I-im gonna do it on friday night and sked it next week saturday Gonna scout the area out Friday morning. Hope everything goes well.
Im thinking of getting some Sup Forums/co/ convention tickets since she's into Sup Forums for just $30 for the both of us or just the regular restaurant deito?
I just watched a dude blew his brain out with a KSG. Somehow this video bothered me more than most gore because his mom finds his body. What the fuck, man?
Brody Thompson
How was part 2 of the men segment on Tucker? I saw he's moving it to Fridays but it didn't really seem to generate any discussion in earlier threads.
So according to exit polls from PA-18, the real issue was Obamacare. People actually like it and don't want Republicans to get rid of all of it, or revamp health care alone. This is what will kill the GOP in 2018. People still care about health insurance even when it's not discussed on the news
>Tillerson fired and replaced with neocon warmonger Pompeo >Pompeo replaced by Bush flunkie Haspel >Cohn's replacement is another Jewish globalist >deep-red House seat flips by TWENTY POINTS >all midterm indicators point to massive Republican losses >Gen Z marching across the country for gun control
How can things get worse for MAGApedes? Well......I suppose Trump could fire Sessions. John Bolton is probably going to replace McMaster too. Bolton unironically wants a war with North Korea and is a hardcore neocon, and yet MAGApedes will probably shill for him.
It's unironic that Trump is killing Trumpism and replacing it with Bush 3.0 long before the Democrats kill it in November.
Evan Edwards
you mean get us up to because there is much more violence in Europe
Yeah, he had enough foresight to put up a tarp to limit the mess on the wall, and yet his mom was clearly home. A lot of good that tarp did, there were pieces of him sprayed across the ceiling like hamburger out of a potato cannon.
I-i'm watching the new soy wars because it came out on torrents finally no bully, and yes its bad
Samuel Butler
finding larry kudlow videos on youtube so i can get to know the guy
Brayden King
I want to fucking die.
Juan Parker
If you actually want "European" violence levels you would have to deport all the shitskins.
Leo Davis
That's what the left wants if they can't have unfettered power.
Hudson Martin
>addtext.com open the original picture in paint ctrl+E tab add 100 to the highlighted number press enter ctrl+s alt+F4 submit the image again to addtext.com add text get output open the output picture in paint ctrl+E tab subtract 100 to the highlighted number press enter ctrl+s alt+f4 reply to post post output picture after alteration in paint
Nathan White
hey, me also!
Jack Parker
WTF?? I hate Trump now!
Luke Nguyen
how white are you?
Austin Wilson
>If you actually want "European" violence levels you would have to deport all the shitskins. If you actually want "European" violence levels you would have to import more trucks.
Cameron Thomas
Chicago is dead last for federal gun crime prosecutions. It's also run by Democrats and inhabited by niggers. This is not a coincidence.
Evan Flores
very comfy. There don't seem to be paid shills. Just shitposters. lurk moar
Bentley Walker
Because most don't obey laws, so they'll still have guns while everyone else is disarmed !
Anthony Gray
Xavier Campbell
They'll have guns anyway but they would much rather not rob you while you are armed.
Charles Gray
>took over baking for chinkleaf >he was going to a family dinner >2 hours he said
what are they doing, raising them from kittens or what?
>Vetting is important, but it amazes me that the right either doesn't understand that possibly it's b/c the only ones willing to vet are corrupt af (including dems)?
The police in communities under 200k or so simply would not confiscate guns from people. That is a socialist commie dream. The non super blue city police have no interest in it. Neither would hte national guard etc.
Christopher Torres
maybe the waitress was thicc and he's making hapas
For if you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss also gazes back. I try to limit gore viewing, although it is necessary for keeping the right frame of mind when it comes to immigration and the rapefugee crisis. Have you ever seen the video that gets posted here occasionally, of the boa constrictor eating the puppy? The first instinct is to recoil at the ferocity of the snake. However, the snake is merely following it's instincts, it acts according to it's nature. The man who orchestrated the crime, who video tapes it for his own sick pleasure is the monster in that video. The unseen actor behind the camera. I feel it is a cogent analogy for our current situation regarding violence perpetrated by immigrants.
I skimmed through that video and I never saw his mom or anyone enter the room so it was disappointing. Also the video literally started with the sound of a woman crying even though he hadn't killed himself yet so that confused me.
Would be more believable if you used dotard since libtards actually use that one. Magapede is just a Sup Forums joke about Redditards
Landon Hughes
Only because dey jelly
Oliver Clark
When will Hiro delete the [r9k] menace? They shit up /fit/ all the fucking time; it was supposed to be a Sup Forums with unique posts, not what it is now