So is this really worth watching? I'm two episodes in and not really getting it, the opening song's pretty fucking nice tho.
So is this really worth watching? I'm two episodes in and not really getting it...
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A shame you seemed a honest man, etc.
And you don't seem to understand
I love Lain. Let's love Lain.
A shame you seemed an honest man
It's 13-episode long you impatient fuck. Stop pretending your time is valuable.
Let's all love Lain
Surprisingly accurate list, with a few actual good anime thrown in for flavour.
Lain is a good show and you'll enjoy it, and it's really entertaining watching the series again after the first watch since things will make more sense
It gets more engaging in the second half, and makes a lot more sense overall when you watch it for a second time.
I didn't enjoy it that much when I saw it for the first time, but I rewatched it recently and thought it was great.
Also, .
I'll bite, what SHOULD I watch?
Seasonal anime and whatever classics your favorite anime e-celeb recommends.
The Spider and the Tulip, Au Fou, The Magic Ballad, Kemono Friends, etc.
First thing that comes to my mind not on that list is InitialD, people often say that you should only watch the first season but i liked the rest of them as well.
It sucks, on of the few anime worth a 1/10.
Typical ANN trying to be smart.
You're either trolling or high.
Wrong. OP sucks and is not tone appropriate but the show is worth watching.
Solid show with a great vibe to it.
Watch the third episode and see if you want to continue.
You sure we heard the same song? This shit is fucking lit f a m
>OP sucks
opinion discarded
OP is nice, the show is shit.
I really can't think of a more tone-inappropriate song for that show.
>hasn't seen it already
Fuck off, seriously.
What do you think would be a more "tone-appropriate" song for Lain?
two episodes in and he's rushing to this retard board to see if it's all worth it
jesus christ my guy
Something dark and atmopheric, like the show, as opposed to lukewarm "adult contemporary" crap.
You might not be intelligent enough to watch this show, maybe you should just rewatch Eromanga-Sensei.
It's one of the best shows around in my opinion. You need to be in the right mood but if you can get immersed and watch it within a reasonable time frame so the details are all fresh by the end I think you may really enjoy it.
If you can't immerse save it for later or never. It's torture to force yourself through.
I think like 30-40% of those are great but absolutely loathe the rest. Not too bad, honestly.
>when brainlets reveal themselves
Its a very weird show which is enough for some people. I can easily see many people not enjoying it because its confusing as fuck and seems to not really go anywhere until the last couple of episodes. But its atmospheric as fuck and I find myself liking it more and more each time I think about it.
It's hard to get through man, especially because of how much visual metaphors the show uses. Not to mention there isn't much in the way of a soundtrack.
I liked Lain, but it is not easy to get through, especially considering it's a show that necessitates at least two runs to truly appreciate.
Yes, it's amazing.
no it's a pretentious moeshit
does Sup Forums love gintama ? i know people don't talk about it much here because its popular on other sited so they avoid watching it but most of the people who watched it here seems to have a positive opinions about it
>people unironically dislike Lain/don't get it
What the fuck?
Don't keep with it, you are losing your time. Don't listen to this pretentious faggots.
I think people who display such an intense repulsion for Lain on first watch are the same kind of people who try to listen to a noise/post-rock/post-core album expecting easy stuff with catchy melodies and got overwhelmed by the gap between expectations and reality.
Present day.
Present time HAHAHAHAHA.
Honestly it is boring as fuck. The story is solid, but it's just a slow plod through it. It could have been 6 solid episodes and been great.
People watch it and pretend they like the boring shit so they can seem smart
It fucking sucks
Watch it 10 times and then decide if you like it.
Maybe youre just a brainlet
If you want cyber kids doing cyber shenanigans that's a bit more straightforward, Dennou Coil is pretty good.
I miss hues man, whatever happened to that dude?
please take aria of that shitposting image, it's not appropriate to use that for shitposting
What's the matter OP, 2deep4u?
>not deep
Sorry you only understood one, maybe too layers, brainlet
So I just was this show the question it's always the same haha. Valavala just first time valavala. Insert "I don't umder stand" haha what a great LAIN referents. Ha Ha that's a referents to SERIAL EXPERIENTS LAIN I watched that show I UNTASTUD.
Regret you honest man.
Elopes you hold a deer.
Wilt anischer in and near.
It was worth watching before Matrix came out.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Serial Experiments Lain. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head.
You don't have to "get" Lain, being confused is part of the experience
I´m fine with LOGH, Steins Gate, Made in Abyss, AnJ, Death Note and Code geass being considered masterpieces
FLCL, Haibane, tatami, lain and ergo can fuck themselves
HQ Version:
This, but swapped round.
It's a great show with wonderful direction and atmosphere. It was way ahead of it's time and tackles the theme of identity in a great way.
Don't listen to the retards who think it's pretentious just because it's not cute girls drinking tea.
Lol you think Code Geass and Made in Abyss are masterpieces. You're either under 18 or just a bit simple.
If you weren't hooked from the first episode this probably isn't for you. Accept that your taste is bad and move on, it'll save time.
But if it were that popular, it would actually be discussed on here by shitposters.
It's probably too long for those though. And since talk about it is rare, it invites few of them to these threads.
I enjoyed it but it can be a little confusing watching it once,just watch the first 2--3 episods are see if you like it
It kind of takes off and becomes another thing around episode 6. Setting doesn't change but the concepts become much more complex and surreal all the sudden.
That's a big bait if I ever saw one.
No, drop it.
Half of these are good though.
70% Masterpieces
A masterpiece can have flaws
Is that a list of actual good shows? Thanks a lot user.
Some of these are great, but Lain is a certified sack of shit
Quite a few of these a genuinely good.
CCS, Azumanga and Lain are the best here.
Lain is so fucking cute. I wish she was my daughteru.
why are there so many lain threads lately? And why are most of the threads asking if it's good or bad? Did some internet celebrity talked about it recently?
>not watching Key the Metal Idol instead
I can't imagine anyone actually liking Planetes.
>People liking anime I didn't enjoy, impossible
the fuck are you on, Planetes was awesome.
>getting angry
No, it wasn't. Shitty moralizing in space with a cast of the most obnoxious people possible.