ITT: Shows ruined by waifufaggotry
It was never good
1. Define "waifu"
t. Aqua
Aqua is my wife
All of them.
No she's not you dumb axis poster.
FPBP. /thread
I'm not saying that KonoSuba is some kind of masterpiece, but if you're letting the fans of something sour an anime you liked before, you didn't really like the anime all that much, did you? Rather, you liked the discussions you could have on Sup Forums.
Also, answer 's question.
>I'm not saying that KonoSuba is some kind of masterpiece, but if you're letting the fans of something sour an anime you liked before, you didn't really like the anime all that much, did you? Rather, you liked the discussions you could have on Sup Forums.
You can like both. But I can't see the characters the way I did before Konosuba discussion on Sup Forums turned into an endless torrent of inane debates and /e/ dumps.
>Also, answer 's question.
No. He knows what I mean by waifufaggotry, there's no need for me to define anything.
>i cant see X the way i saw it before, after having seen random peolpe talking about topic Y i disapprove of
So basically, every single show is ruined for you.
>user displays his top-tier reading comprehension by quoting something I didn't say or imply
Well damn, I should have known making a thread about this specific series would attract retards.
It was defined by "waifufaggotry"
This thread is ruined by faggotfaggotry.
2. Define "waifufaggotry"
that like every anime that has more then 1 female.
op wasn't around for the early threads anyways, there was always waifuism
konosuba was always shit
> He thinks konosuba threads started with the anime
How much of a newfag are you?
shameful secondary isn't the same as a newfag, newfag
Even secondaries should realize that there's actual source material. There's no excuse for even a secondary not knowing that.
Was a fun show with a nice fanbase. The MC had a lot of potential and the girls where shit in the good sense.
Basically Konosuba threads became shit thanks to the LN and how it ruined the characters and the plot.
I want Aqua to piss in my mouth.
Series where the selling point is waifus first and foremost are never good.
A really likable character, but people who waifu'd him are fucking rabid. I wish there was a way to make a captcha with some sort of anime minimum faces in it, to filter this kind.
Muh secrit club
I want to make Aqua wet. With my semen.
I want to punch (You). With my fists.
I want to make (You) wet. With my fists.
code geass
C.C. was best girl tho