Right now in the catalog we have:

>a thread with borderline cp pics. literally young boys in high heels/revealing clothing posed provocatively

>multiple threads with women naked or in revealing clothing

>multiple threads about e-celebs, regular celebrities, and rappers (why not just make a celebrity gossip board at this point, honestly)

>never ending spam threads in this format: picture of a woman, edgy statement in the subject line, rhetorical question posed in the body

Yet, you're deleting all of the recent robot's suicide threads. This is actually newsworthy, noteworthy, and politically incorrect. We were his only friends. How dare you. How fucking dare you. We should be able to discuss it.

Why do you always ban me, by the way? Are you allowed to do that if someone points out your bullshit, or can you not help yourself from acting like a kike?
Suck a fat one, mods

Attached: plant.jpg (1200x742, 168K)

Other urls found in this thread:

(((They))) are going to delete your thread like the other magnificent ones. Pic related.

Attached: 75C95597-FB58-47C0-9B8F-FADA18F1C3F3.jpg (750x428, 240K)

It's funny because if I post about life advice, I'll get banned for 5 days for being off topic even when what I am posting is substantive.

Mods would rather have on topic shitposting and rulebreaking than posts that are within the rules and mildly off topic.

I wish QA wasn't so overtly anti-POL so that we could bring this up as a genuine complaint.

I cannot believe the amount of porn here, honestly. That bothers almost as much as when I posted Nick Cruz's instagram archive showing he may have been muslim, and also the thread I made during the Hawaii false alarm about how messages can't be sent accidentally because of how their EAS works

Most of the posted threads on this board are antagonistic and meant only to harass the users. I only come her to call people/bots niggers. Sup Forums has been garbage since the election.

Mods are kikes. There are better chans.

Sup Forums mods are literally being funded by israel and they have been monitored. They will be arrested as well when the swamp starts being drained because they are treasonous cowards.

>Yet, you're deleting all of the recent robot's suicide threads
Quick rundown?
I'm totally out of the loop.

>We were his only friends.
Fuck off sick fuck you convinced him to an hero go take your gore fantasy bullshit off my politically correct cactus board
Some r9k autistic neet blew his brains out on live stream and the thread got pruned.

sounds like OP got a little titillated

Attached: quote-i-have-reached-the-conclusion-that-under-the-first-and-fourteenth-amendments-criminal-laws-in- (850x440, 99K)

About an hour ago a NEET shot himself on a livestream and got blood all over his waifu posters
Mods are not letting anyone discuss the impact of this, even though r9k was up on his computer and his mom found him

I don't what board you're lurking.
You fags are a fucking JOKE!

There was an investigation going on to identify tommy Robinson’s attackers like what happened to Eric Clanton yet (((someone))) get pruning the threads. I think they moved onto a discord like the bring Tay back project who got moved to Sup Forums for whatever fucking reason.

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account.

Speaking of BTB does anyone know where those magnificent bastards went. I haven’t seen a BTB thread in days.

Attached: 4D4B28DA-4311-4B57-BB34-F51A4B702214.jpg (677x786, 95K)

mods are jews, duh.

thanks for the rundown.
rip, live by the chan. die by the chan.

Sup Forums needs to be no porn content


>mods leave up cuck spam threads
>they leave up >_____ >white threads
>they leave up all kinds of shit that violates the rules
>they take down or move white western art/ culture threads that no one outside of Sup Forums would appreciate

Pic related. I miss those threads.

Attached: 8ACE0746-BC78-41F7-AC53-6A3C24C82218.jpg (3564x2097, 1.78M)

you know it's another lefty raid to get the place banned.
Sup Forums and members of always gets false flagged
by leftists who do worse shit than Sup Forums. it makes no sense but it's part and parcel

>live by the chan. die by the chan.
kek this
Can't wait for the rest of you fucking faggot neets to follow his example

I love you and all babe, but you're a retard sometimes
it's already supposed to be. it's literally the third rule.

It should be no fucking christfag nigger shit.
Keep it in /x/ where it belongs.

I can't work cripplechan that website is shittier then faceberg.

>implying we should ban christian threads and not the porn spam
Back from wence you came, kike

He said whilst spamming kike religions.
Go pray to your messiah, queer.

Fucking drow

Jesus literally called Jews Satanic
Stop being such a brainlet, shill. You won't get your shekel if you keep that up

You're not going to heaven so burn in hell pigboy.

they pruned a fucking DAN SCHNEIDER THREAD
we need a day of the rake on the m o d z

What is this painting from? I've never seen it, it's beautiful
Also I know that feel. My white female painters threads got deleted too
They REALLY hate when white women are portrayed positively or as remotely competent

Attached: ArtemisiaGentileschi.jpg (1024x1330, 229K)

>They REALLY hate when white women are portrayed positively or as remotely competent
>remotely competent

Attached: pol university of misogny.png (938x976, 1.06M)

Kikemods and ZOGpockets have completely subverted this Chan.
I put up a thread yesterday with a bobby in a sea of pakis that stayed up all day, because ZOG doesn't fucking care how much we realise that we are being over-run by brown cunts.
Made a thread about how Australia has a Jewish PM, and is run by a bunch of holohoax """survivors""" and that got slid in five minutes.
Went into another thread where a ZOG shill was saying shit about how great the jews were for white nationalism, and as soon as the shill ran away the thread was instantly fucking deleted.
This board is compromised as fuck.
Lucky for me I sincerely don't give a fuck a about getting v&
Gas the kikemods, board war now.

You're right. Problem is around here, the pseudo-intellectuals claim that you have to quit your job to become successful... as they're loading their faces with mom's hot pockets. One can only work for themselves once they've built themselves (and their lives) to the point where the leap can be made.... not pretend that not working will bring one there alone. It's not always about money, it's about SELF-DISCIPLINE

Attached: 3.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

Souls on the Banks of Acheron. It was painted by a man named Adolf Hiremy-Hirschl. Jewish, funnily enough.

That supports his point. Anything that drives white men and white women apart is a bad thing. What kind of white woman is going to want to have kids with a guy who thinks kicking women in the cunt is funny? We’re not niggers, don’t act like one.

Attached: 11A27CF2-95CB-4F1A-A982-BD0064ED5CD8.jpg (1124x1080, 190K)

Mods have been and will always be massive cockmongling faggot fucks.

I'm afraid they're jewish

God help us.

It's telling how they shut down circ threads

Cause Mods suck.

Attached: MODS.jpg (300x168, 6K)

Mods are openly letting shills spamthreads about the kid who shot himself. First of all that has nothing to do with this board and second of all the shills are trying to set teh narrative that Sup Forums made him kill himself. These people are disgusting.

Found the next an hero

>simmer down

Sup Forums went to shit months ago. Really accelerated around the time Q posting was ramping up. Swarmed with AI based bots, undoubtedly. If I had the means and Sup Forums was the source of my political ideological opposition, I would do the same.

This place is 100% comped. As are the mods.

1/5 posts are worth reading. The rest are disinfo cointelpro shit right out of a manual.