Why are (((they))) trying to make us stop watching porn ? . will porn save western civilization ?

why are (((they))) trying to make us stop watching porn ? . will porn save western civilization ?

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How big is your nose

pic of your nose kike

he only addresses young men.

makes sense, porn can probably help keep married couples from getting too bored

The shnozz. Let’s see it kike

Peterson is just reaching for more things to talk about in order to try to remain relevant.

Feels really good when I ejaculate, that's good.

Peterson is warped opposition, not controlled. He's genuinely doing his best, and is often correct. But he's "insufficiently Darwinian" to use his own criticism against him. The man that was almost woke.

Porn is created by (((them)))

Take the red pill and stop watch it, also leave this place filled with indecent pictures.

What about actual amateur porn?

Porn is more desensitizing than a lobotomy.

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You should be chasing women and having kids with your own ethnic group if sex is what you want

JBP just hadn't seen good porn.

He'll get there, don't you worry. Or he's already there.

He's in the public sphere, this is their turf. You have to do you damndest to stay within their lines or risk being completely removed.

It's why Trump sacrificed his daughter and not his sons to Israel. It's to feign his real intentions.


the double subversionette!
good one kike 8/10

this doesnt include THICC cam girls. right? guys?

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Holy shit Ezekial what is the point of your shitpost?

>when a kike tries to jew you so hard that they use your own goals in an attempt to reverse-psychology you into doing what they wanted in the first place


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What about creepshots of girls' asses on the street? Is that acceptable since it doesn't feature sex or nudity?

Premium shitpost

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average nose size desu

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As youre a kike you probably understand, but as long as israel isnt directly implicated, they can take whatever stance brings in the shekels. Even if it means saying something is bad when it is. He isnt saying jews control the porn industry, just that you shouldnt watch it, like the kids parents would be. Really a safe stance to take.

Who do you think manage the platform on which the videos are uploaded?

The platforms are principally designed to make you waste time and energy. So you will be confused when you'll have encounters with real people.

>Jews jewing jews
You're a filthy kike but nu/pol/ will agree with the e-celeb thanks to all the tradcuck larpers and boomers that flooded this dump.
Men should move to superior 2D and cut the kikes and AIDS infested whores of the porn industry out of the picture.

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I want to see that sprunger.

jap chinks are exempt from degeneracy. its so weird. you guys jerk off to tentacle porn onto panties you bought from vending machines but still maintain a based traditionalist society, teach us senpai

Peterson is fully controlled op

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>insufficiently Darwinian
how exactly ? i've never heard saying anything which denies darwinism in any way

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Porn free since March 1.

Harder erections. Can last longer with my girl. Cum harder when we finish. Can usually go again in about 20 minutes.

Porn is evil.

Burn in hell. Your people ruined my country.

hes a religious fag. who cares

This. Some inspiration can't be a bad thing.

He denies differences between races

You can tell his heart's not in it.

Whats under the meme flag?

This looked like a wall-of-text bingo from the thumbnail.

>my country
planet earth is rightful jewish clay

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nose pics or gtfo

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Didn't his sons also marry Jews?


Also get out this website to complete your treatment

source pls senpai , i've heard a few talks\podcasts with him and nowhere was this mentioned .

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This is a VPN, but I can still expose their secret to you: Jews have no say in Japanese government or media.

>You have to do you damndest to stay within their lines or risk being completely removed.
the anti-Peterson shills continue to ignore this
fucking faggots

He doesn't per se, just that he avoids taking these differences to their logical conclusion: people should stick to their own races, and that whites should avoid being proud of their race.

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japan was controlled by jews since imperial times senpai . you even ripped off our language . google it .

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>controlled by jews
>ripped off Jews

>Most of porno industry is made by jews
>A dude say porn is bad for you
>A jew start a thread saying that the jews want us to stop watching porn.

This really moomboo my joomboos

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>planet earth is rightful jewish clay

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>japan was controlled by jews since imperial times senpai . you even ripped off our language . google it .

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Why do you people never archive.

I'm trying to quit but the shit is difficult for me. I can't last longer than a week or so but I keep trying and deleting whatever stash I have. Need a GF or FWB

you mean nofap or noporn ? , because theres no real benefits to nofap

porn is evil

Remember that tweet where he claimed you have NO genetic interest in your own race? That's absurd for all sorts of selfish gene reasons.


Good try, JIDF

You forgot to turn on the proxy Shlomo.

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Post nose or GTFO

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>no benefits
Still lying.

Wanna get impaled? because this is how you get impaled

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You guys have worshipped vagina for so long you evolved larger noses

Porn saves you from being a thirsty mess.
It can also doom you to addiction, insanity and testosterone issues.
Basically, use it responsibly.

Is there any Rule 34 on Jordan Peterson?




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this old man should get a real job

you dont . genes which work across individuals (so called 'altruistic' genes) work on groups with much smaller genetic differences then ' same race' . they work on the family\extended family scale .

the reason race\race identities\racism exist isnt 'genetic interest' . you have a natural aversion to people who look radically different then your extended relatives (which look like members of your 'race') because its an advantageous adaptation . those who mingled with people who looked radically different died from diseases those people were immune , like with european settlers and native americans .

you dont like other races because they had diseases you weren't immune to but this is irrelevant in a globalized world where races wont exist in 3-4 generations .

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>being old man
>have no real job
>get twitter account
>make a living telling young people what to do

never listen to anybody who has no real profession

Both really. I'm sure masturbating once in a while is fine but I think being in a healthy sexual relationship is the best and most natural thing.

I can't imagine that our brains process porn or even imagining sex when masturbating without very well.

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This is good, but is again insufficiently Darwinian. You have to think about it being in an organism's interest to inhabit an environment to which they are already adapted to maximize survival and reproduction on an individual level. For humans, we create our own complex social and physical environment. If you are the product of a continuous culture, it may be that your psychological genetic profile is better adapted to dealing within your race than outside it. Say in the case of free riding, differential aggressiveness, altruistic behavior etc. If you are adapted for a high trust society or social group, it is literally a reduction in your fitness to lose the context of your race and genetic similars. Some adaptations are detrimental in new environments.

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