I'll start.
ITT=we diagnose characters with mental disorders
Ataru just have normal male libido. Fuck off
High functioning ASD with generalized anxiety disorder
OP has depression.
He never masturbates so he's hyper horny the whole time.
textbook autism
No I think he just has autism like everyone else here.
normales males don't flirt with every single alien girl they meet!
No eva
No watamote
Are you niggers playing in hard mode?
Fine here's a narcissist with delusions of grandeur and psychopathic tendencies
ryoga and Zolo= directionally handicapped
shinji was just a wuss
>diagnose characters with mental disorders
What the fuck, is this place Tumblr now?
I always assumed ataru has depression because i had a friend that reminds me of him who always tried to repress his parental neglect issues with sex with any random chick he met
With a hint of narcissism and anxiety. I still love her, though.
mental problems only make her more fun
Depersonalisation disorder exacerbated by demonic possession from japanese spirits.
Demential Pugilistica is very much a physical disorder. The mental is a side effect.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Also my waifu and best girl
Umaru is actually a textbook example, at least if she would be 3d.
but here is list from tvtropes for those who can stomach their newfound normalfagottry
Not masturbating doesn't make you hornier.
I thought she was much closer to borderline than bipolar.
Dissociative Identity Disorder with weird aberration shit added in