Anderson Crypto-Kike Cooper's show got cut. Chris "That sucks" Cuomo slated to replace
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God I hate all these fucking people.
Implying that peter puffing faggot isn’t anti trump enough as it is?
GEE. I fucking wonder what the magic solution could be....Maybe telling the truth could work? Nah! Fuck that!
I always get the impression from him that he just wants to report news but is told not to.
cnn are a bunch of cunts and faggots. CUNTS AND FAGGOTS
Nah I get the exact opposite from him. He's a fucking Vanderbilt.
So Cooper is settling a lawsuit about the young men that he had sex with? Anderson Cooper is a kike faggot (literally)
Gov Cuomo's bro gets ahead, what's next, an Amy Schumer show on MSNBC?
>fuck the rich 1%
Also liberals:
>I believe everything Cooper and Cuomo tell me
But it really does not matter how the rats on the sinking ship actually manage to drown....
Democrats have no support anymore beyond nominal numbers. The media gives off the illusion of widespread resistance and support but it just isn't true. I think here not too far off into the future we're gonna find out that the previous however many special elections that have taken place had widespread tampering that benefitted the dems.
I don’t s see Bordain in there. Salty cunt that he is
They cut him because he's going to run for office with the rest of his glow in the dark nigger kin
I'm confused why nigger isn't the part of the picture that's shooped
Maybe he's about to get arrested.
Maybe......I would hope that Cuomo would be arrested too though. The article says that Cooper just moved to an hour earlier.
>t-the democrats are l-losing support y-you guys
No. The article says his 2 hour show was cut to 1 hour.
Oh, okay.
No for real. Why's he write nigger on a piece of paper and show the tv? That's some 4chin level autism
Dude, CNN LOVES saying nigger.
Isn't he the only CNN talking head that gets ratings in the top 20?
maybe but hes also a white male goy. even if he is a blue super rich vanderbilt and a homo,he is obviously going to go before a NoC or one of the chosen
That's his CIA training. I used to get that from Jake Tapper until I realized all the contact he had with Democrats in WikiLeaks.
Tapper is a kike and naturally a pedophile
Christ it never ends with these people.
Yeah fuckin rite. Cuomo to replace Cooper. . . as if that will correct the dumpster fire that is ZOG media ratings.
Cuomo turned me off GMA in 2012, I fucking hope he gets his own show . . . We need more thinly veiled elitest bugmen to subtly redpill normies with their blatant anti-americanism and political correctness.
why'd they cut their cia connection.
They don't care about the money or ratings. That's the biggest significance to all of this. They care more about spreading disinfo and keeping a narrow narrative across the entire media spectrum even if that means losing millions and millions
yes that's it, don't stop being subversive kike fake news whatever you do
who is the guy on the far right standing up?
Jeff Zucker. The Khazarian Mafia head of CNN.
what the FUCK
Pizzagate is debunked Goy. Don't pay attention to it.
>They care more about spreading disinfo and keeping a narrow narrative across the entire media spectrum even if that means losing millions and millions
propaganda isn't about money, it's about narrative control
Is it teue that CNN pay airports to show their channel?
according to this evil russian propaganda that is the case
people still watch CNN or give a shit what they do?
The cracks are starting to show.
is he going to cry to his mom?
lmao he cuts scene
I wish I could see what he said afterwards. Lemon was pissed. Acts like a bitch live, but to get in that position you have to be an egotistical asshole. Bet dude got a lecture about uttering "nigger"
Lemon is a cuck for not speaking his mind live