Hello Sup Forums, wanna see what a total cunt looks like?
Hello Sup Forums, wanna see what a total cunt looks like?
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Sure thing best girl, lead me to that deaf cunt
Shouko should have given her the deaf sentence
Well go on then, I'm waiting
>the deaf sentence
you deserve to end up with the deaf girl
We can finally hear how they handle the English dub for Best Girl.
Mild spoilers though
Well, that's good. She's the one I'd want to end up with. Thank you.
Why are cunts the best characters?
You have deep seeded personality issues, most likely resulting from a small penis or an unloving mother, probably both
I can do better.
Did she beat up a disabled girl (which is pretty shitty)?
Okay, post your picture of Kawai already.
I mean, Shouko has all the physicality of Ueno. It's not like she suplexed a girl in a wheelchair.
she's cute I can grant that much, but she is not "a best", a cunt's a cunt - no matter how pretty.
>being such a shitbag you lose to a disabled girl
uenofags eternally mad, and it powers shouko's hearing aids button batteries are fucking expensive man
>shouko's hearing aids
I'm sorry, don't you mean Hearing Aid?
I already know. it looks like this.
>Got an actual deaf person to Voice act her in English.
Neat, considering they could’ve easily just gotten someone to do a voice or cover their ears while talking or something. Also she sounds like some actual deaf people i went to school with.
urgh, disgusting
she still has one in her heart, because she hears shouya's feelings better than a girl with two perfectly fine ears.
she did not chose the deaf life, the deaf life chose her, All she's trying to do is survive and make good out of the dirty, nasty unbelievable lifestyle it gave her.
kawai is not kawaii
Ueno actually knows Shouya's feelings, that's part of why she's always hated Shouko and kept bullying her after Shouya stopped.
At the end of the Manga, she lets him go, acknowledging that he likes Shouko more. That was her entire character arc
>She stops using her right hearing aid
>That's where Shouya hit her in middle school
Yeah, it's implied that she went completely deaf when he pulled out the hearing aid and her ear bled
I know its a good movie, but can someone dumb down the metaphors?
Like the koi fish, the X's over everyones faces and how they all fall off at the end, why kawai was the biggest asshole of them all?
Or why did Shoya befriend the guy who tried to steal the fat best friend’s bike?
The Koi are just sort of a metaphor for Shouko and Shouya's relationship, with koi=love. They're not really a metaphor, but they come to represent the friendship they share, since that's where everyone comes to interact with Shouko.
The Xs are simple, they represent the fact that SHouya has stopped trying to interact with people. When they fall off, he opens up to them.
Kawai is a huge asshole, but the anime cuts nearly all of it out.
Read the manga, it's pretty great.
I was kinda shocked when I managed to connect the dots
I wasn't ready for it
Yes, now post Kawai.
That wasn't Mashiba.
In the Manga, Mashiba wants to be friends with Shouya, because he thinks he's interesting. Again, nearly everything about his entire character is cut from the anime. In fact, it's the most egregious case of the cutting, to the point where he just should have been cut entirely at that point
still didn't stop her from coma raping him in desperation
nigga what? no. that's just a scar on her earlobe, going deaf in the same ear is just age/gene progressive hearing loss, the audiologist scene is YEARS after that.
glad you asked that I wanted to cover some of that, to clear it up for people not getting it.
the koi fish, particularly is a symbol of her uniqueness to those around her (being deaf, but still a beautiful person).
the X's are shouya's representation of self-imposed isolation. He thinks he's not "worthy" to talk to anyone else, because he's still caught up in his past guilt. It's interesting that his X's and the tinnitis ringing when they fall off as he "opens up" to them is also a dual representation of deafness, but people won't directly related with shouko as easily as they do shouya. Despite shouko spending a lot of her childhood trying to reach out to people despite her obvious hurdles.
Kawaii is a piece of shit because not only does she think she did no wrong, she brow beats shouya thinking he hasn't changed, when he damn well did try to - she only thinks of her own pretty image she paints of herself - a complete egoist.
>nigga what
She went deaf in THAT ear.
yes, but the bleeding was from a cut on her earlobe you weapons grade plum, you think she just sat there deaf in one year and only decided to go to the audiologist years later because she just THEN noticed she went deaf in that ear? People born with hearing loss have the same if not higher rate of decay of their hearing as they age, it was already "manufactured" worse, it's just burning off it's half-life.
There is no audiologist in the manga
Hold my sake, bitch
You sure showed us, but dammit, I would fuck her so hard that she'd get "Property of user" printed on her panties.
Buy Hunter Ears, you stupid nip.
so to clarify, it might have damaged it to a small degree, that compiled to later "complete" deaf threshold (when it's no longer useful to it's purpose aside from earth shattering noises) also both ears may not necessarily be the same strength.
I'm like shouko having been born this way and my right is ear is way worse, and constantly has tinnitus so bad it's often useless (think of it as a perpetual internal feedback loop), so I only wear one hearing aid like her.
that is entirely not strong enough for people as deaf as shouko. It's like comparing $2 shades to prescription sunglasses - not even in the fucking ball park
In the Manga, the whole situation is ambiguous, but I'd still argue that the implication is that Shouya's tearing out of her hearing aid did damage her hearing, which is why she didn't have one when Ueno took it out. That's just how narratives work.
In the Anime they added in a scene with Grandma and Shouko, but the reason they did that was to give Grandma a scene, since they cut out her moment with Yuzuru. It was to establish that you should feel sad when she dies.
How did a death girl become a voice actor
even from when shouya rips them out and ueno does it a dozen chapters later is still years anyways, pulling out form molds like that doesn't tear your ear drum or anything like that
I would know, I've had it happen to me too as a kid, and it really fucking hurts and can tear your ear canal some, but nothing permanent related to hearing
I'm just telling you how narratives work and how it plays out in the Manga. Writers aren't perfect
That´s not Kawai.
Ueno looks like someone who COULD become a good person once she matures, is not likely but it´s possible.
Kawai is just a straight up manipulative psycopath.
>radiant smile
Looks like a white jelly bean
Learn to smile
how about I teach you some sign language, although your parents sure as hell didn't teach you manners.
Ueno may be a bitch but she's no coward. Willing to fight a grown ass woman
I.e. she's your average 21st century girl
That cunt is total beautiful though
Be honest user, how many times have you whacked it to her?
No, being a cunt can be kill a boner
Last i checked there were no doujinshi for her, so not even once.
>that image
I don't get it. Why is this crossover a thing?
>yaoi hands
I think you need to look harder.
ueno did nothing wrong
stop bullying her
It's spelled cunt[/spoiler] but it's pronounced cute.
How can I hate such a cute ass?
Mashiba has terrible posture.
At least Sahara has an ass.
Naoka might be a bitch, but she is a honest bitch and means business, she is an important character for this story, she helps readers to understand Shoko and Shoya better, especially Shoko . Ueno practically does the same thing Shoya was doing to Shoko all this time, but she fails miserably because Shoya is still a cunt himself. Disliked Naoko a lot at the start of the manga, was scared she will NTR the fuck out of everyone with her male buddies help, but later on she turn out to be a great and really well written character. Even though she hate Nishimiya she has reasons and motives behind her hate and actions in general. Can't tell if I like Ueno, but I admire her for sure. She is the second best girl.
>>being such a shitbag you lose to a disabled girl
There was no winners user, if anything Shoko lost a little bit less, MC was clueless the whole time and he still is.
Are we posting jojokes?
best girl.
Here's your actual best girl.
This (you) magnet sceencap will never stop bother me.
Why does she sound slightly black?
Not even top 3, but solid top 5
She just needs to be trained a little.
Before the movie I didn't care for her at all but Kyoani really nailed it with her body language and obviously her VA, the way she speaks is perfect. I really love her.
wtf haHAHA
because murica
I was waiting for the "I love moon" part
My wife Ueno is so perfect.
Excuse me, that's my JK escort you're talking about. I paid a good 2k yen for the next hour of her time.
No one post sauce, I'm sad, but I manage to find after a couple of minutes.
I don't know, I made it in a flurry of retardation and outdated pre2014 memes. It seemed like a good idea at the time