>***,971 Dies Irae
I swear if they don't fuck up the right fights of the route we can't overtake Humaru

>rankings that will become irrelevant six hours if this thread is still alive
>rankings when a lot of the shows airing are BD boxes that won't get released for fuck knows how long and won't get tracked properly by stalker
>doesn't even bother to go all in on the shitposting and post preorder points as well

Dumb fucking stalkerposter.

Who /onlywatchingjustandbelowanime/ here

>***,*68 Love Live Sunshine S2
>***,103 SideM
>***,582 Osomatsu
Fujos btfo.

Threadly reminder that this is a designated shitposting thread.

Repeating digits?

Why is RabuKome so high? I like idol anime, but it is beyond being shit.

>***,493 Kino

Pleasantly surprised.

You're reading it incorrectly. The higher the number, the worse it's doing.

That's it's rank bruh, not a sale amount.

Did KyoAni find a way yet?

>***,522 Houseki
Well, at least they'll make it up by selling people extremely expensive rare Phossys.

>And what went wrong with Urahara, Animegataris, and JUST Because?
Anime original so no one really cares. Urahara is legitimate garbage though.

No KyoAni show this season. Come back next year.

YYY is anime original too and it's doing even better than the first season.

>Lesbian here.
>Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).
>But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.
>Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.
>Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

>beg for a sequel
>it happens
>they abandon it every time


Gir's just can't have to much of the same stuff. Only boys can watch 800+ episodes of One Piece and still like it. Girls have better taste and like variety.

>**2,014 Konohana Kitan
What the hell.

That was an extremely comfy show. Please go higher.

Love Live is packed with female audience, user.
Fujos are the only ones who shows no loyalty to their franchise

too much drama and forced lesbian couples

Yeah, no fuck off.
That was an extremely chill show where everything is taken slow.

bitch is crying in every episode over something, and then there's the "we're a couple but not really lol" shit
it doesn't succeed in being a sol, it doesn't succeed in being a yuri romance show, it's just nothing with a clinically retarded and dull main character, if she even qualifies as a main character

Everything makes sense once you remember that the MC is an extremely young girl who lived a sheltered life.

not really

They didn't find a way last time either.

>only the rankings
>not the actual numbers
Meaningless garbage.

How badly is your show flopping?

Technically Houseki isn't yuri since they don't have gender.

wtf i love being fickle now

>*14,579 Inuyashiki
This show is actually pretty good, fucking nips
>***,493 Kino

>***,306 Yucky Tuna
I will never understand why the japs love this Madoka ripoff so much.

>***,103 SideM
it'll be higher at the end and you know it

No way is it gonna catch up on LL eitherway
LL kills everything. Even the ones that sold higher

Why don't you post the preorder points as well?

But my favourite show is in the hits tier, retarded stalker posters are still cancer though.

Still too early for those numbers to matter.

I'm happy that some shows I like are doing good. I hope BlendS and Konohana Kitan get out of the Just zone, they are almost there, and Shoujo Shuumatsu rises to at least average, I understand why it's not popular, but it deserves better.

Who the fuck cares? You do realize an hour or two from now the numbers in the OP will fluctuate a lot as well rendering most of them useless?

When have stalker shitposting threads ever mattered?

There are always exceptions. But fujoshi are not the only ones. Person from Bandai complained in the interview that girls don't buy the same recoloured and slightly reshaped toy the next year, but boys can buy the same toy with minor changes every year. The same thing with anime. Male get endless show and female like different things every year.

When these threads are early, what matters more are ranges and trends than the actual numbers. The numbers may go up and down quickly but if the show is generally doing higher or lower you'll have a good idea of how it's doing saleswise.

>***,*68位/***,*68位 (**4,090 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/12/22 ラブライブ! サンシャイン!! 2nd Season Blu-ray 1 (特装限定版)
>***,104位/***,103位 (**1,284 pt) [*,**3予約] 2017/12/27 アイドルマスター SideM 1(3rdLIVE第1弾チケット先行申込券付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]

Then it's too early for the ranks to matter too.

Not exactly. While ranks can change over time (a show doing well initially could drop hard later, and vice versa), the ranks usually give a relatively in-the-ballpark indication if a show will flop or be a hit in sales.

Oh boy. Time for another thread of people pretending to know they understand the industry and market trends only to realize that all their delusions amount to is delusional circleerking and shitflinging.

What are you talking about? No one is likely to realise that.

Why does Japan still make stuff like Hajimete no Gal and Shobitch, it's preety clear people don't like this regular harem romcom stuff anymore


Nice joke. The shitposters here will remain delusional all their lives.

I can't believe it ranks that high either

I hope it will. KonoKitan and Mahoujin Guru Guru are two shows I wish were doing better.

If you're going to just include the ranks then might as well just post the estimated preorder points of the shows once they release. Might as well go full vague for maximum stupidity.

Reminder none of it will outsell kemono friends. Besides raburaibu.

LL won't outsell it either
maybe if it was µ's

Were kemono bds 60$ like everything else?

They were cheaper and it was sold as a book with a bonus BD. You can't deny how popular KF is in Japan, though.

>They were cheaper
Then they can't compete with the big guys and their numbers mean nothing. I won't deny its popularity though.

>implying any number in these threads mean anything

I miss Kemonofags shitposting these threads to oblivion. Please come back and shut these cesspools down again.

Good thing I'm talking about real sales numbers and not stalker threads.

>tfw no s2 to shitpost them out of this decade

Can't be helped. Kadokawa ruined everything.

If KF managed to win though, it would shake the entire board
If not, Kadokawa better brace themselves. Their lowly employees were reportedly crying due to the massive amount of hate mails. An actual protest in front of the building was planned but was postponed when the negotiation was announced. Things can only get worse from there

>**9,862 Dynamic Chord
It should be even lower than that.

>**2,063 Blend S

Nips were saying it would've been a big hit without the male characters.

Well, mangaka likes BL. I think she had to include male characters.

Are we on auto sage?

If only.

When you see tripfags here you know these threads are dead.

>>**2,063 Blend S
>Nips were saying it would've been a big hit without the male characters.


I don't know why Aniplex is pimping this show unless they want another Working! successor

we need to work harder

Precisely while males are more profitable

>***,582 Osomatsu
>**1,038 Hozuki
Did fujos already forget about those shows?

I hope Konohana Kitan gets higher, it's an adorable and really comfy show.

Aye. Probably my favourite this season. Surprisingly funny too.

Is Tsukipro Animate only?

>male spinoff that isn't even popular with fujos to begin with, nor does it have event tickets
>keeping up with shitshine reasonably well
How will JAV Live: Shitshine fags ever recover?

>Nips were saying it would've been a big hit without the male characters.
Source: your ass

Eh, I was kinda baited into watching because I loved Working! so much, but it didn't really felt anything special, so I dropped it for now. That being said, the girls are the best part of the show, so I understand where the Japanese are coming from.

>***,*68 Love Live Sunshine S2
>event ticket with every volume
>can't even manage top 10 for the first volume
>retarded yurifag Aqourshitter posting a stalker thread, when the overwhelming amount of fujo series this season are from animate
Side M Will outsell JAV Live: Shitshine S2 out of nowhere, I can't wait.
And yurifags actually think LL! is yuri, even though less than 1% of its fans are yurifags. It only sells because each volume has an event ticket for 3DPD idol concerts.
The absolute state of Aqoursfags. The Aqours anime and Idols are a complete blunder and everyone proffered µ's. Not to mention S2's forced yuribait will make it flop harder than any LL! season to date. Expect

Don't yell at the clouds too loudly or else it'll disperse

I can't believe someone can be wrong with every single word.

>***,103 SideM
Top seller right here. 90% of its sales are from animate and can't be recorded on stalker.
Can't wait for the Shitshinefag tears. They'll wonder why it flopped yet they gobble episodes like S2 ep3 up like the shiteaters they are. Eventually most of the otaku will grow a brain, and realize it's literally coping the plot 1:1 from the original LL!.

But LL S2 has been utter shit.


>shitshine flopping harder than any other LL! season
>im@s male edition which has a tiny fanbase selling amazingly well, even more sales at animate
Yuri will never conquer the earth as long as WE are here to repel the sc/u/m!

In few hours, yuyuyu will top sunshine, make my words

But user, you are just a pirate.

  最新順位/前回順位 種別 累積pt ニコ予約 発売日 タイトル
***,*63位/***,*57位 (**4,184 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/12/22 ラブライブ! サンシャイン!! 2nd Season Blu-ray 1 (特装限定版)
***,*69位/***,*69位 (**5,875 pt) [*,**5予約] 2017/12/22 【限定】 ラブライブ! サンシャイン!! 2nd Season Blu-ray 1 (特装限定版) (全巻購入特典:録り下ろしドラマCD引換シリアルコード付)
***,130位/***,118位 (**1,346 pt) [*,**3予約] 2017/12/27 アイドルマスター SideM 1(3rdLIVE第1弾チケット先行申込券付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
***,282位/***,259位 (**2,963 pt) [*,*19予約] 2017/11/29 アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ劇場 2nd SEASON 第1巻( 「アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ劇場 すぷりんぐふぇすてぃばる 2018」先行抽選申し込みシリアル封入 ) [Blu-ray]
***,289位/***,263位 ◎ (***,930 pt) [*,**5予約] 2017/12/20 結城友奈は勇者である-鷲尾須美の章-Blu-ray
***,304位/***,275位 ◎ (***,842 pt) [*,*15予約] 2017/11/29 魔法使いの嫁 第1巻(完全限定生産) [Blu-ray]
***,363位/***,330位 ◎ (***,794 pt) [*,**4予約] 2018/05/30 結城友奈は勇者である-勇者の章-Blu-ray
***,408位/***,533位 ◎ (***,277 pt) [*,**9予約] 2017/12/22 キノの旅 the Animated Series 上巻(初回限定生産)(多数決ドラマ特典Blu-ray付)
***,460位/***,820位 (***,614 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/12/13 【限定】血界戦線 & BEYOND Vol.1(初回生産限定版) (イベントチケット優先販売申し込み券付き)(早期予約特典:複製原画ミニ色紙「レオ」付)(全巻購入特典:「秋田禎信先生書き下ろしミニ小説(法人共通メーカー全巻購入特典)」+「描き下ろし全巻収納BOX & ソニック柄マスキングテープ」引換シリアルコード付) [Blu-ray]
***,482位/***,439位 (***,451 pt) [*,*38予約] 2017/12/20 宝石の国 Vol.1 (初回生産限定版)(イベントチケット優先販売申し込み券付き) [Blu-ray]

I'm a bit confused by the asterisks next to the numbers. I assume this means that Sunshine S2 is doing well?

It's a ranking, the lower the number the better.

I really want to get into YuYuYu, I guess I'll just skip my backlog and get to it already, before this season ends.

>kemono dies
>stalker threads appears


why are you retards so easy to bait

>***,522 Houseki
3DCG cancer

Sure "lesbian"

Besides the shitstorm, KF is a serious contender to win the AOTY award, Japan was obsessed with it before the scandal and after, everyone, even the non anime fans, sympathize with Tatsuki and want to screw KDKW.

I'm so sad for Urahara, a show about creativity and it gets blown the fuck out for not being generic enough, is like a Flip Flappers done right for god's sake, at least till now.

Yuuki Yuuna is made by the greatest mind of this century though, Takahiro name is as great as the Urobuchi.