>he was kind to me
He was kind to me
>she was tsun tsun to me
>He jumped the pole real good
>He didn't rape me until he got close to me
>his back got bigger
>she was only willing to be raped while I wasn't online
>he has a lot of money, is in a powerful position and treats me like human garbage
>MC is so nice he can't properly turn down the losing girls so he tries to get them to hate him so they just fall out of love
>The sex is good, and I know I can change him
>he was not Zura, he was KATSURA
>he talked to me once when we were kids
I will own an isuzu figure one day and I will hot glue her.
>his false spears could never penetrate her layered field
Thats hot!
>he bought me at a slave auction
Why is this so wrong though?
Plenty of people IRL fall for the first person of the opposite sex that pays attention to them and is nice enough
Rin would be a real bijin if it wasn't for the twin tails.
>implying kind people aren't rare as fuck
He spent too much time on /r9k/
When you're fucking 10 years old
That shit doesn't happen unless you're still socially 10 years old and have no female contact
>his dick was slightly above average at 8 inches
Maybe someone will fall for you if you force-feed them eggs, user.
>H-He called me cute!
check and check
w...wait isnt the average 3.5 inches?
legit kind people are rare as fuck
dont worry man girls can only feel the first 2 inches
>he has to take responsibility for seeing my panties
>he was the easiest to rape
Happened to me, but the girl wasn't my type
Of course it doesn't work as well if you're a fat fuck, ugly or some social outcast.
Not just kind, he was also good looking, talented and above average intelligence. About the only thing he didn't have going for himself was narcissism.
But this is the most genuine way to bind people.
Not really.
Nice lads >
>legit kind people
It means he genuinely cares about them. It especially means a lot to girls with shitty lives.