Holy shit, don't let the shills slide this.
The whole video is also pretty eye opening on how the UK government has been attempting to silence Tommy for years, including purposefully putting him in situations where they know he'll be killed.
UK Government Approached Tommy Robinson to Ask Him to Become Controlled Opposition
Other urls found in this thread:
He's already israeli controlled opposition.
Proof or it didn’t happen
just watched this interview earlier, it makes me proud to share their queen
The UK Government compromised Tommy a long time ago. It's an interesting damage control tactic tho... tell people he was asked to be controlled op but claim he turned them down. Interesting because it's so desperate.
You realise you're just hurting the movement by calling everyone who doesn't proclaim "gas da joos 1488 xd" a controlled shill right?
Do you honestly think that someone who goes out and publicly exposes how utterly corrupt the UK government is is controlled? If (((they))) want to strip away free speech and create a police state then why would they want anyone waking people up to what they're doing?
He's a shill
Can you use your mutt brain for once and respond to my post instead of just self sabotaging?
can you even pretend to not be JIDF? It's like you guys can't help yourselves but to expose how Jewish you are with every post you make.
Israel is cancer. Jews are cancer. You are cancer.
>you used the mutt meme so you're obviously a JIDF shill!!!
>I love a good UK hate thread though, bin that knife ahmed har har
Also you're still completely ignoring my previous post, shill
The very same shills do the same to Lauren Southern despite fact that she makes videos about white genocide in South Africa.
The absolute state of the JIDF
It was a pretty good interview! I like his speculation on the UK government's involvement in Islamic terror attacks.
It's fucking retarded because even if these people don't fully align with the views of Sup Forums, discrediting and trying to turn people away from them isn't in any way tactical.
Just because these people don't (publicly) knowledge da joos it doesn't mean they're not useful to us.
I can see why people might think that spencer is controlled but calling tommy controlled with the effort that the government have gone through to try and get rid of him is completely retarded. If he's controlled then I don't know who isn't.
filtered :)
Not to mention that supporting neo nazis is the quickest way to discredit yourself and all your beliefs in this country. He'd be a goddam retard to regurgitate the views of this board.
Surely since you're obviously not JIDF you'd have no problem answering my questions above though right?
Im not hurting any movement because there is no movement. The fact you're trying to convince Sup Forums that there is some sort of movement is hilarious. Do you realize that this board is a place where anyone and everyone can post pretty much? Do you realize that you're never going to be able to post anything here without getting criticized and your psy ops are failures because you faggots bitch and moan every time your controlled opposition e-celebs get found out. You guys can't even argue against the facts presented so you make it about the (((movement))).
Yeah this too.
Even if he is redpilled on the jq you'd be retarded to create another reason for people to be against you when the government and an entire religious group already want you dead.
>There's no movement goy, what a hilarious thought!
Yup, you're certainly not a shill.
You can't even describe your so called movement. All you do is say that any criticism hurts "the movement". Like I said. The JIDF are getting shittier and shittier by the day.
You’re an idiot.
Nah, you're just losers who don't realize how worthless you are at life. You're so worthless at life that your job is to sit at a computer and post spam on a website. You're incapable of anything else and your expertise are nonexistent. It's hilarious...Jews think they're chosen people but every time they get BTFO all they can do is act like little bitches.
>everyone in the thread calls you out
>"Obviously it's all of them that are shills, not me!"
Go character assassinate somewhere else
Ive made a bunch of arguments in this thread already Moshe, all you seem to do is attack me because you don't like the truth. You know what though? Nobody likes the Jews or Israel. Without you retards shilling nonstop on the internet your (((movement))) would die within 24 hours.
at least tommy tryin to do something irl
done more good then harm
we should support him
What effort have the government gone to to get rid of him? Could you give some examples?
another great interview with tommy
Absolutely THIS
Keep watching the video from the point I linked lad.
They purposefully put him in jail blocks with groups of muslims serving life sentences with nothing to lose, ignoring his requests to be placed in different blocks.
One of these groups was even in jail specifically for planning to kill him.
He had to purposefully aggravate all the muslims by shouting from his cell and then starting a fight with them as soon as they got let out so that he'd be placed in solitary for his whole sentence where he'd be safe.
Also they repeatedly harassed and attempted to arrest his whole extended family for bullshit crimes in an attempt to make them pressure him into staying quiet.
(((You))) certainly are one. (((You))) and all (((Your))) blatantly hooked nosed friends all over this organized shill thread.
How weird. Its not saying video unavailable but its stuck buffering. Anyone else?
It's the UK though. The government-related shit comming out of there is... always some kind of abomination. It's almost as bad as Calfornia.
>coming into this thread and doing nothing but replying to all of your shill buddies and use triple brackets as many times as you can
Yup, this is certainly organic posting
And yet (((miraculously))) he is still alive and not seriously injured. Hell, the shite (((you))) just spouted sounds like (((someone))) wants to create a (((mythology))) around our heroic white savior.
Get this straight you circumcised dick head.
The British media IS the British establishment and the British establishment does not promote actual agitators or actual threats to the status qoa. What it does do, is it promotes charlatons who are used to distract and manipulate the gullible public into thinking there are people out there fighting in their behalf...when in fact there isn’t.
You realusebtze giving a "movement" a name and face makes it easier to attack, divide and ridicule?
Wow. It should say realise
No possibility that he was paranoid and that he was in a situation that he wasn't in control of? It is the same for every prisoner when they arrive in jail. They are allocated a cell and told get on with it. If they have had trouble outside with a different gang/rival outside its up to them to put up or shut up if they meet them inside which often happens. You have three options in this scenario. You either go out of your cell and fight and stand your ground, you do something that will get you put in segregation like hit a screw or another inmate (this option saves face even though other imates suspect you are pussy) or you take the pussy option and go in with the nonces. Tommy made his bed and couldn't handle it when he had to lie in it. He pussied out, checked out and was turned by the cops in exchange for protection.
>And yet (((miraculously))) he is still alive and not seriously injured.
Do you not understand that the human body can heal itself?
If you'd actually watched the video instead of just coming in here to character assassinate you'd have learnt that all his teeth are fake after losing them getting attacked in prison. Every other injury has obviously healed.
the (((City))) and the kikemasons ask him to become controlled opposition - not the state . there is no state
The only group that wasn't controlled opposition was National Action
Expect some fresh Irish hate threads, indirect from Israel, comming soon to a screen near (You).
Just watch the video.
He'd received hundreds of death threats to him and his family, and as I said before there were people in the same block that were in for specifically planning to kill him. There's no paranoia involved at all.
They can't get their heads roundvthe possibility they are being played. They are so invested in this guy saving them that logic and reasoning are gone out the window.
I saw the latest vid outside McDonald’s...and that looked utter bullshit. The “Antifa” who attacked him and his crew were a bunch of scrawny teenagers. Not the types of cunts that do damage, ya know, as were seen in Dublin last year.
The McDonald’s “scene” also had some based black teenagers at the end to praise valiant Tommy.
The guy is an exfooty hooligan and yes, I’m sure he got hit, but thats part of the (((job))).
Fucking hell what do you think happens in prison every day of the week up and down the country. Prisoners are put in with people they hate or have tried to kill. It isn't some rare occurrence. Prisons are voilent places with voilent people. He isn't entileted to red carpet treatment.
Of corse he gets death threats...duh..he is all o er the (((msm))). Nobody doubts loads of SJW’s and Muslims hate him..and obviously he is putting his life at risk, to a certain level. However considering he is not under the protection of either a paramilitary organization or secret service 24/7, explain how, with ALL the people who want him dead, including Muslim extremists, explain how he isn’t?
I think if would be beneficial for a lot of people to study how the security services operated in Northern Ireland to better understand how they can manipulate people and situations. Only decades later are a lot of people they had in their pockets coming to light. There is a lot of red flags around Tommy and I for one am a bit suspect of him. Maybe I'm wrong but my instincts tell me otherwise.
So you think specifically putting people who have commited non-crimes in a max security prison in the same block as people who have specifically planned to kill them happens everyday up and down the country?
I have no idea, I'm not someone who wants to kill him. Unless every muslim in this country is also controlled then your logic doesn't follow anyway.
Yes it does happen and the fact that you have to ask that question tells me that you know nothing about how the prison system operates. The prison system doesn't change the way it operates just for Tommy.
Just to give you a little help. When you are first sentenced you are sent to an allocation prison. This could be like Wormwood Scrubs, Winson Green or Stangeways. Usually they are the prisons in a city. In this allocation prison you are observed and then categorized. Categories being A,B or C. A being the highest. This takes time sometimes months or years to firgure out and for you to be allocated a prison to suit your category like A category Whitemoor, Dartmoor and others. Before allocation all prisoner categories are together because they haven't recieved a category or been dispersed to their respective category prison.
Are you a baby boomer? Legit question.