Can't stand this shit, how do people taking him seriously ? He actually said Hitler was Liberal socialist (leftist).
Can't stand this shit, how do people taking him seriously ? He actually said Hitler was Liberal socialist (leftist)
Other urls found in this thread:
How was Hitler not a socialist
Hitler was a socialist you idiot. right or left doesn't matter at that point when your in favor of government nationalizing private industry. All socialists, right or left, should be shot.
Pretty sure Uncle Adolf was a socialist.
The Nazi Party undeniably had certain Marxist/Socialist values in its early years and Hitler was Keynesian, but calling him a "leftist" and "liberal socialist" is fucking insane. Radical nationalism, traditionalism, promotion of family and culture, conservative values as well as full private property laws and promotion/cooperation with German corporations/business world certainly makes him "Right Wing." Typical boomer conservatism who think right wing=muh (((free markets)))
Americans can't tell socialism apart from communism. When you state the previous fact, they recoil and meme you with
>Real socialism has never been tried, right? Kek
If you can't tell them apart, you should get shot on the spot.
R/the_donald personified and basically a boomer in a millenial's body
National socialism is explicitly anti-Marxist, and defines socialism as promoting social cohesion while forcing business and financial interests to put the race/nation first. Their definition was a deliberate ploy to hijack the positive image and energy that socialism had on the continent at the time. The distinction only seems small because they and every pre-Marxist form of socialism lost and Marxist socialism is all that anyone knows.
Basic bitch normie conservatism.
National Socialism isn't Marxist, which he's trying to imply in his videos. Liberalism and open borders/capitalism go hand-in-hand, which he struggles to realise.
Here's the video for clarity
Because this is a shitty retarded shill thread and the dumbass nigger kike shills actually think the Nazis were right wing lunatics even though they were glorious National Socialists who wanted a pure state that wasn't as far left as the dirty Jew Commies and one that wasn't the exploited bullshit that Capitalism is.
>Hitler was Liberal socialist (leftist).
liberal, no. socialist, yes. leftist, yes.
I think a good deal of it also has to be attributed to a modern perspective.
>traditionalism, promotion of family and culture, conservative values
I dont really feel like these were regarded as uncommon or particularly radical beliefs. especially within the early 20th century. Fuck, FDR is the closest thing America has ever had to socialism. Was ethnic nationalism regarded as a far right ideology within the 1930s as compared to American civic nationalism of the same period?
Some people don't know better.
True, the reason I said "Marxist" is because people automatically assume socialism=Marxism. I doubt most even know there's a difference
I subbed to crtv cause I liked Gavs old show and his humor but I'm cancelling my sub tomorrow because...
He actually said this today... "Is George Soros Jewish? mm Not really, he's an atheist"
Saying George Soros isn't jewish is where I draw the line
Im gonna upload the clip to YouTube later
On top on being not funny at all and, being a filthy anglo-canadian with the stereotypical ''I'm better than thou'' mentality
You are thinking Right/Left in eurocentric terms. American Right/Left puts all socialists on the left as well as big government -ists. Where as the American conservative is conserving the American constitution. Which is in eurocentric terms, classical liberalism. American "liberals" are basically socialists who hijack pretty terms and self-aggrandizing titles while calling everyone else "literally Hitler".
He was also a "capitalist". If you look at his speeches he refers to "capitalist" and "internationalist" and he it's pretty clear he is opposed to globalism but not capitalism. National Socialist Germany was mostly National Capitalism, with the exception of a few policies such as free money for having x amount of children. Ironically it's policies like this that are needed to preserve the White race, but White Americans will oppose it because it's socialism. Plus niggers will benefit from it like they always do with gibs. Ive also noticed it's common for kikes to claim he was a socialist (inferring he isn't a capitalist) to manipulate Americans whom rightfully oppose a specific type of Socialism, just not the type that is National Socialism.
>liberal, no. socialist, yes. leftist, yes.
it still amazes me how like half of Africa speaks french because for like 50 years the frogs chimped the fuck out
Just gonna put this here, if you want to know how NatSoc Germany ran from an economic standpoint read these two books:
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy
Hitler's Revolution: Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs
>right wing """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""comedians"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Fuck off with that flag you retarded nigger, Hitler and the Nazis were incredibly conflicted on the rights of private property and that's the only reason shills like your nigger ass even try to say he was pro-capitalist and right wing. In the end they did seize the means of production but they also tried to compensate people for it. They didn't want private ownership to rule their country but they also wanted people to still have it without being punished for it. Instead of being a turn shill why don't you go look up more of their quotes and policies regarding capitalism.
kek, I forgot about this
He's a 'democrats are the real racists' type.
He intentionally misinterpreted scientific journals regarding the melting of ice caps in order to enforce the "global warming is just a liberal lie" meme. Whether its true or not, he's a hack and is consistently intellectually dishonest.
The most worthwhile thing he's ever done are the Change My Mind series, and even then its all easy pickings when youre asking college students to explain things they don't understand and seem superior while proving them wrong about things you've actually researched.
There is no "national capitalism". That would be called "crony capitalism". Which isn't capitalism at all.
yeah nationalist socialists are totally right wing.Just like nationalist commies are right wing.
The soviet union was as far right as they come.
He was an authoritarian centrist. That's what he is on the political chart.
>Marxist/Socialist values
Lol no. It was very much created in opposition to that. You just think that big gov = marxism/socialism.
When you remove your retarded flag and replace it with the flag of Israel. At least Germany and Hitler had the balls to stand up to the Jews, unlike those piss weak Americans.
ANNOYING! All of his videos are titled like...
My thoughts exactly
Is this map meant to be a joke?
Shut up you dumb nigger, first you try and say the Nazis were pro-Jew Capitalism and now you're saying they stood up to them? Which is it huh faggot kike? If you're going to shill and muttpost why don't you actually try instead of looking like an absolute retard. Do you tardos get a comp in your pay when you do bad or do they actually encourage you guys to look like shit for whatever reason?
Except he actually supported property rights.
Nice try schlomo.
Hahahah yeah, because the Jews were a real threat and not some mysterious boogiemen to keep retards goosestepping to his tune.
Even if the Nazis won, eventually conquering the world and 100% exterminating the Jews the Nazi empire would claim Jews are the source of all their problems, or invent another mythical entity.
Just like the dirty fucking commies and the bourgeois.
Only morons follow shit tier propaganda.
He's normally crings AF, but the video he just did that got him b& was an intern at some sxsw tranny meeting calling people faggots, saying he identified as a computer, and telling them he likes things shoved up his ass, until they kicked him out.
Worth watching.
Lurk more faggot leaf.
>He intentionally misinterpreted scientific journals regarding the melting of ice caps in order to enforce the "global warming is just a liberal lie" meme.
Except global warming fear mongering is literally the biggest """"scientific"""" fraud that has ever been perpetrated, These faggots have no shame at all.
>Seizes property if someone claims you are a jew or communist
>Supported property rights
How, I need source for a claim like this
At least he finally came out of the closet, so there's at least a litttttle respect for that.
hitler was the leader of the communist party of kansas and he started world war 1, this guys is proof
Compared to Steven "grind the Jews into chowder" Crowder, Hitler was a left-wing socialist. Crowder has openly stated that the Holocaust was just a warm-up and that Zyklon B was for pussies because it doesn't hurt enough. Apparently real Aryans kill Jews with radiation poisoning. Crowder is a fucking maniac and we can't listen to anything he says.
>snow will become a thing of the past in GB.
I honestly don't care enough at this point.
hitler is socialist, socialists are democrats, democrats support LGBT, meaning HITLER IS GAY
yes, it makes fun of the dumb leftists saying was trying to take over the world although he had no such plans and the third reich at the time was relatively small compared to other imperial nation's land.
So why did you post a map of the German Empire + Austria and not the actual borders you fucking moron?
That is because Hitler was a National Socialist, calling him a liberal because "liberals" hold the same beliefs as him but on the opposite spectrum. Hitler is a leftist, in the sense that he is a socialist. He is still a nationalist.
Fascism is the redistribution of wealth based upon nationality or ethnicity, an idea coined by Giovanni Gentile which the NSDAP soon took up.
Hitler in his book Mein Kampf speaks of the economic distress of the German people after the Great War, and acclaims how the Jews (white people) are to blame for the German's (minorities') poverty and they should be punished (BLM and minority supremacist ideology).
Hitler enacted several socialist policies on businesses like environmental regulation, anti-trust laws, and consumer safety and worker safety regulations.
In-short, YES Hitler was on the Left, but was very high up due to his Nationalist and Authoritarian views. He was never on the Right as he despised Capitalism and Laissez Faire. Steven Crowder points out that modern-day Socialists have the same ideas of Hitler in the sense of Identity-Politics being a key factor in your social class.
Ever heard their anthem? These people don't fuck around
That wasn't him that posted it that was me you dumb stupid newfag shill retard.
You're just mad because he's good looking and popular. STFU
He hated trade unions and independent workers' organizations.
He also lied about being attacked by a union member, then got BTFO when police looked into it.
It's hyperbole.
When they want to take from me without my consent, there's no difference.
In 50 years most French speakers will probably be African.
Left, right, center, socialist, capitalist... the most important part of all is that any ideology is based on Nationalism. This is Quebec in a nutshell. Every political party are rooted in Nationalism, the preserving of the culture and language.
>Americans can't tell socialism apart from communism
socialism is just communism lite and the only thing free either of you faggots deserve is a helicopter ride out into open ocean
Q predicted this
>national socialist
But he hates Quebec and Quebec nationalism. He shits on Quebec all the time.
What's up with the sudden Steven Crowder hate? Could it be that OP was triggered by his SXSW stunt? His videos were taken down within hours of them posting.
haha into feelings it goes :D get fucked literal commie
He shits on socialism, so yeah. His mom is Quebecoise. He's a federalist, he's Canadian larping as american... complicated cookie.
>I have never studied national socialism, only listened to one side and made up my mind because I am an 80 iq retard
I hate the fucking gay music he has in his videos. It sounds like those Disney remixes that were popular a couple years ago.
Hitler was a left leaning socialist though user. Hitler wanted to do away with the norms of Germany and turn it into his safe place. Just because he didn't like gays means nothing; not even the Soviets liked gays.
As for the socialist part, it isn't like he called himself one like 500 times.
Waste of fuel.
Toss them into a woodchipper and make fertilizer.
No its that he's a Zionist idiot go the fuck back to T_D if you don't fucking understand that
wtf i love jews now
I never said I was communist, I just said the guy is retarded
The only difference between the two is communism stays in power by military/police force and socialism by the vote.
How they operate the government and the laws they pass are both the same
He was, you retard.
Read Mien Kampf.
He's supported by his jewish network.You need only to look at whom he chose to get affiliated with and see the response on the jewish problem to understand where he stands. You get that you knows how jews convinced people he was okay.
Also he uses the jewish lie
>I'm just a Canadian
Used like other jewish influencers like seth rogen. And he also lie about Canada at the same time, pretending there is no free speech there when you only have to google Canadian constitution to see it does.
He was a guild socialist. However, Nazism moved towards corporatism.
Steven "Pull The Trigger On Every Nigger" Crowder
Just for people with low power levels
He is pure cringe.
>there is no free speech there
They actually struck that "if it's the truth" loophole down recently. There really isn't any now.
Pro tip: Hitler was a liberal Socialist. Liberalism in Germany and liberalism in the states are not exactly the same.
The democrat party copied hitler's platform. Don't be an idiot. Hating jews doesn't make you right wing contrary to what the marxists want you to believe. Anyways, left and right is meaningless, it's only useful as a divide between two democratic groups of voters, he was a socialist and that's not disputable.
The mouth breathing larpers hate anyone other right wing people being more popular than them. They believe if they character assassinate everyone who's not a nazi then all of a sudden people will start agreeing with them. I know, it's a retarded plan, but they wouldn't be nazis if they were smart.