Why is white nationalism only appealing to the socially awkward, poorly educated, lower classes? Often young kids at that
Why isn't it ever something embraced by the intellectual, successful, powerful, and beautiful?
Why is white nationalism only appealing to the socially awkward, poorly educated, lower classes? Often young kids at that
Why isn't it ever something embraced by the intellectual, successful, powerful, and beautiful?
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it is, just the losers are the only ones who can express it irl; they have nothing to lose
Rural and suburban
Because reddit.
>oy vey kike
Why are shills always incompetent at their jobs?
>Why isn't it ever something embraced by the intellectual, successful, powerful, and beautiful?
It is, you just don't know it.
I stopped being a white nationalist after I got laid.
It always starts out with the lower end whites because they essentially have almost nothing to loose
>sex controls who i am
that's pretty low IQ m8
>appealing to the socially awkward, poorly educated, lower classes? Often young kids at that
Thats communism you are on the wrong board kiddo. Also get a job retard.
Normalfags are too busy socializing and working, and don't have time to become redpilled.
so you got aids?
>when op is a faggot
>Why isn't it ever something embraced by the intellectual, successful, powerful, and beautiful?
Kikes and race traitors are ugly on the inside.
Vengeance grows deep within the outcasts, and vengeance is the birth of Fascism.
This. I used to be a white nationalist. After I got an incjetion that raised my IQ of 70 to 160 and realized the truht about everything, I stopped being a white nationalist. Now I have a family with my black wife and her son, a job at Starbucks and I'm an emasculated third wave intersectional feminist, a bleeding heart communist, an antifaschist, anti-white nationalist, anti-white social justice warrior, an LGBTQAAP+-activist and a body positivity activist seeking to destroy this oppressive white society.
I got laid after I became a white nationalist
>Why isn't it ever something embraced by the intellectual, successful, powerful, and beautiful?
I. I have a job
II. It would be embarrassing to align myself with a movement filled with basement dwellers
III. At some point the autists will be purged just like the SA
As someone said before it's the "nothing to lose". However it's more about cowardice. People have been cowed into keeping their mouth shut about anything that doesn't flow with the kike brainwashing for so long that they feel they could actually lose things when they're losing a infinitely more important part of being human: free expression and belief in who you are.
I wouldn't advise getting a swastika tattooed on your skull like some morons, but this truly is a generation of timid sheep when we need some fucking wolves.
because i found out i was 1% black
sucking bubba's dick doesn't count as getting laid
And for some crazy reason I had to try six times posting this because it kept saying I was banned for some shit in /his/ and posting anime shit in Sup Forums. I'm going to find the shit stain that lives around me who posts on Sup Forums and annihilate him as I've never used either of those boards and can't stand anime.
Its the same thing with black nationalism. I think the lower donominators are more easily swayed by extremism on either side.
Why do progressives hate fags so much?
Because it is career suicide for a pragmatic man. They may agree with us on the facts,but would immediately be socially ostracized.
Self-loathing and progressiveness go hand and hand.
A smart man would know expressing such thoughts out in the open is a social and career death sentence.
socially awkward nobodies have nothing to lose so they use nationalism as a means to get cheap and quick attention
You can believe and ascribe to something without being a autistic moron who screams at anyone that remotely acknowledges you exist.
Though I guess where I live is somewhat of an anomaly as it's non rural and still 80% white and blue collar.
Because we autists have a super power. Our superpower is to be affected more by our internal states than social cues or what people think
Probably because it's fucking retarded to hate people based on arbitrary shit like skin colour.
I'll never understand why exclusionism is always sought instead of enlightenment. Is it because it's the easy, full retard, way to go?
Sjws on one side trying to exclude SWM from everything and sjws trying to exclude everyone else on the other side.
>I got laid after I became a white nationalist
Did you really? The guys that recruited me told me I would finally get laid if I became WN, but hasn't happened yet :(. Sometimes I wonder if it ever will.
Because the rich are with the jews.shekels .
Can't believe after 30+ replies no one gave the real reason yet:
Ethno-nationalists/racists just have nothing else to be proud off, no other qualities than their supposed right skin colour
Here's the video: youtu.be
Successful, beautiful, etc. people have better things to be proud off
You guys are dumb. Only faggots are this into it. Normal White Nationalists are slight racist but still listen to rap and stuff. Example
>most of us got here because of our darker sense of humor
>facisim appeals to us
>being politically correct is cancer
>So we stay here on our board
> we are the backbone of the right and meme internet
>we are many
>we are Sup Forums the politically incorrect board of Sup Forums
>and there is nothing you can do to stop us
Becuase their wh*te
>le anonymoose
Seriously I'm black and I think that facsism is great
Why is this low info bait on here? Please don’t reply, rhetorical.
Greg Johnson.
>white nationalism
It's all the same type of people, just a matter of who gets to them first
Nice flag
>I fug oga booga
want a cookie chad
Why have leftists become classist and at odds with the outcasts and weirdos? Shaming based on social ability and class background is some elitist bullshit. Intellectuals are bankrupt in every single way these days. Frankly intellectuals need to be put in their place. Intellectuals and their true abilities will always be valued and admired, but this blind adoration of so-called scholars and intellectual elites is disgusting
excellent thread op, literally never heard this before! you make an excellent point. have my upvote!
That guy will be apprenticing as an electrician in a few years and do more for the world than 10 liberals working for the state.
It's an extremist ideology, which by nature only appeals to the disenfranchised and the dispossessed. Read up on the lives of Hitler, Goebbels et al. If they lived today I guarantee you they'd have posted on Sup Forums.
People who are successful under the current system will logically support the current system.
because they have nothing to lose so they can be pubic about it, basically
believe me there are plenty of employed well adjusted people out there who keep their mouth shut for the sake of not ruining their own lives
I wasn't always socially awkward it grew on me as I stopped drinking smoking and doing drugs. The poorly educated meme should be obvious and lower classes as anyone in upper middle or upper class don't give a shot about anything. They have the means to get up and go when shit goes south. Mow as far as the intellectuals have you seen what happens to even some podcater with 15k subscribers? They get chased out of polite society and completely shut out of the financial system. You're extremely misinformed or arguing in bad faith. I'll go with the latter as you make this thread or similar all night every night.
There is a huge difference between keeping your mouth shut and "not ruining your life" and being an autistic dipshit saluting every white person who comes along with HH! (Hulk Hogan brother)
Your flag is a prime example. Do we hate every single black person who exists because we fly it? Not even remotely. Are we inviting Jamal and da cru to come over for Sunday dinner ? Fuck no.
Once again one must be realistic. I have plenty of black friends who I'd fight along side when the current system collapses. But I don't share culture with them bud and we both appreciate and respect the very known unseen line.
It is we just keep it a secret...don't fall for the liberal meme