This is my AOTS. What's yours?

This is my AOTS. What's yours?

Dies Irae

blend s



girls last tour


>Ledouche has trash taste

>Letrash likes edgeshit
Why am I not surprised

This edgefest is why i watched anime.
next in the line is potato apocalypse

One of these or Kino

>No personality
>Everybody claim she´s powerful but never cast one spell in the manga

3Gatsu > Guruguru > Maho no Yome > Girls Last Tour > nu-Kino

What the fuck? Are you me?

This is such a great season.


Imouto sae ireba ii

Is this show as lewd as Eromanga was?

Houseki no Kino by far

You be the judge.

oh boy

Kekkai Sensen is the most edgy show of the season so go for that.

Lelouch, stop being right for god's sake.
AOTS contenders:

3 gatsu, wide potatoes or neet cake. Can't really decide yet.

Yikes, your taste is barrel-tier.

Same as you.

this and inuyashiki probably, houseki no kuni is good too though. havent watched dies irae yet though... might be good

>Kekkai Sensen
>Most edgy show


moeshitters BTFO

That and a few other fanservice scenes are the highpoint of the show. There's nothing else there. You're missing nothing



this is a surprisingly nice AOTS thread.

Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou

Comfiest show this season.

Gintama and Kekkai Sensen.

How exactly is this edge?

Is edge bad? If so, why?

>depicted as a pretty person in a realistic way
>reactions cute AF
>is not a retard
>actual grown up woman, voiced by mamiko noto
instant love.

Isekai Shokudou

JUST because. Don't judge me, shits comfy.

Konohana Kitan

Can't decide between Konohana Kitan, Blend S and Two car. I wasn't expecting this much comfy.

Unironically, this.

That was last season, idiot.

There's a character who kills families and puppies for no reason, which is a pretty extreme depiction of a psychopath. Usually, when I see extreme representations of characters, it makes me think that the writing is simplistic and lacks subtlety.

For example, a rare character death can be an effective way of reminding the audience how much they cared about that particular character, but if you kill off a character per episode, just so you can force your audience to care about them, it's a gimmick and the writer is not really making his characters unique, endearing or likeable.

Pic related. What a waste of a good character.

Is Two Car good, then? I dropped it because I already got my fill of motorcycle club anime with Bakuon. I'm really liking Blend S and Konohana, though.

Inuyashiki is capeshit dressed up to look like something unique.

cute postwar lolis doing cute postwar things in blamelike setting

If you can stomach how they piss on safety, yeah, it's enjoyable so far.

Altair second cour. If that doesn't count then net-juu.

Iriito Niito

Black Clover

Agreed. Her character is a lot easier to relate with than the typical wannabe hero horndog isekai MC. I really lose myself watching this. I hope she cheers up.

Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou is really good too.

there can be only one


Old man is the best and can't wait For Hiro to be disarmed

Do you have to be gay or female to enjoy Mahoutsukai no Yome?

>kekkai sensen
....what? the whole point of the series is a very lighthearted and bit of nonsensical tone, it's practically the opposite of edgy

You're objectively wrong, OP.

-1 (You)

I'm only not watching this because we got fucked over so badly with the season finale last season. I'm going to wait until ALL the episodes are out and then watch it this time.


All that writing and you still made no sense.

It not will happen again. Watch the episodes that already are out, trust me.

They have a child drown in his father's blood, its edgy.

Blend S is the only show this season that is above 7/10. Everything else was shit.

Yome or SSR.

Strange taste.

>kekkai sensen, girls last tour and mahou tsukai no yome aren't above 7/10
You have your (you), now leave.

>oh look everyone's brutally dying left and right, lmao

What didn't you understand?

>likes Blend S
>can't appreciate Konohana Kitan, SSR or Two Car
I'm guessing you're actually just a casual.

>kekkai sensen
Stopped reading, get better taste.

>my AOTS is only mentioned once in this thread
>but by post count per thread it should be one of the more popular shows

I don't get it, I guess people who like the show I like don't care about these kinds of threads.


Just Because?
It's one of my favorites but not the top one.

>talking about AOTS 3-4 episodes in
You're all fools, but I guess we all are for still using Sup Forums.
I'll throw in Whales since it hasn't been mentioned yet.

These threads are awful anyway.

This season of Kekkai Sensen is below average, its only good point is its visuals that aren't that great if you put it in comparison with Girls Last Tour which have so much more. Blend S is fun as hell and very charming which is already above Kekkai Sensen.

No. I don't want to say because most of the people here seem retarded and I don't want them coming in and shitposting in my threads.

>I'll throw in Whales since it hasn't been mentioned yet.
>calls everyone a fool
>watches literal shit probably for pretty art

Potatoes on tour is my AOTS, the atmosphere is great. Yome is ok aswell. This season is really weak though

Ep 1 hooked me but 2 and especially 3 nearly killed my interest.

>apperently nobody else is watching Children of the Whales

It's good you guy, I promise.

Fuck, the wait was so long I forgot where they even left me hanging and never finished it.

If you knew how to read properly, you'd notice that I called myself a fool too. Also re-read and notice how I'm only mentioning Whales because nobody else did. I have no AOTS at the moment because it's too early to decide. Learn reading comprehension, retard-kun.

I can watch a lot of stuff if it has nice visuals and art. But I feel uneasy about it right now.

It was good. Then this happened.

The sign of the trainwreck.

You don't decide what Sup Forums is

Two Car?

Same, best show of the season hands down.


When I finally saw the finale, I'd forgotten most of the side characters' names, and mixed up several of the samefaced main characters. It was a fucking mess.

You wanna bet, fag?

I'm backlogging this to watch at the end of the season. Is it not good? Who is that character? A gay?

the actual and only thing that can be call edge on this thread

Is his character some deviation from the source material or something? Otherwise he just seems like a tropey character that we have to put up with. Also I thought they were all supposed to be emotionless.

Well, keep me posted if the show doesn't redeem itself in later episodes.

I like androgynous gembutts too

They're not androgynous, since they don't reproduce sexually. They just don't have genders.