Australia is taking them in

Australia is going to take in white south Africans. How many do you think we'll take? 10,000? 20,000? 100,000?

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every. last. one. thankyou. and what is that thing in your pic. masterrace indeed HA.

cant be that many, just take them all
they'll actually be suitable in australia's outback

they should dismantle the nuclear powerplant in south africa so the natives can't use it

It’s not about who’s master race or what
You’re not human

Nobody’s ever thought your human unless their idiots or for their own purposes

And nobody will

Still better than niggers

why cant canada accept south african refugees
we take fucken niggers from every other shithole

oh wait, they are white ... that would be, dare I say "wacist"

no, leave the nuclear power plant, just sabotage it, like crack some pipes and stuff, so it meltsdown in 5 years or so

win/win from our point of view. Less slots open for people of colour. It's going to be great.

I get this funny feeling that the Aussie government isn't being completely altruistic with this venture. If the SA farmers can make due with Africa's soil, they might just be able to turn land in Straya considered not farmable, farmable.

niggers cant mantain a nuclear powerplant. It would be Shernobil 2.0

The reality is that most white South Africans are well off and don't want to leave yet. It's a minority that's this poor. The average white South African makes like 30 thousand dollars. They still run the country. If they applied they'd be let in, as thousand already have in Australia.

Pretty jealous
I share an office with a 60yr old ex-mil SA and it's top tier banter. He doesn't accept shit from nobody

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We should have taken them. If our governance was fair and smart that's what would happen.
Australia is practically used up when it comes to arable land.

We have tens of thousands square km left un worked. Just not enough people.
If they're getting pushed off farm land, we got farm land. More than enough for a thousand years.

But nah, let's import more Africans.

new zealand will never win another rugby world cup

Yeah crack some pipes so the green nuclear goo leaks out

Typical south Africans talking up south Africans pretending to be non south Africans.

You could sell them goggles and convince them they will save them

>in SA
>murdered by roaming black death squads
>escape to Straya
>murdered by roaming emu death squads

To be fair, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have opted for you all even if you had extended the invitation, so cheer up m8.


It seems like they want all the whites to be in a penal colony :v

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All 11 million.

why? there's lots of resources in south africa
we'll get them next time south africa is reconquered, but this time we will do it right

thats the point, dismantle it


Not possible, Australia's core problem with agriculture is water, and there is no known method of increasing agricultural water supply (desalination is only for drinking water).

That being said, Australia's refugee intake is mostly fixed, so taking more SA whites in will squeeze the Sudanese niggers out. A huge win.

I remember reading something about a guy who took a tour of Johannesburg and goes on about how when apartheid ended the nogs literally shitted up elevator shafts because they didn't know what they were for. They would probably think the cooling towers are just big toilets.

All of them to populate the north and counteract the asian demographics.

There is around 1.5 in south africa and 4-5 million in africa in total.

Makes sense. Maybe the nogs didn't get all the money from them and the SAers could help you guys expand your desalination plant so you can include an agricultural water supply.

1. We are already at full capacity
2. Once we take them in this sets a new modern precedent for other refugees to be taken in, who are going to be rohinga muslims.
3. Lefties are going to moan like crazy to take in more refugees, this will not end

we don't want them, just let the south africans die in peace. All this does is make it easier to persuade the government and public to taken in refugees. They are gonna say hey look these "South Africans" (not mentioning race) are doing well, lets import (niggers) now, yes the ones who persecuted the white south africans, just like how Australia has imported lebanese, iranian, egyptian Christians etc. who were persecuted by muslims, then years later imported all those muslims that persecuted those Christians.

And with Bio fuels and Bio refining growing, we're going to need as many farmers as we can get.

No we wont, Dutton is a fuckwit trying to garner votes with the Saffers that settled in north brisbane.

Libs are neoliberal globalists who import 300k+ niggers and rape apes annually while crying and keeping retarded bogans attention focused on 200 boat niggers.

Just like 'fuck off we're full' and 'country so dangerous, never come here haha' the notion that Australia is uncucked, can be uncucked or will ever be uncucked is just a veneer put on by the population of a shithole whose only relevance was being a dominion of the british empire, and that one flick that was popular in the 80s and are clawing for anything ANYTHING to be proud about.

Australians are dead and gone.

We should do a swap, we take all the whites they can have their coons back, we can even chuck in some abbos for good measure

I disagree. See how Peter wants to give your gun rights back?
Rifles and SA refugees. What do you think is going to happen? also, I have never seen a perfectionist strayan; Deleting your posts over a typo? I sense a proxyfag.

Yup, apathetic voters, two party system of basically the same worded differently, muh independent votes get sold out, even when you keep away from cities and avoid bureaucracy it comes after you, people on here give me shit for meme flagging but why the fuck would I be proud of this country

SA will be purchased wholesale by the chinese soon after whites are rekt or leave
they'll operate it if needed
and the second apartheid will be complete
but this time, the chink overlord won't play the human rights game

Get ready to starve nigger.

Only thing I will like about the chinks.

Enjoy your white niggers, aussies

NO! we want them. fucking australia, first they try to give us all their arabs and now they try to take the white immigrants


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Cuz your dear leader wants shitskins.

> the chink overlord won't play the human rights game
That is simply because chinks don't really value any life, though.

You talk about Africa, but the chinks are gonna purchase Australia too, and New Zealand, and Canada, and your West Coast.

already have