Highschool DxD HERO

Do you like the new armor look?

Looks nice to me but who knows what it might look like later on with Passione

Is it true that this new season won't feature nudity unlike the previous seasons?

The PV had the little censor sign plus it would be dumb for DxD to not have nudity.

Where did you hear that?

I just like the New look of Koneko. Fuck everything else.

I will say I want to see how things play out with the new style.

Someone told me that along with the studio change, it will also not air on AT-X anymore.

I just want my nipples.

The guy literally directed Hentai b4, hopefully they make an exception. DxD w/o nudity is...

You really have to stop believing every single rumor that gets spouted. If there is no source, there ain’t shot.

God, I hope so. Rail Wars was directed by Passione and had nipples, so there might be some hope.

Pay for it you cheap bitch.
Not everything is free. That's problem with anime & ecchi fans. They loving bitching and begging for more of something but mever put $$$ into it.

Ruined the series I might add.

Have I watched that before?

I'd honestly be fine if they just had the eyecatches. They were honestly my favorite.

i liked dxd until i realized every male other than the mc is a better character

You finally found out the secret! The male MC was always supposed to be a blank self-insert the whole time who woulda thought.

That's what holds the series back. Issei is shit.

Maybe in bluray. But if people REAL liked DxD as much as they claim they do. And go on and on about the series being "so good" and the "story being good" then there is no reason to bitch or complain about the service.

The series is popular for the books aka the story.

Koneko was one of the lucky ones that came out looking better in the new style


I want to die.

That brings back memories

May as well post them all.


I would impregnate every last one of them.

At least is not CGI yet.

One good thing I CAN say about BorN is the ads were great and I hope we get more like them for Hero.

Holy shit that's great

You don't live in japan

People legitimately died from car accident s because of this. No joke.

Chichigami took them they'll be in good breasts.

Issei's actually a pretty decent guy for a self-insert harem protagonist.

I don't even self insert onto Issei and I think he's pretty cool

True, but I know about it anyway. (And so do (You)).

They were ass men, so nothing of value was lost.

Ass Legs > Fat Sacks.

Cool! Hey wanna go for a car ride and see the new billboards?

I knew it! The new animation looked like some hentai I watched just a few months ago but I can't remember.

I am ok with this.

The new character art looks far better than what the awful designs we got for the other seasons. I'm not sure why Asia's hair changed colors though.

Does Akeno give out titfucks?

I'm not the one to ask user.

The atx airing isn't up to the studio friend. The production company has the final say on where it airs. DxD on atx was kinda big deal, so I doubt they would fuck that op.

I'm pretty sure they wouldn't change things. Don't worry.

I just want to see this.


I think he's a bit too autistic and loud for most self inserts. Japs just say they like him due to how he's just simple and likable without being over the top with edginess or whatever.

user this is why you don't listen to people without a source

Other than dying twice, he has no real reason to feel angst. He's a pervert that doesn't really come off as a creep surprisingly enough.

His self doubt because of Raynare was actually well done and addressed pretty quickly. Now it's just him getting stronger, along with him growing with his harem.

Is this series any good?

Has there ever been a bigger downgrade?

See DAL season 2

post her before?

Downgrade? It's a massive upgrade from badly drawn mouse faced characters.

Hinako Note managed to keep it together production-wise.

>blank self-insert

In what fucking universe?

user don’t you know? All male MCs are basically self inserts regardless if they actually have development and a character of their own. Why would that user say that? Surely he knows what he’s talking about.

Fuck why did you remind me. Season 3 better not look as awful

We dodged a bullet with Issei having the personality he has over proto Issei, who was just Kiba. Kiba as a protagonist would be the self insert. Issei has too many emotions to really be a self insert.

has he fucked her yet, that's basically all I want to know.

It will, IMS is garbage


>Top: Shit tier hentai
>Bottom: moeshit lmao

Its shit

I'm in a bad emotional state and your bait isn't helping me user

>the first date vs the fourth date


Issei will fuck his whole harem eventually. We already know some of his kids due to time travel

I just want a post series novel that details each girls' first time. It'd be cute.

And the Rias Akeno threesomes.

God I wonder how, they're gonna handle the moe-change on the Mobage Cards now.

Someone on 2ch was spouting that Passione may have signed for 24 for two seasons episodes and that we'll get s5 sooner than expected. Maybe split cour?

so you're telling me he hasn't. Alright I'll coincidentally come across another DxD thread in another year and ask again.

You can't really expect to adapt v9 and 10 and not 11 and 12, so not surprising

>Liking DxD for the males.


I hope Ishibumi gets his full adaptation, but holy fuck it'll never happen at the rate things are going.

>he doesn't know

Leave to our dear fujos

You do realise it's unlikely a sex scene will ever be written?

>implying the males of DxD aren't top tier husbandos

>Come for the waifus/husbandos
>Stay for the shounen
We got Akeno suspiciously close to Issei's dick while in the bath. That's as close as we'll get probably. What was the context for that? Did it even mention his dick?

>it will be the fujos that fund a complete adaptation of DxD if things go well
Satan bless the fujos

You mean Michael. The devils don't give blessings.

Clearly more research is required.

Real or fanmade?!

Hentai level "animation". Even the PV of S4 looks better.

I actually bought every DxD BD so far. Even the S3.

USBDs tho, The Japanese don't even have subs.

>What was the context for that? Did it even mention his dick?
What do we need that for? All we know is that they got near his dick.

They got near his dick plenty of times in the past though, it's not new.

No news, no trust. It will be the usual rushed 12 episodes and one OVA.

When has DxD been rushed outside of s3?

S2 when they half-assed the 2nd opening.

S2 was the least rushed season so far

Lots of male characters in this series are half naked user while the mc has nude screenshot

They could easily do a 24 episode long run. But money and budget is a problem. Even if the 4th season now.

That has nothing to do with an adaptation being rushed

Split-cour is the answer
Like when Shinami Maou got 2 season in the same year

When they had more episode, they have more time. At least that I felt about it when watching it after read the LNs.

That would be nice. I doubt they would do it tho. As much I love DxD, they released a OVA later and BD specials. Sure we get a 4th season now.

She'll come back, right?

Deader than her predecessors from Inuyasha and DBZ

Only if Ishibumi shows the alternate universe with her alive

Next to Koneko.

Pure perfection. She will be back. She started it all.

What ruined Rail Wars was the story, not the ecchi.

As much I love oppai, this killed it (in a bad way).
Ecchi they did fine. But everything else was medicore to bad.


>I just want a post series novel that details each girls' first time. It'd be cute.
I don't think that'll happen. It'll just be 16.5 again.
Events leading up to it and Issei not knowing where to stick his dick would probably be mentioned though.