ITT: Characters you would like to see get kidnapped, drugged, gang-raped, have their legs cut off and leave them left for dead in a bathroom stall with cigarette butts up their asshole.
ITT: Characters you would like to see get kidnapped, drugged, gang-raped...
>no ring
The slut deserves it
I need to recommend that doujin to my fujo friend
Wasn’t there supposed to be 5 illustrations in total?
Only three have come out so far.
Holy fuck
thats just a tad extreme
and kinda rude tbqh
Nip twitter tells me that he and Piggy fit together. Does Piggy come with an extended bulge that slots into that ass?
Why did his asshole look like a vagina though?
Where's a link to this? I can't remember the name and I heard tumblr got it taken down or something.
This piece of utter shit.
I hope so, but I do not trust nips much
Didn't that basically canonically happen to him?
Is this Vitya released to the public yet or are these all lewd promo photos?
He also got his tongue cut out, eyes damaged, facially disfigured, his balls crushed and his cock cut out.
I'm fucking gay.
>those black nails
>that pose
>that bare chest
Don't forget his tendons were severed and I believe they took out some muscles from his arms or something.
has already been released, are photos of nips that bought
You can find it on sadpanda or the thread on /y/. If you feel like venturing over there.
It's bullshit they went easy on him desu
>youngest character
>most lewd pose and outfit
What did they mean by this? Not that I'm complaining.
This works for most harem MCs but I wanna be specific
Well he was also raped into being mindbroken enough to cause the Eclipse
He’s an edgy teenager.
Getting repeatedly gang-raped turns your asshole into a vagina.
>fuckable attractive young male
No one with taste wants to see a fatass with busted eyebrows and a balding old man without a shirt on. This is high fashion bitch.
Fairy looks the best. Bald looks nice but somehow the outfit doesn't stand out from his regular coach suits. The red trench coat from the cover is superior. Pig look lame and his cover outfit is also superior.
Yeah except Guts fucking saved him.
Thanks, I don't really see what the fuss was about though. A lot tamer than I expected.
I want to bully this fashion Pig
Fucking wonky perspective in that one
>high fashion
Yeah okay.
I think it has something to do with a combination of normies, tumblrinas and the fact that not a lot of people want to see a character like Victor get separated from his rabu and rifu and be mistreated that way in the doujin.
>old and busted receding hairline Bald and uggo incarnate Pig being in a fashion magazine in the first place
I’ve seen many a guro doujin in the past but this one did make me sad to see specifically Bald suffer. BaldFat should never be seperated.
Fairy continues to look the best in all of these so far as per usual. Feels good mang.
If Yoi was real, only Bald would be a regular in magazines of any kind.
It makes me wonder why a lot of them read it the first place. The cover and label implies it will not be a pleasant doujin.
The style suits him.
If YoI was real Victor would be hunted and banned from Russia for being a faggot and no one would pretend he's attractive with that hairline and toddler retarded personality. Keep crying bitch.
Sasuga Fairyfags
It really does. I love all of his badges, I wish there was a higher res so I could what of all of them are. Stuff like that really shows care to put his personality and personal touch to the outfits. Love it.
>muh fairyfags
That was fast.
>not being self aware
>craving attention this badly
Get a real life boyfriend to suck your dick permavirgin, you'll be happier for it.
I thought Fairy was wearing gloves for a little bit, his skin is so porcelain pale.
>projecting this hard
>easily triggered
You make it too obvious, Fairyshitter
>looks like a girl
maybe going to have another art with the characters using percussion instruments and winds, but I'm not really sure
>no u
Here's your last (You) asshurt-chan, you can have fun responding to yourself from now on like always. Must be a nice life.
To be fair that's one of the more masculine pictures of Fairy
Doubt it. BaldFat are already playing the instruments that represent them on “Yuri on Ice.” Though it’d be lewd.
>that picture
Are you trying to cheat me again?
There’s nothing remotely masculine in that illustration
>Fairy with a flute
Please give
my dick says otherwise
Did twitter lie about there being 5 illustrations? Counting the cover there’s 4.
>no rings
I’m starting to doubt Hiramatz was the artist
To be fair you would probably assume it's a tolerably unpleasant doujin, like your standard mob rape and 正 tallies drawn all over baldy.
>I'm fucking gay.
>>those black nails
>>that pose
>>that bare chest
Calm down, Bike
You can't make me.
Bike's birthday is on Halloween, do you think we'll get any art of him from Kubo?
You would think. Hopefully something really nice with Yuri.
Really? I hope it is true
I've been behind on the more recent yoi threads but I thought I saw that Kubo had stopped doing character art on their birthdays
Disappointing. Piggy's got a thicker ass than that
I just realized it's so perfect that Otabek's birthday is on Halloween because Yuri would probably think it's pretty cool to have a boyfriend who was born on that day. Last I heard they were trying to ban it in Russia for being an "evil carnival" or something.
I don't know why, but I can easily see it. That gorilla dude would be the first to discover it's him after causing his anus to prolapse after a solid hour of fucking. He would then keep going.
I think I may have heard something like that as well, but we'll see I guess. Maybe she's too lazy to do it for the side characters anymore since it's been so long since the show ended. I feel like she might not want to pass up a chance to draw BikeFairy though. I'm reminded of when she drew them on that batterypack and ofcourse she drew the WTTM manga. It was her idea to have Otabek be the one to tear off Yuri's glove in the first place instead of whoever Sayo was thinking.
terrible style
The whole "guro doujin" thing is really stupid, at least the artist back online but she will never sell that doujin anymore.
Sidenote Days season 2 is just OVA look like MAPPA may be goes full force on YOI movie instead.
I hope it's true because I want another Piggy that doesn't look like a clumsy Sherlock Holmes
Mine hasn't even left Japan yet. I want to put things on that butt too.
I still can't believe my love for Vitya made me drop 10k on that shitty paint job.
>Not a fujoshit who haven't visited YOI related threads for moths
>People still hating based Yurio
I've been wondering about that too. Maybe they meant 5 pages, with the cover art being a two page spread.
He looks like a sugar daddy
Jfc once Fairy is adult, he'll be the most eros of them all
Jesus, he is asking to be bullied.
why would a high-end fashion-designer collab with an anime?
>everything about this
oh, honey, no.
>a fatass with busted eyebrows
you take that back
The outfit is okay.
It's just not Yuuri's style. It doesn't suit him.
Yeah... They're all taking photos from lewd angles kek
that ass has a tumor
Except it's not. His trainers with it just look ridiculous.
You're right it doesn't suit him, though. The jacket is way too big (which in turn makes the outfit pretty bad)
/yoi/'s placenta party still worse than this actually.
Without those horrible shoes it's okay. I hope new illustrations pop out.
I've never liked the ass of that Victor's fig, it looks deformed.
Not out of hate but out of love.
Ito wrote something about Pig's and Fairy's handwriting few weeks ago. She said Pig's handwriting resemble the hand-writing of a mother. Fairy handwriting is messy and boyish like pict related.
>writing his name in wiggly hiragana
My heart. Why is Fairy so precious?