Have you ever snappped Sup Forums? Whats the most violent thing you've ever done/had happen to you? If youve never had your ears ring you are probably a pussy.
Have you ever snappped Sup Forums? Whats the most violent thing you've ever done/had happen to you...
I set fire to my school
one time i called this guy who cut me off a jerk; i had to follow him 30 mins outside my route to apologize
I've snapped in dreams before - on the one hand it felt kinda good, on the other hand it was kinda scary.
I exterminated six million people
beat the shit out of a shitty roommate while high on cocaine and threw all his stuff out told him id shoot him if he came back in
Is this going into a data base or something?
I once shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
No you didn't.
shes giving them the finger lmao
no goyim. what makes you imply such horrible things
Is that poor girl surrounded by niggers his sister? No wonder they hated them so.
Bump. I almost shanked a dude who was running full speed at me from behind. He was running to catch a bus but i obviously didnt know that at the time
I fucking wish.
I put a revolver next to a mans head while he was sprawled out next a a baynon tree, and pulled the trigger. He was trying to break into my house but I diddn't want to kill him, just make him deaf.
>be me in high school
>get bullied by nigger
>never fought back because raised by single mother who always taught to to never use violence and be the better man
>also didn't want to get suspended for fighting because was told it would fuck up mychances of getting into college
>always took the bullying like the beta bitch I am
>one day at lunch time I snap
>scream like a fucking autist
>throw my orange juice at his head
>spill orange juice all over his motorolla razor phone you know the ones
>we fight for about 30 seconds till the kids break it up
That was pretty much the only fight I've ever been in. We both got suspended but I got more time since I started the fight. Nigger never fucked with me again.
>If youve never had your ears ring you are probably a pussy.
I have tinnitus so other than me being NOT a pussy, what did you mean by this?
Sounds cliche but when a friend is being made fun of I snap.
never snapped, just defended myself a few times
if I ever snap, it will be with millions of other young men who just want to see this place burn
>snapped multiple times, thank god have a good father who’s never let me combine whiskey and firearms
>been suckered, bottled and had my face fucked up bad
>fucked a few people up but I don’t like brutalizing people, generally just one hit KOs
>chicks seem to really dig me when I’m fucking people up or getting fucked up but other then that they seem bored with me
>getting real close to right wing death squads seeing how quick /pol is becoming real life
I hope whites wisen the fuck up and set aside their differences for global domination. Kill the juden
>so many datamine threads lately
OP is a massive faggot. Sage
I beat the fuck out of some Mexican, didn't realize he had braces until after I started punching his mouth, I fucked up his teeth so much that I was expelled from school & nearly went to jail
I played american sportsball in high school mainly as an outlet for pent up aggression. One game the offensive lineman from the other team pulled a blatantly illegal move on me twice in a row and talked shit both times. The next play I ignored what was happening on the field around me, tackled him as soon as the ball was snapped and while he was face down on the ground I grabbed the inside rim on his helmet and started bouncing his head up and down, slamming it as hard as I could into the field over and over. Oddly enough, the play went the opposite direction and the terrible high school refs didn't notice me assaulting a player from the other team. He was in a daze, I might have given him a concussion I remember shouting in the ear hole of the helmet that he was a fucking faggot piece of shit and I was going to kill him. One of my teammates yanked me off of him and gave me a "what the fuck was that about" look in the huddle, I think he had seen most of it and was sort of shaken. I was the weird antisocial kid who wore a metallica or megadeth shirt to school every day, didn't have a lot of friends, and liked to hit harder than everyone on the sportsball team, and was just a really angry edgelord teenager faggot. The player kind of sat around on the field a few moments before the refs and the rest of his team really noticed, and they helped him walk off the field and subbed in a replacement player for the rest of the game. I never had any consequences of any kind and I'm glad I did it.
>irish mutt
>never had temper flare
who cares its part of life.
I beat the shit out of a homeless kid who pulled a knife on my friend after convincing him to give me the knife to hold onto because it wouldn't be a fair fight.
i jerked off twelve times in one day
but you already knew that
you probably still have the video
Nightclub manager here.
Been in a few hundred fights by now.
>shot once
>shot AT half a dozen times
>guns pointed at me more than 2 dozen times (only two were cops)
>stabbed three different times
>concussion from getting smashed in the head with a bottle
>concussion from falling down stairs while fighting a nigger
>ribs broken a few times
>broken nose
>foot run over in the parking lot
>3 permanently fucked up fingers from dislocation
My favorite personal incident was going for a clothesline on some huge spic fuck that was grabbing the back of one of my bouncer’s shirt collar while the bouncer was trying to drag two of the spic’s friends outside. He tried to dodge at the last second, so instead of catching his collarbone with my forearm, my hand caught his throat under the chin. He was moving forward while I was swinging the opposite direction. The result was that his head stopped cold, while his feet were still running forward and flew out from underneath him. His 275-300lb bulk (just guessing here) fell about 5 feet down while horizontal, smashing into the wood dance floor with such a spectacular ‘THUD’ that the entire fight stopped immediately and everyone else involved oozed away into the crowd.
It was a very Wile E. Coyote moment.
tl;dr Men constantly test each other physically the same way chicks test everyone mentally.
Take your lumps, give as good as you get, and move on.
It's just human nature.
Proper Snapper here...taken shit off drunken fellow employee then smashed him into oblivion at the Chrimbo work party.
Took shit once off a little man trying to act big and walked away cos dont wanna look like a bully and the week after he starts the same shit and I put him in hospital after brawl in the pub.
Many things really,been in pure brawls,I am known as a snapper and when I snap it's one of the 7 wonders of the World as I am a skinny cunt that grew up in Mancstanistan and walked the streets basically begging for some cockroach or some Gangsta Blackman to try and take liberties so I could give them the leathering of their lives so they never tried picking on a White guy again....never happened though..body language speaks volumes.
Cool story
Thanks, Bruce.
Jesus Christ dude stop running in head first, play calm and learn to use the dark enviroment to your advantage.
t. former bouncer
Impressive..but you are not a sithlord yet
>Whats the most violent thing you've ever done/had happen to you?
Haha, you wish.
I'm very protective of my car.
>always park away from other people and trolleys so they won't open their door into my car or so trolleys don't drift into my car
One time an old lady opened her door into my car, I had to really stop myself from exploding. Thankfully didn't leave a mark.
>always get nervous around those fucking window washing dole bludging scumbags
>one day I'm already having a shit day and pull up to a red light on the outskirts of town
>it's the middle of the weekday so not many cars around but it's really hot out
>the window washers are waiting at the lights, two of them. They look unemployable and like bottom of the barrel hood scum
>pull to a stop at the red light and one of them immediately starts walking towards my windscreen
>motion that no I don't want him to wash my windscreen, but he starts doing it anyway
>after he wipes it twice with fuckin dishwashing liquid I open my window
>yell at him to stop touching my car with that shit
>he goes ape mode and starts threatening me
>"what the fuck are you gonna do you cunt"
>fight or flight mode kicks in and I see red
>open my car door into him as hard as I fucking can in rage
>hear a crumple noise and he fucking screams out and falls to the road
>his buddy starts speed walking towards my car so I fucking gap it out of there
>never looked back
>fucking wastes of oxygen dented my car door with their body
Pic fucking related, thank fuck it wasn't worse. Still haven't got around to fixing it.
When u get in extreme adrenilin or violent situation it makes your ears ring...sometimes
Twice I've snapped. First time was in 5th grade; older kid always fucked with me...stole my shit, smacked me around, etc. Was with a few friends after school on the b-ball court, & he came up behind me & shoved me down, fucking my hands all up.
>shit went dark, except for him
>I heard nothing, except for him
I fucking lunged at that faggot, punching the shit out of him until he fell, curled up trying to protect himself. I body slammed his ass & took a piece of the blacktop & shoved it into his mouth..I was trying to make him.eat it, when I got pulled off of him by some high schooler walking by.
Second time was driving down the thruway before it split off to either east or west; I was heading west, but at this particular spot, many people try to get ahead by trying to speed past & cut the traffic off before the split. Some faggot in his Ram thought that he was going to muscle me over...he ran out of road & was on the shoulder at this point, & I don't know why it got me so.heated, but I swung right a little bit, & then then back at him as hard as I could, running him right off the road & down the grassy hill. I didn't even stop, but some asshole called the cops, & I ended up getting pulled over & arrested for it.
>trolleys don't drift into my car
fuck. must suck
I've killed thousands of people please come arrest me so I can sue you.
Forgot pic
I was already pissed and heard some guy hit a cat recently and beat the shit out of him. Justice for the cat but none for niggers amiright
Video games don't count as fights nerd
People are fucking stupid. You never save time speeding unless you're driving 1000 miles
lol how new are you, you edgy faggot
kek, i literally just snapped 2 hours ago.
>trying to sleep
>bunch of poo's in the hallway talking in poo language loudly
>wait 5 mins thinking they are just saying bye
>open door in my boxers only
>they stare at me and walk away
now im having a coffee at 1am because fuck sleep.
Watch out the police are probably coming.
tru ._.
That's why I live in a house. Fuck apartments/duplexes. Neighbours suck.
Was in a similar situation in jr high, but the guy was whtie. You did the right thing bro. Funny how they don't come to fuck with you again.
Go fuck yourself
>Jesus Christ dude stop running in head first
Bars and clubs are a weird beast.
You HAVE to respond within seconds.
Best weapon you can carry is a good flashlight.
Put a guy in a pool hall in the hospital after knocking him out then smashing his head against the floor. I didn’t even know what I was doing, I just saw red.
hell yeah
I would like to see more pepe cat meme's draw 2 fat retarded pepe cats fighting.
>be me in 8th grade
>shunned a fat need I tried being friendly with
>fucker was unbearable
>one day playing wall ball with a group
>fat fuck tries being competitive with me
>hockey check him to the ground
>bell rings and head to 5th period
>wait for him in his room before class starts to shit talk him
>fat fuck leaves while I shit talk to his face
>returns with a pair of scissors
>starts walking towards me
>yells “it ends now and tries to stab me in the heart”
>dodge back and catch scissors in my hand
>fat fuck rips my shirt
>the greatest most primal feeling of life or death washed over me and everything got sharper and duller. Sounds were like the inside of a fish tank
>headlock fat fuck
>punch him in the nose hard and hear a crack
>dragged him to a corner and somehow judo threw him into it despite not having any knowledge how to
>repeatedly kicked and stomped on him like he was a black man.
>fat fuck let’s go of the scissors and I relax
>starts crying while I ridicule him and laugh while people watched in utter shock
>see my hand is bleeding and walk down to the nurse while laughing hysterically the whole time.
>get suspended for two day and fat fuck tries prosecuting me for bullying
>he lost and gets shipped to a special school
>I became a legend but still couldn’t score any puss
>it was a good day.
Also I forgot to mention I broke 2 of his ribs, broke his nose and fractured his jaw. I saw a picture of him and saw I permanently disfigured him. Felt really good man.
tell us more user. let me live through you since I'm a pussified beta-cuck
sounds like you had a bad one, usually if you give them a clear message they fuck off. did anyone see?
>I'm a pussified beta-cuck
Take a punch. Give a few.
Stop being scared.
>I-I'll go to prison!
No, you won't.
Stop being a bitch.
Listen to the man and stop being a bitch.
>op post
I've rage lifted a 200lb kid by the neck and groin then smashed him over me knee like I was planting christs cross, with enough fury to make everyone around me stop breathing, and a glare in my eyes that would freeze your blood icy.
I'm a violent man that looks very unassuming, but cross me and you will pray for god to save you. I'm unimaginably cruel.
I hit a guy in the face with a table. We were watching a historical war movie and he started laughing and calling the soldier idiots. I had been putting up with this little shit for 9 months already and I just lost it. He ended up unconscious and went to hospital and I almost got kicked out of school..
Those digits confirm it
Stop being a bitch, kek wills it.
some guy in my hometown did this too hahah
Deleted my wow account and character after getting mad at a guild raid party.
I think that's him on the far left
>american reading comprehension
One time, when I was a kid I blacked out and beat up my cousin. Blacked back in to him laying on the floor looking up at me in shock with a bloody nose. He must have deserved it though. He was always a bully and I never got in trouble for it.
It's funny, I'm such a spineless loser that I literally don't remember the one time I stood up for myself.
Be me 2007, two days after dad shoots himself and I see it all I've got a bit of a problem brewing in my head. Go to McDonald's drive thru (I like their big Macs fuck off) and Mexican tattooed faggot tries to cut me off. I give him the finger and he acts like he's going to get out but somehow his 90lb girlfriend holds him back..right. I roll down the window and ask him if he wants to go proper and to follow me to my girlfriends back yard and he obliges. He follows me to her house and we proceed to the back yard and close the gate, he was much bigger so I was pumping adrenaline. He tries to sucker punch me and lands a glancing blow on my head so I push him back for distance and then charged him with a Frank shamrock head to the stomach take down and mercilessly start trying to punch through this beaner gang banger wannabes head. I don't succeed in actually punching through his skull so I just rain down elbows with all 230 lbs of force I could muster and he's long been out. My girlfriends dad pulls me off of this dying sack of shit, he has flesh basically hanging off his face above his eyes and I knocked out a good portion of his teeth. His nose looked like Owen Wilson's, and his gf was freaking out and such. He finally comes to and sobs like a pussy. I helped him to his cars back seat and went inside to eat. I have a few more moments of unadulterated rage but this one was off the charts probably because of my mental state at the time, good times
I remember back in P.E. in like 7th/8th grade, it was basketball day, and we were all around shooting hoops when some faggot kid and his friend, who were sitting down under the ball hoop I was using, grabbed my ball and were holding onto it. Walked up to the kid, asked him for the ball, he declined, so I violently jabbed my elbow into his stomach, and so he relented.
>be quiet asian
>ancestors are from a warrior clan
>only speak when I want to, don't talk much
>have an extremely loud and deep voice when yelling, used to be in a heavy metal band in high school
>studying in the library for midterms
>a bunch of protestors come in and make a bunch of noise, interrupting people during the fucking midterms holy fucking shit
>can't take it anymore
>go up to this bitch
>go up to her face and yell shut the fuck up really really really loud
>entire library becomes dead quiet for ten seconds, everyone's face is visibly shocked
>she starts crying
>get kicked out of library
anyone want to hear my voice?
I can record it on vocaroo.
My outpost in afghanistan was being mortared, so I ran for one of the few concrete shelter we had. 2 came really fucking close to me, enough to make my ears ring, the rest hit the other areas of the COP, but mortars are pretty scary to me now. That's just a 3.5 year service in the Army. Never even thought I'd be deployed, I was dead wrong. If you don't think you'll be deployed during your service and think you can ride it like I did, THINK AGAIN.
I can already tell you're gonna end up beating the children that some unfortunate broad is gonna have with you after you get married. She'll leave you for Tyrone, and your children will hate your guts. You'll die alone, and only the knacker will attend your funeral.
Say "Ching bing chong, I smoke from a bong."
One time I used black magic to make my sister boyfriend get deliriously drunk, then when I saw that he couldn't defend himself I beat his fucking face in. Smashed his head on a coffee table, gave him 13 stitches. 2 minutes after it was over he was not drunk anymore, and couldn't understand why he was so fucked up, he didn't drink that much.
Here's the kicker, like 3-4 months before that night I told him I was gonna do it while I was blacked out from DID. I used to black out and tell people the future. So I told him this and he didn't believe me, and then it fucking happened. Dude was puking up black he was bleeding so much.
> be me in line at national express office in Oxford St London
> Feeling pissed off because I hate doing shit in central city
> Leave normal British queue spacing between me and person ahead of me
> Nigger woman walks in and cuts in the line right in front of me
> Red rags to a bull
> I'm fucking raging
> You probably won't believe what happened next but yes, it actually took place
> I called her out, can't remember exactly what I said but I shouted at the top of my voice, the words 'fucking black bitch' were used
> She looked terrified, she gave nothing back, she obviously thought she would get away with it
> No one stopped me, no one tried to shut me down
> I stormed out of there like a tard ranting about 'common fucking decency this isn't even your own country you Nigerian bitch'
> Go out to the busy street still raging and punch a street sign
> My gf with me the whole time looking horrified
> One other time be in supermarket in Hong Kong
> In the check out queue, leave normal spacing between me and person ahead of me
> You can see where this is going
> 4'8 chink nana walks right in front of me
> I rage hard again
> Assume no one can understand me I let rip with a chorus of fucken cunts and stupid bitches
> Storm out like a tard throw my bag against the wall
> Again my gf (same one) runs out with me trying to calm me down
I'm like so easy going, mild mannered and all that. But apparently pushing in front of me sets off a switch in my brain and I can not control myself. I become like a three year old having a major meltdown
yes plz
I am ok with this. Can see how you would've lost it and I like your response.
These people are scum. Good on you for not taking shit from him. One got severely fucked up last year, run over at an intersection. That made everyone's day.
Good times. I only burned a floor of it.
> be me 22
> come home to college house with 4-5 room mates
> people sleeping on my couch
> check locked room.
> laptop and money gone
> go down stairs Acuse 2 nigs on my couch
> yelling starts
> they tell me stfu they didn’t do shit why would they stay in my house
> proceed to tell them gtfo before I fuck them up
> both nigs bum rush me in kitchen
> get off a couple good punches but both start to land on me
> clench and block until one random sneaks off somewhere
> here’s my shot 1v1
> stand up... if I’m gonna get knocked out so be it I’m pissed
> suplex the one nog he’s his ass
> see other big out of the corner of my eye with my kitchen butcher knife
> dash out of front door
> proceed to crazy laughing (fuck I was about to die)
> nigs come outside talk shit
> I tell them I’ll 1v1 both of them
> knife is gone
> Cops sirens in distance one big starts running the other upset I got him in the kitchen comes at me fill force
> 2 piece his crazy swings dive in again take down side mount knee on his head
> roomies are outside watching us now
> I’m telling you know I could crack your fucking skull right now
> knee pressing harder into his head against the ground
> roommates pull me off he runs
> fuck tendon in my big toe got cut in the kitchen on oven glass leg is covered in blood didn’t notice till now
> found out my ex robbed me not the 2 nigs
> almost got a butcher knife to the ribs cuz of a dumb bitch
> foot still falls asleep till this day if I run for long periods of time
Probably sounded like a lunatic to all the neighbors but it was sink or swim and I didn’t plan on dying in that shit hole house around people I didn’t give a fuck about lulz
> be 20-year-old me in basic training
> make it 6 weeks w/o incident, or even being noticed by drill sgt.
> solid week of forced marches, 100+ degere heat, night exercises, & almost no sleep
> in formation, on range, with trusty Vietnam-era M16A1
> drill sgt. smarts off to me like he does to everyone
> for the first & only time in my life, my vision goes red
> have massive urge to kill this magnificent fucker for basically no reason
> say nothing, struggling to contain homocidal instincts
> apparently, my struggle is obvious, as all around me break formation to flee
> drill sgt god is scared: "It was just a joke, Pvt. user. Take it easy, Pvt. user."
> "I'm sorry, Pvt. user. Take it easy. Ok. Time for a break. Platoon: fall out."
> [everyone has already left]
> drill sgt god backs away, leaving me in solitude
After several minutes of no-shit life-or-death struggle, I eventually conquered my fatigue-induced rage, but I never forgot the feeling of that completely irrational uncontrollable negative emotionality.
> This must be what it is like to be a woman.
> this must be how
Nice honeypot thread.
Reminder that Sup Forums has integrated coding that allows full access by injection. Hiro has already allowed a ukranian advertising shell company to set up shop. Sup Forums blew the lid off it months ago and nothing has changed, but they rely on all the dumbfucks here not to know about it or care.
Could use a (you) or two to confirm the content in this post doesn't get me shadowbanned.
> this must be like what is is to be a woman
Stabbed a bully with a Swiss army knife on the bus home from school, in 10th grade. Ripped his coat's sleeve, didn't even scratch him, but he got scared enough to never try anything again. My reputation went from "that nerd who can't defend himself" to "that crazy guy who will kill you if you look at him wrong" and life got considerably better
Quit lying Hitler you attention whore.
I once stopped for some teenagers crossing the road. They decided to be smartasses and start slowly slinking to the other side to piss me off. I slammed on the gas and damn near hit them, if they didn’t pick up theirs pace pronto I would have.
got arrested for stomping a snitch. knocked a faggot out for attacking my brother. somehow snapped his fingers as he landed on the ground. have thrown a textbook at a nigger too. wanted to do more but the teacher blocked me, and id rather not get expelled for slamming the teacher. lately though since my gf left me ive felt so much rage. i dont know how to explain it but i find myself arguing more, screaming more, planning more... even masturbating more often. ive been wondering if i may accidentally kill a manlet. i havent had a serious fight since my rage unleashed. i wonder what id do
be honest, did you commit by the laws of your country a hate crime?
I was on the bus one morning and "that kid" peekd over the seat, pulled my pokemon cartridge out while I was playing it, and grinned in my face. I punched him in the head about five times which was a bad idea because I got a boxer's fracture thanks to my shit punching form but good because what he did is intolerable and my only consequence was having my arm in a cast for a few months.
In highschool I had a teacher who was really friendly with me, because I would make her crack up in class (was the class smartarse), make a senior student (In a grade 2 years above mine, he was Year 12 I was Year 10) pickup a hot pie I just threw at his head off of the ground. She saw me throw it too. Then he grabbed the back of my head and pushed it into a brick staircase so I punched his temple and he sat down and cried, complaining about a "bad headache" while I had blood pouring out of the side of my head. Then he got suspended and I was put on In school.
Another time a teacher palmedthis dickhead classmates nose in front of the wholeclass and said "you just ran into my hand" while blood was running out.
And another time when I was in year 7 waiting for the school bus home for my area, a year 11 student who was bullying me pulled my lunchbox out of my school bag and jumped on it. Then on the weekend I saw that he was a neighbor of my uncle's and I told my uncle so he went over the road and slammed his car hood (the guy was working on a car with his dad) down on his fingers and yelled at him and his dad.
And another time a group of 4 abos who were a few years older than me all ganged up on me and beat me up (which literally made my ears ring, I cried like a bitch) and my brother saw me kinda messed up and smoking with a bleeding nose and red ear so I told him I fell out of a tree but my mum told him what actually happened and he went up to there house and dragged the oldest brother (had nothing to do with me getting beat up or anything, it was his younger brothers) out of the house and beat him up badly.
And a little skittish junky guy pushed my mum over once while she was cleaning her car outside and she came in the house and locked the doors and started crying (she's the nicest most caring lady ever) and it scared me so I rang my brother at work and told him and he left work and went straight to this guys house and beat him in front of his girlfriend.
Sooking* not smoking. I have so many stories, jesus.
One time A bully in my class made me cry in year 7 because I was sick of getting teased. But his older brother was dating my brothers girlfriends younger sister and after it happened my brother was at his girlfriend's while this guys brother was there bragging about his brother making me cry. So my brother did something. Because the next day the kid and his brother apologised and I was never bullied from them again.
I was such a bitch before I had a growth spurt and bullied the bullys way worse.
a few years ago, i pushed around a homeless guy at a public library
That shit is infuriating. I had a guy steal my Pokemon game and gameboy. Which was retarded because he went to my school and lived nearby. I saw him at the lake and I bounced his head off of the jetty and he went home crying.