Post video links here mods are shoahing all threads
YouTube An Hero
Other urls found in this thread:
Is that the aftermath, OP?
>SAO fan
nothing of value lost
Except the fucking video links user.
mom was literal 56%
Literally a great anime
Hating sao is just a meme everybody does to get accepted into the community
Mods stop being cucks and cencoring you're looking bad.
post link fag
post link niggers
>video banned on Sup Forums, YouTube, and even liveleak
It's gone forever
Found link
for by pals
His taste in chinese cartoons was shit anyways, good riddance.
Its what not to do when you talk to someone about suicide.
Both her and the dude were saying shit like
>don't do something stupid, man.
>you have friends
>do the right thing
>its hard now, but it will get better
To a suicidal person, killing yourself is the most rational thing in the world. It does exactly what they are talking about: making it better.
At no time do they state their concerns for his life directly. I doubt he has the speakers on anyway.
spics really are half kike i swear
are you shitting me? why???!
Anyone else getting fucked up by this shit? Going to /gif/ for a ylyl thread just to try and forget that mom and the waving goodbye and the whole ordeal. Fuck I am literally shaking.
Did you even opened it yourself?
Fuck yea, already webms! Saved!
the absolute madman
You can still find pedo shit from like the 2000's but this video gets deleted instant quick. Fucking god damn pedo liberal shit fuck internet
Liveleak is deleted, please reupload
Why would someone want to watch this? S-a-g-e
no one realises it, but the whole of Sup Forums just got PTSD.
ISIS beheadings and cartel murders are totally detached from our reality, but this was one of our guys.
this is the closest thing we will ever get to watching one of our friends get killed in a war.
it takes up to an hour to set in... notice your kidneys starting to hurt?, feeting particularly enraged, and have the urge to punch walls or yell 'NIGGER' for no particular reason?
Mine is still up, are you mental?
sucks his camera cucked him out of focus during his shining moment
last thread i watched it just fine now its deleted and the last thread got 404
told u I was hardcore 2: this is real Pumaloo
>took me to age confirmation, watched it 90 sec ago thought it was still up. This is really eye opening if they're censoring this, I worry for the future.
Fuck... Why?
This is true honestly. You got my feels.
literally newfags who haven't ascended yet
also 12 year olds
>You can still find pedo shit from like the 2000's
my ass, proof?
He was a possible pedo
fuck off. We've seen worse.
lol an hour everyone convinced me it was fake
jesus christ
Thats a big gun
no. its late and i'm going to have a nice sleep.
Fuck that
Why this political
Post on ogrish
Everyone has seen worse
^ This link doesnt work anymore? Video is still up for me
Ignorance is truly bliss. I wish I could forget.
At one point the girl is like "I don't know if you can hear me", and he's like "no yeah I can hear you". I think that if you get to the point that you're gonna do it, you've probably made the rounds of suicide boards, so you've probably talked shit about and dissected all the bullshit arguments that people like "oh look at me I'm crying how could you do this >to me
Yeah bro and use Sup Forums as the password. A lot of models are now over 18 obviously but the pics still legit
>have the urge to punch walls or yell 'NIGGER' for no particular reason?
That is my nightly bedtime ritual, Nigger.
>Brush teeth
>Punch shit
>Set alarm clock
>Yell NIGGER! a few times
Every mans a pedo, he just had the balls to admit it.
Kel-Tec KSG meme gun from 2012
Fuck off. He was an anime-watching, /r9k/-going waste of human life.
100 per real
Can watch this shit all day he did it too himself. Now a innocent animal getting tortured or killed for no reason still pissed me off to no end.
Post it to bestgore
See you there.
What should they have said, specifically?
He's some weeb from /r9k/ need I say more?
7 minutes long and has the faggot crying
noob down
Yup. They deleted it.
It's on liveleak, just learn to search for things.
Its his mum we care about not his sorry arse. Listen to the video audio it is horrific.
Truly an r9k an hero
mom walks in at 7m 5s lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Thread still open....
*suspiciously squints - respect 4 mods incrementally increases*
I'm not religious in the least, but people like you are just lost souls wandering aimlessly through the hell on earth you've created for yourself.
grow the fuck up, life is essentially pain and suffering with nice moments interspersed. worse is coming our way societally soon enough and you'll yearn for the day that some rando blew his brains out and you could watch with shock and horror from the comfort of your well-lit and airconditioned surroundings. I'll miss that when we are forced to ruthlessly kill folks to keep the peace.
No. It shows how an imbalanced culture leads to self-destructive behavior. This was the product of a toxic artificial environment; namely withdrawing into his anime and loli shit
We just had a 450 reply thread. Still waiting on someone who has the whole live stream so I can see his mom's reaction.
Gunlet here. What kind of shotgun is that?
>if i take that mask off will you die?
what a waste of a KSG-9
>anime posters
Can I get a rundown?
There was a girl crying the whole time. If she gave that much of a shit why didn't she just offer to suck his dick?
10 years floating around these parts and this one managed to really give me the feels.
>waaaah our guy waaah
man they werent kidding about r_td taking over
pedo weeb degen offs himself, i shed no tears
the mom thing is brutal tho
grow a pair pussy
>white knighting some dead faggot on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
fuck off reddit
So, no raeson ,just anime?
I suck at using liveleak is there a way i can repost the video? I have it up right now
Don't kill yourself guys, I love you.
look at his favorite vids
You hit the nail right in its head aussie bro, this is why this shit is fucking us up so much.
it's not THAT bad
shameful attempt #1
Some spic from /r9k/ posted he was going to kill himself and the madman actually did it.
liveleak had a 50 minute vid of the entire stream with the mom and paramedics and cops show up. I was watching then refreshed for comments and it was deleted.
underrated post
i already popped my PTSD cherry years ago.
We didn't create shit you dumb fucking niggerfaggot, we were born here for no reason, and will die all the same. This guy just had the balls to end it himself.
not politics
sage and report
>If she gave that much of a shit why didn't she just offer to suck his dick?
of what why should someone click
If you actually watched it, then you'd know it's not the kid shooting himself that makes it hard to watch, it's the mom coming in afterwords.
Why would liveleak delete that? I was litterally binge watching the most stomach testing stuff 2 nights ago.