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I missed it, wasn't on Sup Forums for a while what happened.

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some dude an heroes on youtube

Okay. Now what?

OMG! Did he died?


Poor lad


got any mirrors?

fake and gay


Is he mentally ill lefty?

its real cuck

Is he okay?

Who the fuck was he? Sauce?

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>tfw Sup Forums comes through

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Did he say why he wanted to kill him self?

that'll buff right out
he's fine

Well, that's one way to go. Why the mask and the tarp if you're offing yourself? Probably fake.

khhv from /r9k/

>Is he okay?

who is that guy

left poster looks like SAO but what are the ones above the window from

did he died????

Not only did an heroes live-streamed on YouTube but apparently his mom was in the house when he did it and found his body while the live-stream was rolling.

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Why conceal your face, yet record the suicide?

just being considerate to the cleanup crew

A gay with HIV?

Did anyone else wave back?

Faggot could have gone out and started the race war but nooooooooooooooo. /r9k/ weirdos would make good suicide soldiers.

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Hory fucking ror. It riterary sprit his head in two.

This shits crazy

That's nice, horizontal blinds are quite a chore to clean, and they're white


he got better

>anime on the walls

go on, follow your leader Sup Forums

I did a little salute

Its pretty sad. I have a duck gun i never use.. and thought about doing this before but no live streaming what the fuck.

Is he ok?

this makes me sad. that's fucked up.

>Uses a tarp to help clean up the mess
This is a man who thinks ahead.

Oh My God....is that a DP12?

Story? This is sad. :(

That's a nice looking weapon anyhow

Just another tormented soul without a single person in his life to rescue him.

LL mirror

>wears fag flag


nah it's real

I wanna fuck his mom kinda

That was really sad... Rest in peace, poor guy.

You're embarrassing us, leaf

I hope he's al--
>that mask
Nah, I hope he's dead and stay dead.

Looks like something from Bakemonogatari.

Kizumonogatari film posters. I've got one of them too lol

A moment of silence for our hero. Press F to pay respect.

Poor kid. Sometimes you guys are faggots. Sometimes life is a faggot. Fuck life back. Be the best you can be. I’m not saying it’s without struggle. But Never take this way out.

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>shitskin removes himself

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He used a tarp?

The homicide squad are going to remember this kid forever, better than most can say. He was considerate enough.


What the fuck. For fuck sake.

Why tho?

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Why'd he do it?

Upper left is SOA Season 2, Above the tarp it is Bakemonogatari movies, the ones with Bat.

OMG SAGE ..........Nothing

Might have a headache.

Caught this screencap

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Sup Forums hasn't delivered like this since 2006

faggots go back

Fake. No smoke from the gun, no shattered glass or blinds. No sirens before the ambulance and fire department show up.

Who is this?

he still got brain matter and shit all over the ceiling

>puts up tarp
>corpse pulls down tarp
>blood still manages to get everywhere

goddamn last thing he did and he still couldn't do it right

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black guy here
another white man dead
how is that good news?

IN ALL SERIOUSNESS: If you plan on committing suicide by firearm, DO NOT do what he just did. If you put it in your mouth and aim for the brainstem you have a much greater chance of succeeding. His method could leave you permanently disfigured and in pain forever.

>tries to cover his face
>the part that was covered is the only part that wasn't blown up


How about now? Send more money.

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Does anyone have his mom's phone number? I'm a house painter and could use some work.

best underage b& I've seen in a long while

Yeah, it's a double barrelled shotgun, they can do that. Although the Kel Tec KSG in particular is more infamous for blowing off the user's hands.

yeah, real fake and gay

asshole for doing it in such a gruesome way for his mom to find him.

I would travel far away from any loved ones and wouldnt want anyone to find my body.


look again

Fallen soldiers I guess. Fucking ridiculous that he's live with a hangouts or discord burnout crew.

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wish i had the balls to do that

That’s always the biggest deterrent for suicide. Imagine your little brother or mom Walking in on your body

soulless, edgy faggot rot in hell. Actually keep living, I'm sure your life must be hell on earth since you seem to have been stripped of all humanity.

did he take too many redpills?

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That's just not right.



What a cunt

My brother checked into a hospital for the express purpose of killing himself so his body wouldn't be found by his parents, while I hate that he killed himself I'm thankful he spared my parents having to witness that.

Fucking Righteous, Brahs! Gnarly!

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he not ded he jus hab bran damage 4eva

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damn, you can see that moment when he closes his eyes that he's ready. This guy wasn't fucking around.

thanks, there's a thread on /r9k/ where someone said "kizumonogatari wasn't even that bad" lmao

Yeah not watching that shit. Accidentally clicked on some dude fucking a snake a couple days ago. I am good for a while.

He couldn't handle le 56% meme

so they can angst and delude themselves into thinking you might be alive for months, years on end?

yeah great idea. you're so considerate.