Man Reportedly Commits Suicide On A YouTube Live Stream

>Although the original video was quickly taken down due to violating YouTube's policy on harmful or dangerous content, another version can be seen elsewhere.
>The account where the stream originated from is named 'Shuaiby' and the video itself was titled 'Hey.'

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Other urls found in this thread:

Another user posted the link. You on the other hand are not.

FWIW, this faggot did nobody a favour. He will be forgotten by the next shit post, only to occasionally appear as a GIF reaction to some other shit post.

Fucking loser. He sure showed everyone. Ohhh they'll be so upset. Yea no. Say hello to Saddam while you burn in hell you cock smoking nigger.

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damnit boy! thats pretty realistic.

stop glorifying it faggot.

He couldn't handle the bantz r

You have to go back.

What does a yellow star next to someones name mean?

why did he put the plastic up? was he worried about making a mess

pics or it didn't happen

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next time post the link, nigger

>>Sup Forums762764340

back to where? suicide is bad especially with a gun. this was posted on /k/ originally.

>and the video itself was titled 'Hey.'

Retard, now the thread is going to get shoah'd. There's a link to the vid in the article.

Everything that is uploaded on YouTube is on Google computers, even when deleted from YouTube site and you can play it through Google without YouTube.

Did anyone mirror the whole thing? The source and liveleak vid is down. I heard people came in he did it. How does this stuff get taken down so fast, it should be archived.

Poor parents. Invested so much in having their kid to grow up and...

archive.4plebs bro
EVERYTHING is added in real time. check this thread.


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How the fuck do I cross board

>Sup Forums762764340


>tarp gone
>blinds in perfect shape
fake and gay

Yes. Total beta

So why'd this guy kill himself?

I feel the same way. Well said user. If there's a hell, or a place souls go for torment, there's a place for someone who purposely kills himself so his mother and baby sister find him. Attention whoring faggotry of the highest level. I feel so sorry for his family.

Yep, mother came in moments later, shrieked and called the paramedics. Not pleasant watching :(

sad way to go, here's some funeral twerking

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This is so much better than that uruguayan fucker's video when he offed himself because bjork was being fucked by a black guy.


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Mind = Blown

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we can't let them keep getting away with it

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The retard had the gun angled down. The spray was out of frame.

I saw the original video it was like a a watermelon getting smashed.

Was he really /r9k/?


But that's a suicide free zone.

Dammit that's a nice wallpaper, he could have at least posted it before he blew his brains out.

It's also a gunfree zone. Doesn't he know that shit is illegal?

Holy wow, is that one of those 15 shot keltec bullpup thingies?

Maybe I've just gotten soft since I've had children but I don't even find an hero funny anymore. I just pray to God my children never want to do this.

Half of his head, gone. Was that a shotgun of some kind?

i want that part of the video please

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These are dark times.

>little wave
>putting the tarp up
Kinda cute desu senpai

What's his name Sup Forums?

damn around :16 through :20 you can see him reconsidering.

There is literally nothing wrong with committing suicide

It's never worth it. Heart goes out to family. Sad!

Checked and


You are a literal retard you know that

Don't kill yourselves pol friends
except the türkroach

Do you think he’d still be alive if YouTube had the common sense to pull down the stream before he an heroed?

Digits say yes

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>meme flag
>terrible post
like clockwork

First we need to know his name to even confirm anybody killing himself.

i neeed one with sound


How isn't this in the news?

suicide is an epidemic
he was bang in the most affected range too
and nobody (including yourself) takes it seriously

Ayup. This guy was a grade a royal certified fucking loser. If you're gonna kill youself, you at least go and do it with honour like some kind of samurai or something. You don't try to attention whore yourself in to meme infamy.

He should have live streamed shooting up a mosque or something, then blown his head off.

Two followers. Loser status confirmed

>all of the literal the_Donald faggots itt

Sup Forums is lost

found it in the /r9k/ thread

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It's bad, but not bad as your little girl burning coal. This kid went out peacefully, give him that.

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Hell awaits.

Yes. His suicide note said "by r9k" on it.

As a guy who survived a suicide attempt: the only bad thing is that things are even shittier when you fail

Pretty fucked up shit anons. How do you think the CIA is reacting knowing they got a kid to kill himself?

>holds up sign to say bye bye to /r9k/
>his grieving mother wonders what the letter means

Yeah if I ever decide to end it all I will probably say goodbye to all the “frog Nazis” here but God DAMN this poor guy’s mom is left holding a note that explains to her absolutely nothing. Anybody here lurk /r9k/? Did anybody come around earlier saying they were going to kill themselves? Seems here we wind up talking somebody down from the ledge at least once a week, never really knowing if it was a LARP or not. Him with zero fucks given for the people begging for him to not do it OR for his mom finding him tells me he was in a REALLY bad place. Surely he vented somewhere before doing this???? His goodbye letter was directly to /r9k/. Poor kid. RIP.

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No, I'm not going to look at the video. And I'm not even going to search for the video.

16 years later and I'm still pretty fucked up from watching the Daniel Pearl video.

This is why you don't watch anime you fucking faggots.

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Obviously they didn't invest enough
Half-assed parenting is nothing to be praised

No, he's a NEET with an abnormal sleeping schedule and he has it to block out daylight.

t. neet with abnormal sleeping schedule

Fuck i didnt think he was going to do it, i was expecting a banana or some shit.
Rest in peace.

Damn, this makes me feel bad
What's wrong with people these days, how is that funny?

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>suicide with a ksg

Nice choice sir.

This faggot had anime on his walls and live streamed his own suicide for the ultimate click bait and attention seeking behaviour.

Fuck him. Loser.

Yeah, I heard survivors had it pretty bad. They probably have you on one ton of pills and shit, huh?

>SAO wall scroll

Let's be honest here, nothing of value was lost.

>OR for his mom finding him
Wouldn't be a tarp up if that were the case.

Why is it "committing suicide" and not "committing to suicide" anyway?


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A certain percent of the children are meant to kill themselves. It strengthens the surviving children.

Its just human behavior user dont pale from it


Kel Tec ksg.

Mostly known in the gun world for the number of people who have accidentally blown their hands off with it.

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>the only bad thing is that things are even shittier
And yet, you appreciate them more.

It happened a few hours ago

>anime on the wall

See that kid? Anime kills. Grow up.


He waved a happy wave. He was happy and was jovial about the whole thing.

he was literally la creatura, a spic half breed. all the Sup Forums bullying probably brought him to this. we must petition hiro with the help of /r9k/ to delete that board. they caused this little weeaboo faggot beaner's death

Ayyyyy, i made that joke a couple threads ago. Nice.

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checked, correct. she'll be browsing /r9k/ for years trying to figure out what happened, a fate worse than death

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The fucks wrong with you.

yes in the original video he showed a timestamp piece of paper that said bye /r9k/ and had the date

what was the point

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Samefag, just laid down. Stomach is fucked up, can't eat bread nor anything sugary anymore, same goes for sauces, spices... I sustain on potatoes and meat

hi dad