If you actually are a neonazi kys holy shit
If you actually are a neonazi kys holy shit
I'm a National Socialist. neonazi is a Jewish slur.
Hey there my fellow goys show me your fash and donate to our podcasts.
Do you think that soldier would be proud of what the USA is today?
>look around
>notice how much the "unbiased" media lies
>think for a second
>where did I get all of my information on hitler?
>oh, right, the american media
>who is run by jews
>implying the old geezer that fought in ww2 would be happy with the way things are now
>my grandpa fought so american culture could be degraded into nothing and mexicans could replace white people
Don't think so sweetie
>let me project what they wanted
>Allies won therefore they are right
>Look at this political cartoon that shows an ugly fat redneck lol that means nazis r bad
How stupid can you be?
>Implying every other major political ideology doesn't have the same people making money from their talking points. If the best criticism you have of the ideology is something that is common among every other ideology, it must be doing well.
Yeah well I knew some actual neo-nazis. Most of you faggots are ignorant peasants desperate for some sort of identity because you're so insecure you can't function without external motivation or purpose.
Get fucked faggot
>so what; they take advantage of their own audience too so it's ok.
>If you actually are a neonazi kys holy shit
You clearly haven't seen the following documentary...
Was it absolutely necessary to bring Ryuko into a fucking slide thread?
>t. NEET who played 92 hours of videogames this week
>implying Sup Forumsacks are skinheads
Please go back to your trash bin.
Some allied WW2 veterans wonder if they fought on the right side.
Socialists get the bullet too.
You are going to have to try harder than that.
I saw some neo-nazis stab the bassist of The Business in Denver
get fucked you poncy wanker
a lot of mutts itt
Fuck off you stupid jew and HEIL HITLER!
how about I just take that bin and crush your unnaturally thin skull plebe
nice fantasies you have there my fellow mutt.
That's actually really fucking funny
a good way to find out who are the nazi larper and who are the legit ones is the larper talk about the jews 24/7 while the normal one just talk about it when its fitting.
Based. Best doco I've ever watched. Was the ultimate redpill to swallow.
>Based. Best doco I've ever watched. Was the ultimate redpill to swallow.
It really does seem like Sup Forums has forgotten that documentary.
The rest are just too cowardly to watch it.
gramps fought well and i commend him but we fought on the wrong side in wwii
Not an argument
>you're so insecure you can't function without external motivation or purpose.
as opposed to what? internal motivation or purpose? what's that?
motivation and purpose must be external, imposed by the Laws of Nature.
you mean I should just make up do whatever I feel like doing? i.e. unironically do pic related?
see, this is why successful people and the military use things like planners, checklists, and rewards for performance. very unnaturally crafting external motivators to reach peak performance.
you get fucked.
> t. part jewish guy who shaved his head for the lulz
>Point went completely over my head.
If the best criticism you have of the ideology is something that is common among every other ideology, it must be doing well.
>America: 1.2% Mexican, 3.5% black, 95.3% White
>No one telling you not to marry within your own race
>Men got to act like men
>women acted like women
>Being gay was still illegal
>"What the fuck is "trains sexual"
>nigger raped a White woman in Florida so we killed 31 niggers and burned down their small town.
They know they picked the wrong side, don't be so fucking stupid.
Brainlet detected.
The people that you call Nazi today hold the same views that WW2 soldiers held.
Speak English faggot.
Since 99% of leftist scum don't know their father let alone their grandfather or great grandfather. Let me tell you as a semi oldfag who knew his ww2 granpa before he died. He didn't "hate nazis" or hate germans.
Average soldiers didn't even fall for that shit. Maybe we're a little bit different since german-american mainly but even so, all he saw them as was the enemy because our countries were at war and he had to fight them. You never heard my grandpa talking about how glad they were they defeated the ebil nazis or whatever. Ironically, I think boomers actually created that myth more than anything, the ww2 gen didn't even seem to think that way at all except for a minority of weakminded conditioned fanatics. In fact, my grandpa was a germanoboo or whatever, he collected all sorts of german guns and said they had the best high tech equipment (also a amateur scientist himself and doctor). Dude was racist as shit too, called obama a nigger and grandpa had at least 140 IQ maybe more. Back then I was kind of a fag and thought it was wrong but now I see he was right about it all. Probably with more information he would have said Hitler was right too but he didn't really use the internet and before our time information about the other side was very sparce
sorry, i'm not a democrat
>grandpa fought in a big war so that the Jews he saved could destroy his country and attempt to kill his grandchildren
Good to see there are people out there who seek the objective truth and aren't afraid of challenging their (((education))). Pic related.
Who's WW2 vet grandpa died in 83'? Jeez hardly even a grandpa at that point
I'd say that is a very level-handed take hindsight being what it is
the father created the son. The son didn just turn out that way.
duh neo-nazis are white trash. We're you're average everyday huwhite guy in person, you'd never know
diversity and inclusion doesn't include everyone huh?
Yes im sure that soldier would be fine with a nation run by kikes that caters to niggers and wants floods of muslims
The civil rights movement happened after ww2. Let that sink in. Also realize that the majority of Americans did not want to go to war in Europe. Also realize FDR specifically told the American public that he would not involve himself in the European war. Then he embargo'd Japan and sold weapons to Britain and other resistance.
>Good to see there are people out there who seek the objective truth and aren't afraid of challenging their (((education))). Pic related.
One of these days I'm going to go through that list again.
Currently though, I'm reading H.A. Covington's Northwest Homeland series.
It's too bad that Sup Forums is filled with Republicans, Capitalists and Conservatives that would rather watch Faux Nooz and hours and hours of porn instead of spending a little bit of their free time watching the documentaries (((no one))) wants them watching...
>If you actually are a neonazi kys holy shit
>Do you think that soldier would be proud of what the USA is today?
that soldier would know who the real Nazi's are. They think they fool people by calling themselves Antifa
One day white man, it'll be rebuilt
>The Business in Denver
Tell me more about this non-existent band you like to listen to
They're both brunettes and the kid's blonde....
is a bit fuggin gay m8.
Many people were supportive of the Third Reich. Many of the soldiers fought only because they were patriots first. A common question asked by German POWs was “Why are you fighting us?” The common answer was “I don’t know, but we’re sure kicking your ass.”
But don't we want to gas kikes?
>His forefathers didn't fought for fascism
>And won
>leftist memes
I still don't understand to this day how not a single leftist is capable of universal humor. Their humor is only funny to other leftists. Whereas right wing humor is typically funny to everyone. Is it because their humor requires a brainwashed mind or is something else.
>But don't we want to gas kikes?
Hitler didn't want to gas the kikes, why should we?
Hitler just wanted a Germany free of the kikes. It's what we should strive for as well.
Haha I'm hearing you mate. Im reading Mein Kampf (new Ford translation) at the moment. Everything he said in this book surrounding events in his time are exactly as they are today. The man was truly bestowed upon this world as a gift. Favourite quotes so far;
"You can fight only for something you love. You can love only what you respect. You can respect only what you know."
" never forget that the highest purpose of man's existence is the preservation of his own kind and not the maintenance of a state or government."
Only as a last option. Deporting them to Israel would be preferred. Hitler helped the Jews leave to what is modern day Israel. But many chose to stay behind and hide in the walls and floor boards like cockroaches. I suspect the same will happen again.
Sorry grandpa, but you fought for the wrong side. Hail Victory
That image falls apart at entering ww2 for no reason. We had a pretty clear reason.
You'd like to think yourself that, but you're so far below normal
looks like you are a little upset
>Haha I'm hearing you mate. Im reading Mein Kampf (new Ford translation) at the moment. Everything he said in this book surrounding events in his time are exactly as they are today.
One can always tell an excellent book when you can see the parallels of the writing in the past to the current events.
1984 is like that as well.
>"You can fight only for something you love. You can love only what you respect. You can respect only what you know."
>" never forget that the highest purpose of man's existence is the preservation of his own kind and not the maintenance of a state or government."
Those indeed are excellent quotes.
Not that most of Sup Forums care about those kinda things these days.
Leftists are actually subhuman mongoloid pieces of shit
Leftists on a daily basis
>Fuck America
>Empire of evil
>Patriotism is hate
>Fuck the military
Leftists when confronting national socialists
Why did we have to leave the middle ages?
>Mein Neger
Opinion polls of US soldiers during WWII showed they overwhelmingly supported segregation and race-based discrimination laws against non-whites
Why should we follow exactly in Hitlers foot steps. There is no need to do that. Hitlers biggest mistake was not gassing kikes. Gassing kikes would have left Germany off in a much better place after his death.
The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.
The National Socialists were far from the first people in history with their set of ideas, and there's no way they'll be the last.
So it's not National Socialism by default to agree with most of their ideals and policies.
Yeah those guys fighting in the officially segregated army on behalf of a 90% white nation, with specific immigration restrictions on non-whites, sure was fighting for the multicultural future that modern society has brought.
>probably thinks FDR was top 5 president
>FDR literally a fascist
>probably likes socialism and empathizes with commies
>we fought the commies for 50 fucking years after WW2
We had a clear reason to arm all of Germans enemies while also refusing to trade with them and the Japanese?
Pray tell, what were those good reasons
>inb4 smash fascism!
>Why should we follow exactly in Hitlers foot steps.
No one suggested "following exactly". Embrace the tenants of National Socialism.
>Hitlers biggest mistake was not gassing kikes.
We're the good guys. We don't need to do that. Create the White ethnostate that redpills the population about the Jews.
Then the living Jews will know for all time that the memory of Hitler has finally defeated them.
Your such a low class sub human all you can do to argue against the merits of national socialism is name call like a kindergartner
I only had to watch the 8th & 9th ones to awaken.
Though if not for the 2016 election I'd still be stuck knowing nothing.
I, as an American, feel justified in upheaving any challenger to US hegemony, by any means. Legal or illegal means nothing to US supremacy.
>tfw you realize the world would be a better place if Islam had destroyed Christianity
Actually cosplaying, larping and advocating for a new reich is insane.
Merely realizing that hitler was right about many things and having a sympathetic outlook towards those views, and all those who have shared them, is actually very logical.
Know the actual history of their struggles, beyond "muh world domination nazis are evil!" propaganda shit. And it's pretty damn hard if not near impossible to disagree with a lot of the statements and motivations behind the nazis. Specially now that we can relate to it so much, our society is in a very bad spot for many of the same reasons theirs was back then.
And the ideals we should aspire for to fix our issues happen to be many of the same ideals they preached back then.
You can disregard the racial germanic superiority aspect without disregarding the hard work, morals and family aspect of it.
Go back to watching scatporn, Van Der Faggot.
>we are the good guys
There is no such thing as good and evil. We do need to do that, jews have long over stayed their welcome on earth. They will return, like they always have.
If you are so intent on being humanitarian then the best option would be to send them to fun camps and neuter them so as to prevent any further jews from existing.
It also generally requires a wall of text.
>U.S. supremacy
Statistically and empirically false.
>He didn't start a war!
>Well he did but thats not the point, diversity is our strength!
Why are you changing the subject?
>There is no such thing as good and evil.
The Jews say such things.
They're the ones that promote vice as virtue and virtue as vice.
If there is no "good and evil" like the Jews say, then what the Jews are doing to the White race is perfectly acceptable.
We are not Jews. We are better than them.
The video has been blocked for hate speech and you have to watch it on site itself, but it's really good.
Are there still many supporters of Republican Spain in your country? Is Civil war still actual question in spanish society? For example, in my country many (retarded) russians still try to divide each other on reds and whites.
>outedging a neo-Nazi
What level of edge is this?
I get that you guys are scared of other races and all, but Nazis were legitimately evil as fuck. They planned on literally killing half of Eastern Europe. No reason they wouldn't have done it either
daily reminder if it was not for Poland there would never be a ww2
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