
What's good about this

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The animation, at times

Can you hear it?


>3 episode rule
I really tried guys.
I really did.

>mfw Black Clover will never make it big because everyone dropped in the first episode

Even with all the cliches it could at least have a fandom if the MC wasn't the ultimate autistic screecher

Oh, hi Boruto

The dub VA sounds decent. Well we haven't heard him scream yet...

>mfw Black Clover will never make it big because everyone dropped in the first episode
Hey now, that's not true. I dropped it after the 2nd one.

How's that? Any scene longer than 10 seconds should have him scream

>tfw people will never make this meme a reality because it's really not that bad and the VA is iconic and actually probably the best part of the entire show
Are these threads just made by manga-only plebs that can't accept that they've lost?

the japs on 2ch said anything about his atrocious voice acting or do they still have the shittiest taste in the world?

every fucking time I see his face I hear that scream


the manga seems better.

previews longest full scene was 4 seconds.


only because the manga has no sound

I unironically enjoy the current tournament arc in the manga.


And because it doesn't have more than 2 episodes of filler

>people are unironically hating SISTAAAAAA
You faggot's don't understand what a bad voice actor actually is. A bad voice actor has no emotion or anything, If you want your "xd so cool" voice actors theres already yuno, the captains etc. Asta's voice actually fits how Asta acts, Loud mouth retard with a good heart who doesn't know how to give up.

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Black Clover

>thread not named
>filename doesn't have multiple A's
literally can't find it by searcher

You scrub.

spoiler pic related is Asta's real father

I know it's really fucking edgy, but I do love how the color scheme works with Asta's Grimoire.

I mean sure the show is terrible, but it's a shonen, so that's just a given.

Even most of the "good" shonen is fucking terrible.

I really could like this if it wasn't for the VA.

Shonen is just there for entertainment and vast places for adventure.

Black Clover summarized in one ss

the fansub could at least write his dialogue in upper case

yo hol up wait a minute
astas a normal human with no magic right??? how the fuck is he moving like a superhuman? I get it he was training his body but that doesn't mean you can do fucking flash step with a giant sword, or shatter the ground because you kicked off it so hard.



We're not saying he's bad, we're saying he's annoying

>Loud mouth retard with a good heart who doesn't know how to give up

The main reason why the battle shounen genre has a bad reputation is because of the excess of MC's like this.

It's not the VA we're mocking. I pity his vocal cords & he definitely fits. We mock stuff like the direction & the writing & character himself for his non-stop screaming.

I am unironically enjoying BC manga more than BNHA. It's either BC got better or BNHA just got worse with its constant flashbacks.

BC is one of the few cases I've ever saw where being faithful to the source material is a bad thing


>i've ever seen




Generally in settings that have magic at all it's fair to assume that it permeates everything, not just the direct "wizardy" area of doing things.

For example, in Dungeons and Dragons if you're playing as a Rogue, you're not just some normal guy who is good at sneaking. You are full-blown supernaturally dexterous and could probably stand on top of a staff balanced vertically without falling. If you're a fighter, you're not just some normie who knows how to use a sword. Your endgame is being fucking Hercules.

the english one is way better

True. Asta sucks and is annoying even in the manga