What happens in Latin America?
Latin America
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CIA launders money for drug lords
Murders, drugs, shemales, pretty much anything fun
I'm not allowed to tell, you have to participate in the ritual of the sopa first, then you will get your own shemale prostitute wife and drug cartel to manage.
Is just another shit hole
off, yourself Mexican Democracy is a cancer
day night i see this shit posted here
they were absolute failures with a movement that never really took off not even in their own states
fuck off
Soros financing left wing movements, communist militias, cartels and more
Tell me how much Mexico has progressed under PRI, come on lie to me.
almost as bad as porfirio shilling that was a fully continuation of juarez regime but retards think it wasnt
so unstable that it collapsed at first chance killing a fifth of the country
tell me how much it progressed under pan 12 years
pan is the party this fucks currently adhscribe to
dont get me wrong, i hate democracy too, and pri too
but a one party state is better anyway
You're proving me right Mexican democracy is a Joke
I Call Mexican democracy a joke, this faggot thinks I participate in the active embodiment of Democracy. Are you retarded?
Pretty comfy place.
And I bet you prefer that Party to be the PRI right?
Hey Guys, hahaha. I hate the PRI too, but Make sure to vote for them.
I am miserable, although being far from poorness and insecurity. I don't think that I could be happy in any other country either. So who cares?!
no, just saying that we lost with return to multipartidism
pri wasnt a one block thing, it had factions and ideological movements
basically i envy chinas system
now that the system is gone, i want pri gone too
forced to elect i am a MC type of guy, but the only contester its Morena, so
Mexico is being handicapped by U.S enforced Democracy. Our prestige, our self-respect. We have become a fucking Joke.
I detest all cocksucker communists from cuba
To all other Latinbros. Democracy is weak leading the weak
This, we need to remove US influence out of Mexico
are portuguese people allowed? they're pretty qt youtube.com
We’re still bros, Chile. We have aircraft carriers of helicopters at the ready whenever you’re ready to purge another generation of red vermin. You just need to find another Pinochet so we can make the magic happen.