The same situation is now with RUSSIA. UK is lying again.
It they were telling truth they would agreed to supply samples of that nerve gas to RUSSIA and to other International bodies for expert analysis.
UK lied in 2003 about IRAQ and in 2018 UK is repeating the same lies about RUSSIA.

Do you believe UK this time?
I don't. UK is acting like a rabid dog.Again.

Attached: Theresa May.jpg (1024x633, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-4737624,00.html

Well, UK lied also in 1924 about Russia - See Zinoviev letter.

Helped conservative to win by a landslide

but there's nothing to be gained by war with Russia, Iraq made sense for oil

it's almost like they don't want a foreign power freely killing their citizens with chemical weapons or something

I didn't even believe in the Russian shills crap before, but this last week has been pretty illuminating

The thing I don't understand about all this is, if article 5 is invoked against Russia, what will that war look like?

Russia is different from Iraq because they have nuclear weapons and can do some real damage to the world. Obviously this is all just posturing.

It's time to turn our backs on airstrip one.

They're posturing for Syria. Can't wait until they get what's coming to them. An ass-whipping of celestial magnitude.

>Zinoviev letter
Thanks user, very interesting piece of ugly British history.

Zinoviev letter was dirty trick by MI6
The intelligence community was a 'very, very incestuous circle, an elite network'
By Richard Norton-Taylor, published on Thu 4 Feb 1999 03.09 GMT

The Zinoviev letter - one of the greatest British political scandals of this century - was forged by a MI6 agent's source and almost certainly leaked by MI6 or MI5 officers to the Conservative Party,
according to an official report published today.
New light on the scandal which triggered the fall of the first Labour government in 1924 is shed in a study by Gill Bennett, chief historian at the Foreign Office, commissioned by Robin Cook.

Attached: Zinoviev letter-Oct.29th.1924.jpg (594x768, 120K)

Except Russia didn't do it. Russia is UK/US's principle geopolitical rival. How can you not see a motivation to turn NATO on them?

>It they were telling truth they would agreed to supply samples of that nerve gas to RUSSIA

They already have plenty of 'samples' it's their fucking gas.

They've already been given the opportunity to admit that they somehow lost control of it, but they wont

Are you Brits happy with yourselves that your country is run by Hillary Clinton?

Or to maneuver RUSSIA from the UN.

>Except Russia didn't do it.

prove it, they have more motive to do it than the UK does to fake it.


US and Allies have been in Syria for a long time. Nobody really wants to commit to a full scale ground war, even though it would be over fast. Russia is the only thing stopping NATO from rolling over Syria and the rest of the middle east.

>they have more motive to do
list them you doorknob, or shut your mouth you liar.

Attached: British homo police .jpg (1024x768, 296K)

Are you aware that the Russian government and Putin fucking hates your country? That they consider everything that is wrong with their country to be the fault of the West, that they will literally NEVER forgive you for them losing the cold war? That their entire geo political strategy is based on taking things at the expense of the West?

It's not some big misunderstanding where Putin really wants to be best friends but it keeps going wrong. I mean jesus christ to actually be reduced to this shit because of 'muh hillary'

Attached: bigus.jpg (900x900, 101K)

I'm looking forward to watching missiles
rain down on London. Part & parcel of
fucking with Mr. Putin.

>the Iraq war was about oil

Take the redpill faggot.

it will be interesting watching muslim acid attacks in London from now on.LMAO

>list them you doorknob

killing a double agent/traitor

lol checkmate, retardo

So what if he hates my country?
Putin is a greater champion for old western values and he riles up the commies and globalists running my nation to the ground.

He's a truer American than the actual Americans around me.

>you're guilty! Now prove your innocence...
>oh you won't prove your innocence? Well that just proves you're guilty.

Mate that's not how due process works...


>prove they didn't do it, when the only evidence is in the hands of the UK
America never fails to deliver.

No I dont believe them. The whole this is fishier than May's snatch.

>No WMDs
How did Saddam do that TELEVISED massacre at Hallabjah then? Magic fairy dust and sprinkles of glitter?

OK, I don't think we should have gone into Gulf War V2.0 but I'm pissed off with this "no WMDs" meme.


Pro-Russian shill

>Zinoviev letter
>Helped conservative to win by a landslide
>triggered the fall of the first Labour government in 1924
So... it did nothing wrong?

Dont listen to OP goym.... I mean guys. Op is a shill trying divert from the good fight. We must invade Russia for Irea- I mean the west.

Attached: 1518257924659.jpg (782x782, 108K)

UK: your diplomats must leave now , russia .
Rusia : good riddens ! as they watches from a distance as the island nation drowns in multiculturalism . . .

and nothing of value was lost .

Attached: DU1GRrdWsAAwsa-.jpg (1200x825, 79K)

>I'm looking forward to watching missiles rain down on London.

Me too user, fuck london

>lol checkmate, retardo
you must be very young and very stupid and very retarded.
That spy was for few years in Russian prison, so if they wanted him dead he would be dead long time ago.
After the spy exchange with UK he was no treat to Russia anymore.
Please engage your brain next time you post something.

Here is a picture of you and that explains why you are so dumb, retardo

Attached: YOU-fuck face.jpg (786x768, 80K)

What about, Pro-Truth shill ???

The Iraq war was to subdue israel and saudi enemy's. Its was all saudis that flew planes into buildings, not iraqis or Afghans, but it was the later that got destroyed. Oil had NOTHING to do with it. Redpill yourself faggot.

by your own logic how can you be certain they didn't do it if you admit you have no evidence?

congrats on playing yourself

Truth - witness all the booty blasted neocon shills bleating about MUH RUSSIA, SHUT UP VLAD/IVAN and shitting up the board while completely memory holing Telford

Attached: 1521060947268.jpg (1022x843, 161K)

Pro globalist shill.

can't help but notice our dear friend Ivan is hiding his flag

>Do you believe UK this time?

UK has gone full Orwell state.
You won't find any truth there. Only propaganda

Woah.. its almost like international relations / geopolitics and domestic issues are two totally separate conversations

OK OK, fat uneducated burger, but where is the 100% solid proof.
you sack of lying shit.
you have very glorious track record in use of chemical weapons on civilians, including children.
Be fucking proud of your history.

Attached: courtesy of:World's Greaest Democracy::.jpg (2160x768, 1.07M)

you're not fooling anyone - enjoy your shekels

Attached: 19884394_10159058231580512_9219785545982191372_n.jpg (720x281, 19K)

>can't help but notice our dear friend Ivan is hiding his flag
I'm glad that this irritates you. LMAO

Attached: triggggereddd .gif (300x300, 241K)

I assume you mean threat m8 , and yeah if you want to silence someone usually a triple tap to the chest( heart ) is more then fatal enough combine with a good disguise the case can be near unsolvable and easily executable but nuhh ohh lets use an old outdated USSR nerve agent to kill and hope it doesn't trace back to them . . .

LOL,how true

Attached: First-Nobel-peace-prize-winner-to-bomb-another-Nobel-peace-prize-winner.1629450.png (500x582, 277K)

why would THE FSB USE a fucking RUSSIAN GAS to kill a russian TRAITOR in the UK ? it s like leaving your passport on the crime scene . the UK is refusing to give the gas to the OPCW as well , they are hiding something. not to say that this " accident " happened near a military base that studies chemical weapons.


I agree user, way too convenient as usual.

Great time for Trump to say fuck yourselves to NATO.

>let s use a russian gas made to kill an ex spy on foreign land , i m sure nobody will notice

you think the FSB has the iq of 30 or something?

>implying it matters
this is just good. if the UK and the US hate russia then russia is limited in what it can get away with. Ideally everyone would be frens but we know it ain't so.

Attached: muhmuhmuhumuuhmhjshjhjj.jpg (1105x1480, 208K)

Entangling alliances......

Remember the warnings, the founding fathers gave us all the sauce.

>needs solid proof of Telford
>HURR DUUR NUKE RUSSIA NAO because reasons!

The absolute state of meme flag shills

Attached: 1518901180616.jpg (720x599, 46K)

You need to understand that there's not a single British political party that is pro-Russia, they all agree with Theresa May. Funny how they can't seem to find a solution for oligarchs they want to ban from Britain for decade, they can't even start an investigation. I guess money is the master here again. They all swear to international law like some diamond standard, but we all know what international standard and human rights are.
International law = Jewish-American law.
Human rights = genociding white race aka races don't exist.

Attached: 1-5.jpg (1024x576, 80K)

Come on, dont you want to have Iraq war 2.0 for the jews and saudis? This time all of europe can go to war for isreal this time... just like world war 1 and 2.

Attached: 1518258082794.png (900x516, 233K)

Go back to your muslim lover you Sweediish coward.

This is nothing but a distraction from the grooming gang story and Westminster child diddlers.

what the fuck is wrong with you

Attention NATO Allies!
Macron, May & Merkel better have a backup plan.
The American people believe Trump is compromised, so everything on that phone call went straight to Putin for counter-action planning.
Please have MI6, DGSE & BND deal directly with CIA.
Thank you for your attention.

Attached: putin-boobs.jpg (570x425, 40K)


Attached: the rock.jpg (474x276, 20K)

Anyone with an IQ above 80 can tell (((they))) are desperate to go to war with Russia, they couldn't get Ameribros to do it so they're trying to use the UK



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Attached: 1518397161939.png (344x145, 38K)

Same old same old. Working for their masters.
Bunch of fucking puppets, sick freaks hell bent on war to cover all their lies and deceit.

No, were seething but we dont really get a choice,
Weve voted 'Conservatives' into power for the last 4 elections and also for Brexit but we dont really get either.
May almost wants to launch a full scale attack on Russia while at the same time showing no backbone in the Brexit negotiations with the EU.

I think this is possible reason but quite stretched in my opinion.

Because they dont give a shit and want people to basically know its them. It's a warning.

From the state run Russian media:
>""Don't choose England as a next country to live in. Whatever the reasons, whether you're a professional traitor to the motherland or you just hate your country in your spare time, I repeat, no matter, don't move to England. Something is not right there. Maybe it's the climate, but in recent years there have been too many strange incidents with a grave outcome. People get hanged, poisoned, they die in helicopter crashes and fall out of windows in industrial quantities."

They fucking laugh and brag about it. It's only on Sup Forums that anyone tries to pretend there's any chance it wasn't them

I personally think truth is important.
Any action built on a lie, no matter how honourable the intention, is bound to bring about negative results.

They basically want to ban Russian pipe lines, which are much cheaper than any other alternative to give Americans/Saudis/Jews the chance to steal oil/gas one more time, they want to steal it all around Russia and countries under Russian domain. That's the only plan. Their fucked up capitalistic economy isn't working and never will be working, they need to steal more to keep it surviving. Funny thing is they won't cancel nuclear fuel trade with Russia because that makes UK money.

this guy gets it

Russia is more multicultural than the UK you retard.

This whole thing might greatly benefiT RUSSIA, KEK

Putin tries to get oligarchs to send $1 trillion home to Russia as threat of sanctions looms
Since the U.S. and the European Union first imposed penalties the Kremlin has played down their impact, but that may be changing.

(Bloomberg) — President Vladimir Putin is using the threat of additional U.S. sanctions to encourage wealthy Russians to repatriate some of their overseas assets, which exceed $1 trillion USD by one estimate.
Putin told lawmakers late Monday that a new capital amnesty program was needed “given the foreign restrictions, which instead of lessening are now worsening,
” according to a transcript posted on the Kremlin’s website.
This “should stimulate the return of capital to Russia,” the president said, without specifying how long the measure will last.

“People should feel comfortable and secure and it shouldn’t involve additional expenses,” Putin said Tuesday at a Cabinet meeting where he ordered officials to finalize the plan.

Attached: путин1.jpg (1280x710, 108K)

obvious isn't it?

Fentanyl is not a chemical weapon that is 8 times more powerful than VX

And T. MayMay is a lying fucking cunt

got any sauce shill?

We will see you soon comrade

>it's only on Sup Forums that people have enough cognitive ability to actually require proof before jumping to conclusions

That's not something to rub in our faces mate.

To be fair, only America went to war for Israel in WW1.

Attached: Chem attack Fentanyl 2.jpg (1648x1049, 243K)

>let s make the world hate us even more , great idea ivan


UK isn't multicultural at all, UK is interracial. Putin's Russia is only multicultural to the extent Soviets made organization, Putin ain't trying hard to prevent cultures flowing into each other, but at least Russian people were taught to work like that. British, Canadians and Americans always humped all races.

Not completely true, all their different ethnicities consider themselves Russians and only Russians.

If UK was telling the truth they would have released the evidence and had a much harsher response. They don't know who did it, but rather blame Russia.

Hate to say it but you're right we did hump a lot of brown people.

5 different things. Your Anglo education didn't teach you the difference i guess.

or they did it to blame Russia

Let's ask Dr David Kelly

No, enlighten me wtf you're on about.

Well nobody forcing you to be interracial. If Americans wanted they could use money and create white towns. Land of free, right?

the funniest part is they are still both alive. so much for being the most lethal nerve agent ever.

The Brit government concluded years ago that these chemical compounds don’t even exist. So why are the lying?whats the real game here?
I would guess this is an attempt to isolate Russia in preparation for a Ukronazi assault on Donbas. Perfidious Albion is always plotting war.


nationality - country, citizenship = Russian
ethnicity - race & culture on specific land
race - biology and anthropology
Slav - language
culture - tradition and customs

They have an ape mentality, like most ruskies.

Look, I don't give a shit about Putin.
We all know all it takes is one war and Congress will go blue, that's what neocons always do. They campaign on domestic issues then declare war on some countries and hand over country of the country back to Democrats.

There is only one single way congress can go Blue and that's if Trump starts a war, either in Syria, Iran or North Korea without a legitimate and I mean a 100% solid indisputable reason.

Let's remember that RUSSIA was curtail with it's help to get ISRAEL established when Brits were fucking things up for Jews.
ISRAEL should always remember that.

Russia's forgotten role in the creation of Israel.
Without Soviet aid at the critical moment in the late 1940s, it would have been very difficult for the State of Israel to have been born.

Many people have been surprised by the level of cooperation these days between Russia and Israel, two seemingly very different countries.
Yet this relationship is not just based on current parallel needs but on the history of the creation of Israel in which Russia played a major, if often forgotten, role.

Stalin played a vital, if often unappreciated, role in the creation of the Jewish state.
At the United Nations, where the vote on independence was going to be close, he had his Ambassador Andrei Gromyko give an impassioned speech in 1947
on the terrible fate suffered by Jews in the war and their need to have an independent state.
Stalin then organized the Eastern European Communist states to vote for the creation of Israel as a the decisive bloc that provided
the two-thirds majority needed for victory in the UN vote of November 29, 1947.,7340,L-4737624,00.html

Attached: Stalin J..jpg (1080x816, 119K)

Not a Russian shill, but possibly:

>Be a deep state stakeholder
>For political or economical reasons, want to damage relations with Russia.
>Obtain some nasty, but mostly obsolete chemical weapon, quantities of which likely to have been misplaced during fall of soviet union off the black market.
>Poison a known, but benign, person of interest to russia in a huge clusterfuck of collateral damage, all the while leaving "from russia with love" "business card" on the scene.
>Watch the shitstorm unfold.

UK and USA white middle class support this bullshit almost Half century

Soon They get what they deserve

third world shit-hole that any ethnic group can't get the initiative

No one, literally no one in member of society get what they want except merchant

pick one

Israel was purposed by Rothschild and they invented the myth of Jewish race. Soviet Union never believed in Jewish race. It's the Jewish race argument of Zionism that makes idea of Jewish PEOPLE even possible. Zionism, circumcision and Jewish race was banned in Soviet Union. Judaism is nothing but religion, everybody that claims differently is clearly a Zionist.

So who did it exactly? Hydra?

if dubz then (((they))) did it