Come home white man

Come home white man

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They should be fighting for their homeland user. They shouldn't be fleeing. They could easily flip the script on these niggers if they fought back. There are black SA's that are terrified that the white guys will organize a militia. They know the outcome.

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you're an idiot for so many reasons

the little kids need somewhere safe to go where they aren't getting fucking tortured to death like currently

He's going to challenge Prepbull. I can feel it.

Was just about to make this thread. God bless you ausfags. I have tears in my eyes. Thank you for not forgetting about us. There is still hope for my people.

Yeah, but the younger white males could stay and fight. It's tough breaking up families, but naturally, they should be the first to go. This is such a winnable conflict for them. Their military is riddled with HIV and obesity. The military "brass" has informed their soldiers to wash up after sec to avoid HIV. They don't value proper communication or training for that matter. This would be another bush war.

gj straya

We should trade black Americans for white South Africans and strategically resettle them in swing states.

>Implying the cucked UK and US governments won't intervene to stop the "legitimate" black government being toppled by "white terrorists"

But would other Nations jump in to help defeat the "Terrorists"

lets get rid of them like this

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They won't intervene militarily. They'd come to the table for peace negotiations. I am not implying they would perform direct action assaults on civilians or government installations. I am saying they need to reciprocate the attacks against the nigger gangs that are machete attacked the farmers. These aren't military officials carrying out these actions(yet), it's groups criminal gangs.

There will be no war. Whites are disarmed and demilitarised save for a few. They are also only 8% of the population. We don't stand a chance. Even if we did fight, the (((international community))) would shit on us if we had the slightest chance of winning.

at least one country isnt cucked..

Nah, SA would activate their own military to fight them, which would be a colossal failure. The UN might step in, but again, if it's for self-preservation, it wouldn't come to this.

>They won't intervene militarily.
They'll give weapons, training and intelligence. They won't have boots on the ground but they'll be directing the SA military by proxy.

Their military is broke and fragmented. All of the remaining whites, who actually are aviators or operate heavy equipment, are demoralized and marginalized. But again, they aren't fighting the military, they are answering attacks that have been carried out by gangs.

You abbo humpers are good folks. May every cane toad find its way into a chink's mouth and choke them to death.

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>Cucked healthcare programs
>Cucked gun laws

It'll be fine, the SAers will just get to relive old memories when the abbos start getting uppity and there's no way to defend against them.

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Fuck South Africa. I don't give a shit about those dirtbags. They don't even speak English properly.

fuck off beaner.

Bless you Australia.

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Thank you Aussie Brother! Love from US

>when the abbos start getting uppity and there's no way to defend against them.
The leaders of Australia will not allow the human and subhuman guilds to battle on emu tribal land.

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The Australians are already complaining about the South Africans they have taken in. Where do 5 million Boers think they are going to find proper employment? They could easily get this nogs to back off.

I agree but the only issue is that the global media will demonize the whites as murderers and our chucked ass governments will help the niggers

send some weapons you fucking faggot .

I would agree with your burger, if they had the world community on their side. The sad fact is that the world community will stay silent, or find a way to blame the white resistance fighters as the aggressors. If we lived in another time, they should absolutely fight - and I have great respect for the ones that stay and fight, but I won't blame the ones leaving. Especially women and children leaving.

No, in a way this is what we wanted. For them to get out safe and for South Africa to become the failed state that it will become. The level of shilling against the Boer was unprescedented, movies, TV shows, activism everywhere. This is/was part of an international anti-white agenda and the more people are talking about it, the better.

>The Australians are already complaining about the South Africans they have taken in.
what? i for one welcome the south africans, they're way better than the asians and lebs

Yeah, I would think so. Some Aussies were complaining that they were forming little SA and weren't interacting with their Aussie hosts. I agree, but in this case, they won't have much of a choice. Logistically speaking, this will take quite a while to formulate a proper plan. In the meantime, more whites will be subjected to acts of unanswered and non-prosectued violence at the hands of niggers. If they fought back against the belligerents, I think they could maintain without alerting the international community. If they were killing civilians with bombings or unprovoked attacks, they'd be fucked.

Yes, but in a way, I sympathize with them. You are going to have all these farmers who won't be able to ply their trade in their host country. It's just a bad situation and one I believe is worth fighting for.

Best thing white SAs could do is bail.

I wish most of them would come here.

My people built a first world country in the biggest shithole on earth. We can do anything.

Speak to your local leaders, get them to tell Trump. He'll definitely be interested, this gives him a good reason to stop wasting billions in foreign aid to those countries..

Not the white ones

maybe if they want to be crushed under globohomo and ZOG

any violent resistance in south africa by whites will be labeled as white supremacy, colonization 2.0, etc.

It's a trap. I trust no one anymore.

Montreal is a fucking blast leaf. Yeah, but this is very winnable for them. I stand by that. When I was in the Marines, I read a cool, waterproof book which was written for the British SAS. Told you how to conduct surveillance, counter-surveillance and subsequently identify targets. We whites have the ability to research and actually learn how to defend themselves. If they bought up a few of the these or similar manuals, they could work towards identifying their targets and acquiring intelligence. Troop movement, how to respond to an ambush, etc is very easy. Shit, the German army was drilling with wooden sticks.

Most of the SAs I've been were skilled economic migrants that came with their family and become our doctors, engineers etc.

The ones that don't integrate and that we despise living near are the Asians, Mauri's, Indians and Africans. To a lesser extent Lebs and shit but like SAs have been integrating a lot like the Slavs did.

I can't think of any two groups I enjoy welcoming and living near more.

I would be if it was a prolonged war. If there were several skirmishes and raids conducted by unidentified whites, that might provoke people to have an open discussion. It's either willfully die or piss off some Jew's sensibilities.

I am sure it wouldn't be a problem, but 5 gorillion of them? Most of them will be slaughtered before that. They are predicting things will be completely off the rails by the end of this year.

And what then? Even if they won the war what would they do? Establish a government? Build a new city? Can you imagine the (((international community's))) reaction?

This was an option 20 years ago but we're way past that. The propaganda is stronger than you think. Many whites have forgotten who they are

>This is such a winnable conflict for them
The UN would genocide them if they looked like winning.

Probably. They need to look out because shit has to hit the fan before anyone realistically tries to help them and while I don't think most would....a lot of lefties would probably down play and delay any help which is a pretty horrific thing to assume and think about but I wouldn't put it passed them.

>Montreal is a fucking blast leaf.
I live in Montreal and it's a model of how you do multiculturalism.
It's not about being equal. It''s about having the primary culture first and then your original one.
You moved here, your original culture is lesser than ours.

Sure, there are so many cultures in Montreal. And that makes it a great place to enjoy them all. But they all must conform to learning French and conforming to Quebecois values.

The rest of Canada can't have open borders and a national identity at the same time.
Quebec shows the way. Anyone can come here. But you have to toe the line. Be like us or get out.
America used to be like that. Look at Teddy's quotes on immigration. Leave your identity at the border. Nothing but American.

I thought you guys were full.

Boers need to get with the Zog program and just win. Let the browns complain to the UN about how mean you are after you win. Promise to try to do better in the future, even if you don't mean it. Just win.

Mostly they are angry BECAUSE the people the government is considering taking in are whites. Whites aren't allowed to be victims, we're the perpetrators in this show, remember?

But but but youre blick!

The point isn't to win the war, they simply couldn't. The point is to defend themselves and be counter-productive towards the attackers. Basically it would create some sort of dialogue. The UN would get involved if they were wrecking havoc and killing civilians. Basically, they have no choice imo. Even if they started evacuating them, hundreds could potentially be slaughtered, maybe a lot more if it's developing at the rate most SA's say it is. I know a lot of the farmers are building homemade weapons and have plans on bugging out to remote locations. Others are figuring out how to procure weapons.Yeah, I love Montreal. It's fun and relatively clean for it's size.

>Lesser extent lebs

Lebs are literally the worst ethnic group Australiabhas ever taken in.

We are, but our farms arent


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Here's how that goes down
>Whites organise to fight back
>UN intervenes
>Disarms whites
>Allows blacks to persecute them

I always liked you Straya.
You're good cunts.

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The only Aussies complaining about this are lefties who hate white people.

Don't call Ozzies "cunts"
That's their word

Agreed, but the whole idea is to slow them down until you can escape. Basically, a white "special response team" that investigates, surveils, identifies the offenders and conducts clandestine, nighttime raids. At least something, because if they don't fight back, they're dead anyways.

I would love to live in Quebec. Yer however the only thing I could really btfo about that is the rest of Justin Trudeau's bullshit across the Ontario.

The media is already drumming it up as racist because "muh Rohingya"

I'm a pretty eligible Batchelor in his mid 30s, own house decent paying job, hit me up any saffa women that want to get married I'll do my part to save you all.

They do have the same accents

Dialogue? Are you forgetting who caused the shit in rhodesia and south africa???

Australia, i cant thank you enough for this, I hope this isnt some fake promise to make our eyes look away from south africa

If you guys do this I'll never mention the bird war you lost again.

Here's the thing about the Canadian federal government
Unlike the American one, Quebec has a loophole written in from the start.
We don't need to listen to the Federals unless we want to. There is zero compulsion.
Right there in the founding charter.
I'm roughly quoting here but it says "Quebec can do whatever she wants"

Australia the savior.

Yeah, but this really isn't entirely the same. We recently had PMC's who were completely out of control in Iraq and Afghanistan. It became bad enough where the "international" community got involved and decided how we should quell this issue. I picture the same.

Now Australia will have more farmers and the price for food will stabilize?

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One of the few things I've felt good about in the last few days.

Every alphabet soup intelligence agency in the west would probably pitch in with helping slaughter white South Africans if they as much as lift a finger in organized self defense from these savages

Me too

Dutton is based[ish]

There's not enough of them. It's past the point of no return and they don't hold any levers of power anymore. They don't have any wealth left, the black government has a proper army at their disposal. There's only 9% white south africans, that includes women, children, and whites who won't fight on their side.

... which we started in 1791. it's called the 10th amendment.
>you are like a little baby, canada

Would be nice but probably not gonna happen

Irving had some interesting insight a couple decades ago regarding SA, his contention being that the war on whites was World War III, and that South Africa was the first major battle. Here is that speech he gave wherein that viewpoint is expressed, albeit not very expanded upon. There are also other great hilarious and provocative moments here.
David Irving: The Manipulation of History
Pt. 1:
Pt. 2:
Pt. 3:
Pt. 4:

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The point is, you don't get caught. You plan, plan and plan some more. I am guessing a lot of these nigger gangs live in the most shitty, shanty towns that SA has to offer. Hit them in the middle of the night and flee. Cops come, do a half assed job and naturally chalk it up to inter-gang rivalry.

Thanks Australia. Our wonderful president is too busy kissing Israel's ass to do anything about this. I wish there was something I could do to help.

Nah, you think you have states rights. But Quebec in Canada takes it one step further.
American states still need to bow to Federal laws. If the Federal government says that Pogo sticks are illegal, then all states must allow Federal agents to arrest Pogo stick users.

In Canada, the Quebec government can say "Fuck off, mange mon cul, osti".
There is a total exception written in

Got a time stamp for when he talks about SA?

Very interested in this.

There’s something oddly appealing about an entire village going missing over night with out anyone having the slightest clue as to how it happened

Thank you Australia

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Sorry, it was a while ago that I watched this, but I want to say it was either part 3 or 4. Each portion is only 25 minutes long so it won't take too long to find it. I'd recommend watching all of it

Basically, it's no different than what our special forces operators were doing in Iraq, but far more easier. These niggers are dumb as shit. You identify a target house, mask up, hit it and be gone in a set period of time. Maybe kill a few and you are out. Also, you identify the house, sketch the layout, approximate the dimensions and create a model. Few stakes in the ground and you basically mock a yarn outline in which you can practice entry on. It has to be fast and you're out. Nobody the wiser.

Australian Cricket to be unstobbale

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>mfw Zundel's Samisdat logo appears at the beginning

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Great post user.

Fuck the cricket. If we can't beat Paki's and Poo's without imports then we have no business playing it.

We need that good Afrikaner stock to boost our pozzed Wallabies.

I know, user. Cozy as fuck

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Why are thirdies so good at sports?
Except hockey.
Bless hockey

Based Dutton.

This is a shot across the bow of the blacks and a message to the rest of the developed world.

It's no longer just internet chat, folks. This is what happens when you write to/phone/tweet at your politicians.

thirdies ain't got ice breh

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