Does Sup Forums like big girls?

Does Sup Forums like big girls?

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i like thick eyebrows

Yeah the eyebrows look the most appetizing.

Yes and i specifically love Fujiyama san. How does the author keep making such lovable girls

That is just a bonus.


What is a surprise since her previous manga was weird as shit and went fucking nowhere.

>tfw one chapter of Chion translated



What was that one manga with the short guy coaching the team? I forgot the title...


>can find it easily just by searching tags
fuck off


you fuck off.

why are there like 5 big girls in all of animu and mango
not fair


Lurk more.

Enough of this shit, I wouldn't ask the question if I saw it.


>enough of lurk more
Lurk for 2 years before posting.

learn to look shit up, fig

Part 2 of this when?

Fujiyama-san Wa Shichunki
I don't know why Sup Forums is so shitcanned to yell the fuck at everyone who doesn't know what something is.

Holy fuck, was this made by the author herself? The artstyle is on point.

i found all of them by searching. kill yourselves you lazy faggots

No, it's not.
But on the bright side, this dude also made GOAT Amagami doujins.


Then update the rules numbnuts and stop shucking on people.

that was a great manga, comfy and no bullshit drama and unnecessary ecchi shit

How about you lurk before posting like you're supposed to on this website, you cancerous cretin? You learned absolutely nothing by being spoonfed.

It did have a bit of unnecessary ecchi shit however.

Just use 4chanx you massive negro, literally one click and you get the sausce.

I'm not even the one looking, and you do learn shit you mongoloid you learn the title.

that amount wasn't off putting

A small bit of unnecessary anything is okay, until it becomes overbearing.

This was cute as fuck. There need to be more shounen romances with cute couples established early with no 'oh no, it's my fiance from when I was a child' bullshit

Why are there no translations for the followup series with the genki cat-lover nee-san?

>series is now bogged down in boring drama

God dammit.

ffs where is the original page of this. why does he have Inoue Kiyoshirou's artstyle

For you
First results from reverse search.

which reverse image search? and the same image?

Tiny eye, yes.

>Does Sup Forums like big girls?
I like tall girls, busty girls, chubby girls, and even muscular girls.

The bigger the better

I wonder what her big feet smell like haha lol just wondering

>tfw majority of girls irl want a taller man
>tfw no taller than me gf

mah nigga, it's a shame IRL that's horrible.

I love big girls.

Like Kagari Ayaka, who is 6'6 tall and a fire witch.

Wasnt there a manga called something like that? I remember reading it but couldnt find translations at around chapter 35-36 a while ago


Big girls best girls

Found it

model thin women are disgusting. Women with a little meat on them are prime breeding material.

This is the tale of a girl with amazingly thick eyebrows.

Isn't this The praying matis author?
Nigga draws best cakes.

I want to get carried off by Musashi and Seaport

Sup Forums has shit taste

more fats


What makes tall women so appealing

shame about the one with fuuka

With tall girls, you get to say cheesy lines like, "I get to hear your heartbeat easier" or something like that.

Bigto girles fo U, user-san

I know I'm probably going to be lynched for asking, but what is this from?
I did a Google, idbq, and tineye search and I got zilch.

what the hell happened to this

No one picked it up



Hell yes.

love them big in every sense of the word

>it's a shame IRL that's horrible.
Take a load of this pleb. You just need to find a qt that can sport them properly.

This guys art-style is so good even if its very simple


yeah so what?

Fat athletic tall girl would be quite amazing desu. But they're nonexistant in 2D world and even rarer in 3D.

I swear this guy just went and made his own custom fuuka waifu

She can't be Fuuka, she isn't fat.

Thank you.


I dated a girl that was a foot taller than me in college it was great

Once girls get 1ft taller than me they're almost always suffering from extreme manface.

a girl with good thick eyebrows is like finding a man with a good thick beard.

just imagine the size of her shits

>only in animation will she exist


That was terrible and deserved its cancellation.

>my USP is that it's a manga about giant girls fighting!
>now lets make every fight in empty open spaces against white background and have the girls go back to normal between fights!

It turned an interesting idea into a boring as fuck sparring series.

I want to make Oga a mama