Why do adorable characters cut their hair and ruin their character design? Do japs really love short hair that much?
Why do adorable characters cut their hair and ruin their character design? Do japs really love short hair that much?
left probably had all kinds of shit in her hair as well as tangles, knots, split-ends etc. lot of it probably difficult to clean out so when she thought to look presentable instead of working her ass to clean all that shit she choose the easy route and cut the damn thing.
>character grows hair longer and ends up looking worse
>character development always means cutting hair
I'm pretty sure the only way to stop this is to destroy Nisio. He's the barber behind this.
>cuts hair
>every episode from then on is about her trying to "fit into society" and becoming a normalfag
>everything that made her unique and interesting, and beautiful is gone
>trying to "fit in" becomes the theme of the anime and overwrites everything that came before
hair cut episode is usually the kiss of death for a character
Short hair look better.
Name a single example of this.
Pic is literally related
It's a known fact that Japs have Shit Taste.
Big hair is hard to animate
Hair-cutting is associated with a character wanting to change themselves quickly and with some level of permanence, usually associated with some sort of desire to grow up.
A fixation on long hair, whether it's by girls or young guys, usually indicates insecurity and childishness. Particularly in the case of insecure boys fixating on it as it's a big visual indicator of a girl being different from them and other guys, in cultures where long-haired guys are normal or common it really doesn't come up at all. Usually it's something people grow out of though, there's a reason most older women don't have hair past their shoulders, and why most grown men don't care.
such a shame
Could you leave the 3DPD at the door? Thanks.
>gets answer to OP's question
>has an autistic outburst because he doesn't like the answer
Insecure boy detected.
>everything that made her unique and interesting, and beautiful is gone
>Some inches of hair
Since when humanity has become this superfluous? What have we become?
Please explain how girls preferring long hair is being insecure and childish.
My heart stopped for a second when I notice what will happening at the end of the preview.
This trop infuriates me.
Why the woman needs so much to cut their hair?
Why mature women need so much to have short hair?
At least she eventually redeems herself slightly
>Why mature women need so much to have short hair?
Because long hair only looks good when it's healthy. It's easy to keep it that way when you're young. The older you get, the more difficult it is to keep hair healthy.
long hair is hard to animate
Maybe that's why all the Reis have colored helmets.
Ask that fucking tool Isin. As soon as I start loving his female characters, he then proceeds to cut their hair.
Long hair takes money, time and effort to maintain in order to look any good, and as people age then it generally starts to look worse. As said before, there's a reason most women end up cutting it to shoulder-length or shorter.
I don't think you need to be so offended, it's simply a trait associated with youth that's nearly always grown out of in time. It doesn't mean that every anime girl (or every RL girl) with hair past her shoulder is a mess of emotions and self-loathing.
It's the same feeling when someone who doesn't usually wear glasses puts a pair on.
Yeah, this is one of the gayest and most biased things I've ever read. You're just a shorthairfag desperate to justify your preference, and are the type to push it on everyone else.
>having such shit taste that you like long hair
Morimori cut her hair?
Next episode
Cutting hair is also the sign that a Japanese woman she been through a recent breakup.
so episode 5?
also, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. i thought she was best girl, same as the other user said. Girl from gamers was best girl af and then they ruin her messy hair
Wrong. I love whenever hair it gets cut. it goes from weird looking creatures to beautiful waifus.
exhibit 1: before
It's explaining the cultural significance of a haircut. It doesn't warrant getting so tremendously angry.
I nearly always prefer long hair in animation because of all the cool things that can be done with it, like it blowing in the wind, sweeping around to enhance a characters movement etc. You don't need to tell people what they like or what they don't like.
>'Fixation with long hair can be associated with insecurity-'
I think you're proving his point
Fuck off.
To this absolute semen demon.
That's exactly what those posts were doing though, in a very passive-aggressive "matter-of-fact" way.
I'm not the one cutting the hair, so no. Also he's the one proving my point by calling me "tremendously angry" for calling him out on it.
shes still cute
If you think that the posts in question were hurtful and offensive then you need to toughen up.
I agree with you in this case but couldn't you have picked a better picture? She looks terrible there, it's made with the fucking line-tool.
You're right about her looking better though, I think it's losing the fivehead that did it.
>A fixation on long hair, whether it's by girls or young guys, usually indicates insecurity and childishness.
Kawakami must have the mind of a 5 year old then. He's the anti-Isio.
>Long hair takes money, time and effort to maintain in order to look any good
Yeah, but that applies to a lot of things (skin, figure, etc.). I still don't see how that makes a girl insecure or childish for deciding to keep maintaining long hair.
Let's all be honest, Chiaki looked way better with short hair.
Not really, while skin inevitably ages and gets wrinkly eventually it doesn't have the same sudden change that hair does, unless you spend all day in the sun. And unlike hair, you can't really cut skin short to make it look neater and more professional.
Again - it's simply a trait associated with youth that is generally grown out of, and showing the process is a common trope to indicate a character developing or wanting to develop. It doesn't mean that a long-haired character who's content with her hair and takes care of it and never cuts it during the series is an emotional mess.
>A fixation on long hair, whether it's by girls or young guys, usually indicates insecurity and childishness
Long hair is elegant and beautiful. Short hair is for repressed gays and lesbians
That's because he's pulling this out of his ass. If anything, short hair tends to be associated with children when it comes to girls. Either that or shit like pigtails.
Here's your (You).
I used to think she was prettier before, but I definitely liked her character more after. She was mild without being bland and tough without being a pushy cunt.
Long hair indicates classy, elegant and beautiful in nipland, you uncultured pleb
I'm still mad her hair was cut.
Then why is Japan so obsessed with le important haircut trope?
Because it's an easy way to show a change has taken place. It's the same reason a man will grow a beard.
Because it's more impacto when you do it.
She could dye her hair or do it in a different style. Or they could do a fitness montage. Hell, there are tons of other options.
For some reason Japan thinks that it almost always has to be a bob cut specifically. Honestly I always thought it was just them being lazy, not just due to the general idea but due to the hair usually just being the long hair chopped off at the ends.
>do japs love short hair that much?
I don't want to start anything but you know that girl with short hair from that series people havent shut up about for the last 20 years, who's arguably the most popular character of all time, right?
>t. asuka fag
To be fair, I fucking love bob cuts. Just as long as that's their original hairstyle.
>Long hair takes money, time and effort to maintain
It takes 1-2 extra squeezes out of the shampoo bottle. Long hair styles itself with gravity so you only need to brush ever few days to remove tangles. Old women wear their hair short because it was a particular style of their generation.
No, that was the real thing.
Bob cuts can look good, but when it's a result of CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT then it almost never looks better than the previous hair. But yeah I think it's more an issue of their starting out with different hair that bothers people.
Makes me try to remember how One Piece fans reacted to timeskip Nami and Robin.
That's literally what the post that triggered people says.
You sound like you're either ignorant or a shampoo-salesman. Hair starts to grow weaker and split after puberty. Excess washing and products will temporarily slow the process, but end up having the opposite effect - washing out all the natural oils will start to dry and stress it, which is why you end up with 30+ year-old women with hair that often looks sort of scrappy and dull even if it's perfectly soft and clean.
No, the part that triggered people was his inane rant about long hair being immature.
I thought he was bullshitting with the comment about insecurity but I think he might be onto something now, skin of gossamer here
It indicates that in plenty of places but Japan is the one that has the big trope about girls cutting their hair to grow up which is what this thread is about, retard
People don't seem to mind short hair if a character starts out with it, it's the change that seems to distress people so much
>>everything that made her unique and interesting, and beautiful is gone
If that's what hair is to you, you have no soul.
You're making a strawman, and you know it.
The post in question says that a -fixation- on it can be associated with insecurity, and that getting rid of it (even if there's no previous fixation) is a sign that development and new paths are meant to be taking place.
The same thing could be said about a schoolgirl uniform - it's something that looks cute, is animated well, can be an iconic part of a character etc, but ultimately it's something meant to be grown out of, and a character ceasing to wear it would be pretty symbolic. If a character cutting their hair is presented as the same thing then it obviously represents the same thing - it doesn't mean that the character was a dumb child before them, though, or any other hysterical conclusion. It also doesn't mean that a character who doesn't cut their hair or grows their hair longer is meant to be considered stagnant or regressing, either.
No-one called anyone immature here, people just freaked out and were determined to take offense.
I get you like long hair, but 'ruin their character design'? Please, the level of autism in this thread is too much.
You sound like those spergs that burn books and break BDs when a character ends up not being a virgin.
It sounds to me like he just watched one crappy anime with this premise and is assuming it's a general thing desu
I wish the 'watch at least 200 anime before posting' meme wasn't just a meme now, there are so many people here who obviously haven't seen many shows but confidently give their opinions on anime in general
Short hair looks better 90%+ of the time.
If you disagree then it's a problem of you having bad taste.
Would you rather watch an anime where all the girls start with long hair, but they cut it short. Or vice versa?
The former, make it an army-based thing and it'd make sense and be a cool premise.
Anime where all girls start with short hair and then there's a timeskip where they grow it out long.
Nisio is hit and miss. It doesn't look good if it just looks like the girl hacked her hair off.