Other urls found in this thread:
Western pandering garbage.
Dub is so much better than sub in this anime.
End yourself.
S2 never
>Imagine being this autistic
My wife Panty is so perfect.
Kill yourself, dubcuck.
What a faggot
>Liking a slut
You may not like it but is what peak autism looks like.
Problem, moralfag? Yeah, I love sluts and Panty is my wife. I have no shame in saying that. You can like your crying moeblob doormats.
But the dub fits it way better
I'm really sick of this ribbit meme.
The dub is shit.
>liking blocks
I like the dub for panty and stocking's voices, but for the demon sisters it has to be the sub. Nothing's better than the RRRRRURUS.
>dub is shit
underrated post
>I like hearing Americans in my cartoons because I'm an American too
Why do you feel the need to ruin these threads?
>I am a unique individual who thinks for himself, which is why I use the cool meems
Panty is beautiful.
I strongly agree.
>posts Sup Forums shit on Sup Forums
>likes dubs
>tells others to go to ribbit
I want to be Panty's 1000th fuck
>7 years of Christmas being ruined
I love my degenerate waifu.
Not enough Panty x Stocking doujins.
>having a waifu that already tasted hundred cocks
Degenerate beta
This. it's sad.
There's like one good yuri one. There's some futa ones. But there's less than half a dozen. Which is baffling since they canonically have sex with each other.
There aren't enough in general. Especially Scanty x Kneesocks.
I want to be Panty's default/standard good cock at home.
Pretty sure there is more of those two than Panty x Stocking.
It's still not enough. It will never be enough.
I agree. I have a thing for yuri incest. It's hard enough finding sister x sister, but the rarest is mother x daughter. I had hoped so so hard that Panty and Stocking would have had loads. They literally fuck in the official manga.
We have the same taste.
you are right.
Triggershit is the worst.
Hello destrado, been a while
My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck did PSG not get a sequel? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want PSG to have a sequel and save anime. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought it was hinted as really well???? This is so fucked. I just punched a hole in my wall im so fucking pissed. Are people really this stupid? You know what you deserve this. you deserve a french mecha shitshow. you deserve to all burn to the ground. You allowed trigger to do this, no one spoke up. Now they wont listen to your voices when you spoke up and chose PSG. My hand is fucking bleeding but i dont care, i dont care anymore. fuck all of you. fuck everything. when people say there moving to another board but i actually am. Im leaving this shitty board with shitty trigger bitches. Fuck all of you.
I already have a waifu but Stocking is my side girl
But isn't it so much rewarding to know your waifu has tasted hundreds of cocks, but loves the taste of yours so much she's willing to never taste another one?
Off yourself.
Not enough of Stocking
>and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand.
What the fucking fuck? You're a spoiled little shit. How are you going to waste chicken nuggets like that you piece of shit. Your mom deserves better. Off yourself or get some help, cunt.
this show managed to have a worse ending then PnS, off yourselves
The GOAT anime soundtrack
I can't believe PSGfags are this stupid.
Fuck no