tfw we COULD have had Shaman King: Brotherhood right now if it wasn't for Takei

> tfw we COULD have had Shaman King: Brotherhood right now if it wasn't for Takei
> muh soundtrack
> muh voice cast

Was it for the better? I think it definitely deserved a try.

Of course we deserved it. Fuck you Takei.

With the manga's trash ending, I don't know if I want it

Both endings are meh,just in different ways! Doubt they can outdo the eng opening anyway.

a trash most of the series

I just want SK with modern animation techniques.
Fuck that ending, though.

The ending wasn't that bad. The moment Yoh said she could have become stronger than Hao, but didn't because that much power would probably have turned him just like him, you know they weren't going to defeat Hao by overpowering him. Hell, by the time Hao became SK there was no way for them to overpower him without some kind of really horrible asspull.

The one thing that ruined SK for me, though was Flowers. Fuck that shit. I hope it's made non-canon.

> Everyone are Hao's Bitch: The Ending
> not bad

The problem is that Hao was a terrible person who caused much more suffering than he personally suffered himself over 1000 years.

And yet we are basically supposed to agree with his world view. Hell, the sequel before it got canned was about keeping him in power even though he's just waiting for humanity to self destruct. If the heroes had somehow managed to get him to change his world view, it might have been satisfying, but as it was, they just convinced him to wait.

I mean, they said it very early in the series that Hao would become Shaman King.
And no one besides Anna even had enough power to destroy his normal OS

I think the main problem was just a little over halfway through the series, they established Hao as being comically overpowered with everyone basically saying "theres no way we can beat him".

But then instead of coming up with an alternate plan, they spend most of the rest of the series trying to power up anyway. It isn't until right before the end that they actually come up with a plan that isn't "Power level"

a bigger problem is that its the same characters and locales for way over half the series interacting in the same ways

>The problem is that Hao was a terrible person who caused much more suffering than he personally suffered himself over 1000 years.
Fucking this.

Also, putting powerlevels bullshit aside, the manga got too preachy. At some point it feels like the story itself is sucking Hao's dick.

Also the sheer hypocrisy of preaching about how terrible humans are while simultaneously showing the characters benefiting from nearly everything humans do was stupid. And they doesn't even include normal human characters to sympathize with. And no, Manta doesn't count.

Well to be fair, it's kinda hard to push a "Humans are bastards" narrative if you have normal humans to sympathize with.

But yeah, it got real preachy.
Honestly, I just mostly enjoyed everything from the beginning to the end of the America segment, then the Matamune arc. I felt there was promise with the golem arc, but overall the story did just get way too preachy.

Why is Takei obsessed with the Anna character type?

> felt there was promise with the golem arc
Hao used the Spirit of Fire to attack jews who were stuck in a metal structure with a door

>the villain in Flowers was literally capitalism
Bravo Takei!

>it's kinda hard to push a "Humans are bastards" narrative if you have normal humans to sympathize with.
But you shouldn't be pushing said narrative if you want people to sympathize with your characters.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, in the beginning, the theme was people being brought together for being outcasts (mainly Yoh and Manta). I don't know just when Takei started the whole hating humans boner.

Maybe he's an M. Yoh definitely is.


Apparently there was a hiatus, and after the hiatus is when it went full misanthropy

What do you think happened to him? SK was so comfy before that.

The ending wasn't that bad,it's just they have ran out of ideas Hao to beat him.

Ran out of ideas? They had no ideas to begin with? Their first idea was power level, which was never going to work and their second idea was their final idea, which was kill Hao in the period of time where he is helpless while becoming shaman king.

They made Hao ridiculously overpowered. It's one of those cases the writer likes the villain more, just look at Naruto.

In naruto it was more a case of power creep since the heroes still got methods to actually fight back

In SK, Hao was just horrifically OP from the beginning, and no matter what they did, the heroes never had a snowball's chance in hell to come close to winning, even with the primal spirits.

I mean the narrative seems to agree with him on everything aside from the "Genocide the human race" part.

Eh, I think there just wasn't an intention to beat Hao in the first place. The narrative almost agrees with him, so even if Hao is canonically not a good person, we're supposed to think it's a good thing he became the Shaman King because humans are horrible.

I mean at least in stuff like Naruto or other shonen manga the heroes are given a chance to fight back, here there was never a chance, not even from a narrative perspective. Not even an asspull was made to give them a chance.

Wouldn't be surprised if he pulled a pic related in Flowers.

>SK Brotherhood could've happened but Takei said no
What the fuck, really? You'd think it'd benefit him to have SK be relevant again.

I have been flamed for saying this but the anime handled Hao better than the manga.

The manga tried to make it seem like Hao deserved to be Shaman King and was justified for wanting to genocide humanity.

The anime actually called out Hao out for being just as bad(if not worse)than the humans he so despised.

And even after the timeskip, the adults realized that Hao was right all along, humanity can't be so easily changed. Which honestly feels more refreshing than the standard "main characters are able to overcome anything with the power of hope and friendship" ending.

>the adults realized that Hao was right all along
That's because the narrative never bothered to prove him wrong. It was strongly inclined towards misanthropy for a while now.

If it was a more balanced work, they would have showed the good points of humans and introduce sympathetic human characters. Instead they went full misanthropy without trying to introduce alternative points of view.

>If it was a more balanced work
I want to say that Takei does try for this type of ending but like you said, it's not reinforced by the story. Humans in general are still spat on; they have forsaken their spiritual roots as modernity presses on and this might be the last shaman fight with this large a turnout. Humans are willing to try and desecrate the Great Spirit for personal gain, and don't have many counterbalances in the plot. Compare that to Volume 1 where Yoh spent time getting normal people to change their ways through the use of his shaman powers and the goodness of their hearts was the visible.
There is an optimism there

Then the ending happens, everyone is an adult and depressed because they realize just how small a reach they have, and how big their dreams really were. And Yoh just shows up telling everyone to keep living and trying to find a way forward. Lyserg can still fight for justice, Chocolove has served his time and repented for his actions, maybe go on to help other troubled youths like himself and spread laughter to the world, Ren is working to redeem his families past, Horo Horo became a farmer and Yoh some travelling hippie. Even without God powers they still have the power to shape the world however slight.

I think the framework was there for that ending, but it got lost a bit in the very bleak tone of the latter part of the story. Even without factoring in the rest of huma

Hao was full of crap and the story went out of the way to justify his stupidity.

Its weird how Takei never bothered to properly call out Hao's hypocrisy.

>Its weird how Takei never bothered to properly call out Hao's hypocrisy.
Humans are shit, capitalism, etc, etc.

>Yoh some travelling hippie
This is what I'll never understand

Yeah humanity is shit. Then because the world is too big to be changed entirely as an overall better world by small group of people, as an adult we should keep trying to make a better world in our own ways however slight

What kind of better change Yoh can do as some traveling hippie I wonder

On side note, those lips are so fucking lewd

Flowers was a mistake.

>What kind of better change Yoh can do as some traveling hippie I wonder
I don't even know what they were doing while traveling. Maybe helping people out by using shaman powers to bring closure to lives like he was doing in the beginning?

Also the best lips belong to Shamash.

>That's because the narrative never bothered to prove him wrong. It was strongly inclined towards misanthropy for a while now.
Wonder what happened to Takei between the initial cancellation and the final ending.

Maybe he was mad that it got cancelled.

>Maybe he's an M. Yoh definitely is
What do you mean by an M here?

Oh, to be this pure again.

Oh, user.

ay spill the beans I don't know the lingo alright