What does Sup Forums think of the concept "black skin, white soul" ?
What does Sup Forums think of the concept "black skin, white soul" ?
keep it up, 0.000001 shekels have been deposited in your good goy account.
You could also argue she has a jap soul.
Niggers need to stop trying to blend it. It is obvious they are black with the... you know... skin.
Its impossible to find porn with black cuties like this.
I was gonna go to a black strip club this weekend, but I'm scared I will get attacked.
Beautiful but errr....
Stop posting webms of my black wife. TAKE IT DOWN NOW
Nobody ever complained about blacks "appropriating" white culture, except other blacks.
On a sidenote that pic is "black skin, yellow soul" you moronic weeb, whites didn't invent anime and cosplay.
All humans are conditioned. We have behaviors intrinsic to our genetics, but they, like any good animal, can be curtailed with good training.
Just as there are degenerate whites, so too will there be degenerates amongst blacks, africans, asiatics, jews, anything. Discipline, mentorship, and proper control of influences during developmental cycles turn out who you have.
Also, very importantly, that woman is probably like 50% white.
I think youre a fucking stupid faggot but my benis likes it
>Light skinned nigress with European facial features
I can almost guarantee that she has a white male ancestor if you go back a couple generations
well ever american is a mixed mutt
>Says the Finngolian
Watch as the mutt recoils in fear
In all honesty black pussy makes me sick to my stomach. The contrast of the black skin against a pink pussy...it looks like gore.
I am always shocked when people find black women attractive. But if you can manage and you don't mind having ugly kids then by all means, do whatever you want. I would imagine she'd be so grateful to have you she'd do anything and put up with everything.
youre more of a black nigger cock kind of guy
Yet, whites did invent the forerunners like masquerades and cartoons.
>we wuz anime
it is a matter of statistics, if such people exist, the probably that they will produce niggers is high.
I'm an atheist, there is no such thing as a soul.
A nigger is a nigger.