Who else is going back to there libertarian roots?

Tired of this shit. Remember when we used to use the word Statism before trump came along?

I still like some of the basic fundamentals of nationalism and i think we should keep some of it for a base system but mix it more with libertarianism/constitutionalism.

I still want a border..
I still want fair trade deals..
They still have to go back but other than that I want libertarianism.

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Remember when libertarians used to exist under Obama prior to become alt-right Zionist neocons?

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Sorry, libertarianism won't stop the Jews from.reolacing the population. Evolve to the needs of the times. We can still audit the fed, and should. Libertarianism wouldn't allow for tarrifs so we'd just have our wealth stolen more. Fuck all that noise. War with the Jews or bust.

I do remember that. I remember the dont tread on me thing was unironically posted here unlike now. I remember when the word statist was thrown around all the time at anyone who implied imposing centralized means of control on the population. What happened? Now you guys are full blown Nazi's ?

>libertarianism won't stop the Jews from.reolacing the population.

Neither will voting Repbulcian

>Now you guys are full blown Nazi's ?

heheheh no more like /r/t d neocon war mongers

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Statism is about a daddy government deciding you shouldn't have sugary drinks. You think that shits changed here? No, we're busy focused on relevant big problems like the eradication of our culture and total replacement of our populations.

I didn't say full libertarianism if you read the full post. I never said to import minorities or not allow for fair trade, in fact I specifically stated those 2 things we should keep. We can understand the threat of Israel or whatever and do certain things to prevent threats but why have to throw the baby out with the bath water and go full nazi now? Why not have at least a semi-libertarian foundation to build on?

Sure it will. If Trump changes the party enough and our prerogative is further continued. Libertarianism won't do shit in fact it will damage.

If you're giving those concessions on libertarianism then what exactly about you would be libertarian?

>If Trump changes the party enough and our prerogative is further continued.

Gobble gobble dat jew cock

Terhan is lovely this time for occupation duties

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>Unaware Trump is turing two major kike factions against each other

>statism is just about sugary drinks
Holy shit the absolute state of Sup Forums

Statism literally just means state control, which can be anything from sugary drinks to saying you can't own firearms.

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>Remember when we used to use the word Statism before trump came along?

Of course they don't. 90% of this board are redditors who came over in 2016. Your appeal to old Sup Forums won't work.

almost everything else

Right. So basically the state over stepping the Constitution. How does anyone here believe that isn't something to stand against now?

Like what? What else is there that most of Sup Forums doesn't already stand behind?

Why would you want to "go back" to a flawed ideology?

This. We really screwed up voting for big government Trump. Discussions of shrinking government aren't even on the table. I regret voting for him and wish I had stuck by my convictions.

Libertarianism doesn't work because it requires open borders. Open borders mean the extinction of whites. Which means extinction of libertarianism because non-whites always vote for authoritarian governments for free handouts. Libertarianism can't exist without whites. In a libertarian society, whites go extinct due to open borders. Therefore its is impossible for it to work.

>Why would you want to "go back" to a flawed ideology?

By embracing a flawed ideology like alt kikes?

anarchism, aka no state, is the only way to create an enthnostate for whites. Not jew politicans like Trump.

>How does anyone here believe that isn't something to stand against now?
If you believed that you would be basically a libertarian. If you don't believe that you are a Statist, or in this case, a Nazi. So you are or aren't Nazi's/Statists? You get it right? You can't have a Nazi dictator and also be a libertarian?

Again, read the full post I explicitly stated that I don't think pure libertarianism works

>Tired of this shit. Remember when we used to use the word Statism before trump came along?

There are many kinds of people here
National Conservatives

and more
Full Ancap

This. Even the founders went to a stronger government with the failure of the articles of confederation. And that was with an almost perfectly ethnically homogeneous society

How would we defend ourselves from centralized foreign militaries? We would have to abandon our military since were anarchists right..

yeah "stronger" doesn't mean full blown Nazi dictator type shit

How about fuck everyone except USA? Especially kikes.

Yeah, I guess it wasn't totalitarian for the people that were enslaved then, right?

Well actual national socialists here are far and few between. Most people like the idea behind it and the fact he understood Jews were the enemy of man. People that actually think and want to Reemployment it exactly here actually a very small minority here. If that were the case so you'd have most of Sup Forums getting behind minimum wage increases but those threads are always heavily blasted. Sup Forums is pretty much Constitutionalist, with a strong border and culture protectionism.

it was inhumane and centralized, yes, but it ended not too long after


>How would we defend ourselves from centralized foreign militaries? We would have to abandon our military since were anarchists right..

Yes how would an all armed white anarcho ethno state defend itself?

never left, just got sick of talking about economics. I will admit I've completely lost any ideological zeal, though.

>anarchist ethnostate

fucking pick one you said no state full anarchy. you can't have a nationalist ethnostate if theres no nation state how is this so hard to understand? I'm debating a 19 year old aren't I ?

People still are libertarians but you need a population that wants to be free to sustain that. Liberty exists when your neighbors respect your liberty. Otherwise it's not realistically possible. So yeah if desperate poor are brought in who will vote for redistribution, no liberty.

Trump is and should be trying to increase middle class amongst all people here of all races. Since I do think people can be convinced to support their own liberty once they own property. But we can't deal with millions of desperate people all at once.

>leberal roots
Good one

I'm ancap, but still voted trump enthusiastically and consider myself alt right

You don't have to change your own values to vote for someone and Trump was the most libertarian republican outside Rand Paul and maybe Ted Cruz. Just develop your own values and determine who you think is best which imo was clearly Trump because we have to stop the nonwhite invasion.

Lolbertardians get the bullet too.

Probably something similar to insurance companies. You would pay for insurance against foreign invaders. The insurance companies would have incentives to not create violent conflicts, so you wouldn't have warlord corporations. If an insurance company did begin creating violent conflicts, then citizens would stop buying insurance from them. Or citizens who continued to support warlord corporations wouldn't be allowed into peaceful states/communities

get fucked you good lil shabos goy, Libertarianism is an autistic utopian pipe dream that serves the kikes and you know it

>the anarcho-capitalist sits there--defeated, having tried to explain Austrian economics and Lockean theories of property until exhaustion at the hordes of sub 70 IQ communist gibbs-me-dat leeches.
>in the end he dies to the hordes want of food and gibs
come home white man

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>We can still audit the fed

corporate monopolies would form and become standing armies just like a military. they would become incentively to create violent conflict so that they could charge higher rates

and the smaller companies wouldn't be able to compete with the big ones because they wouldn't have as good of "foreign defense" cause they dont have the big corporate money

If we rip up the deal then two things are most likely: Iranian nuclear proliferation, or invasion of Iran by the united states.

I seriously hope they don't try to undermine this even more. Try to get a better deal sure, but ripping up the agreement is the worst thing we could do.

>forgetting about the white menace
>underestimating liberal whites that are half the population
>same race as you
>complete opposite in values

We're a democracy, and the tipping point of productive-citizen vs dependent-citizen has been crossed. There's no going back now, sadly. Current adults should be thankful we got to see the apex of living-standards + freedom before both started declining.

lolbergtarians caused yet another seat to fall to the democrats

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>forgetting about the [tory] menace
>underestimating [tory] whites that are half the population
>same race as you
>complete opposite in values
you're right I give up

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Gtfo Sargoy, and take your paper with you

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while this is definitely something to worry about, to an extent, it's still a problem in some mystical white utopia as well. can't escape, can't fight it, can only avoid, hide and try not to be noticed. all three are much easier when you look like everyone else. anarcho-tyranny really does look like the natural state of individuals in democracy.

and the other half only 0.5% agree with you

so at least 99.5% of the population disagrees with you, goodluck

>I still want a border..
>I still want fair trade deals..
>They still have to go back but other than that I want libertarianism.
But you don't want libertarianism. Not in the way that word is currently used.

like Christians "turning the other cheek", libertarianism will continue lose ground to the ever-increasing authoritative governments/globalists, censorship from left-wing tech giants and invasion of Islamic fundamentalists...

Only after Bitcoin (BCH) is ubiquitous and WWIII can we live in a libertarian/anarchy society

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I have to agree with this. OP, think about it.

Nice out-your-ass statistic. Let's wait 10 years and see whether libertarians or nationalists are closer to accomplishing anything.

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lolbergtarians are weak individuals. They have the boomer virus, that we should just get along and smoke weed. And to OPs comment on "I still want borders", most lolbergtarians would disagree, because they love cheap labor and "freedom".

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>a-at least I was always an INDIVIDUAL and never part of a pesky group, ugh, collectivists...

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Canadian Liberalist

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