Could someone explain why I prefer older animation to newer stuff?
I'm not comparing actual story quality-wise, just the animation. Just a lot of new animation, especially characters, looks 'off' to me.
Does digital colouring really make that much of a difference? Has there been some other technique that I don't know about?
Could someone explain why I prefer older animation to newer stuff?
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I really didn't like the way Guts and Griffith looked in the movie trilogy. Guts looked too Asian.
>Sup Forums
It's been bothering me for a while too.
From what I've seen, it's because you can't draw with the same detail digitally. Things look too rigid and perfect.
Take that guy's scarf for example, it has curves and looks uneven in a natural sort of way. If it were made now, it'd look more like sandpaper than cloth.
That lack of detail is what really strikes me with character models; there's no distinct art style. You can clearly see the difference in their eyes.
Also, there's lots of art tricks you can't use digitally. I doubt it's possible to replicate something like water color. It also extends to other things like color contrast like with the sky in your pics.
It all comes down to the fact that anime is adapted from manga, which is drawn with ink. It can't be faithful if it isn't even using the same medium.
I think the culture and the industry has changed.
Animation used to be a form of art, and now it is just a medium that is made to appeal to as many people as possible as cheaply as possible.
You can make a marginally good, very inoffensive animation with a half decent key animator and a studio of gooks for a couple bucks an hour today.
Most anime are still drawn on paper, it's the coloring and composite that's done digitally.
I think colours may be important. There aren't too many pastel colours in anime anymore. Which I particularly like.
Nice animation you posted in that screenshot there. You meant artstyle because the old Berserk anime had 6 frames of animation
Old anime had overdetailed characters so animation was to put it simply, bad. They never mantained the quality they had in close-up still shots. Pic related looks amazing but Wing never looked like that in animation, when moving the shading was forgotten and thus character designs lost the charm you're complaining about.
This is what Zeta looks in stills
Fair enough.
But 1997 Berserk still looks better than the movies in my opinion, and the animation is still smooth enough to be enjoyable. Although the movies also have some garbage CGI.
Things are less concerned with realism now, for one, there's also notoriously better shading in older stuff. Light tables can't really be replicated right with digital either. This plus the actual paints adding texture to things and etc. etc. makes the older animations have a much more distinct style, and if that's a style you like, you're seeing exactly 0% of it these days so everything feels worse, even though there's tons of other shit they're doing now that they never could have before.
Take pic related. Despite the stylized hair and such, a lot of detail is paid attention to in the shading/highlights, and the way things are animated is very realistic. When boobs jiggle, they do it realistically, not cartoonishly, the folds are drawn in the straps on her top, etc. Her tits fall out of a garment she wears in the movie, but in a realistic way when she's knocked around. Violence is also more brutal and reactions are appropriate for the kind of hits she's taking.
This isn't to say that there aren't really amazing works of animation in modern days (no one in the 80s could ever have done some of the scenery shots in Kimi no na wa, for example), but everything's based more on a stylized idea of how something should look in anime, and less based in what it would look like in real life. I would never, ever trade away stuff like Bakemonogatari's visual hyperbole, or said scenery in Kimi no na wa, or whatever, but it's more obvious to your brain that it's not real.
Baically for me, I want everything to look like Legend of Lemnear until the day I die, but such is life.
This is some armchair shit, but that's how I see it.
The movies are too...bright and shiny
This is probably the best Zeta looked in actually animated scenes.
You are so full of shit your eyes are brown.
Shading in old anime only appeared in close-ups, otherwise it didn't exist.
Modern anime maintains shading most of the time no matter the scene
Fuck that's actually probably it. Not just the movies, I find a lot of more modern stuff doesn't have the same opaque colouring that I really like.
What's your point?
The shading itself looks like trash.
What looks good is the way the hair sorta flows and the lining little details like with his eyes and glove.
digital art will never top well made traditional art
this is a fact
because it's better
Look at the one on the left, it has stark shading. This gives it a feeling of dimension and depth. On top of that the coloring is warm and organic looking, not digital vomit like the one on the right
Physical paint and actual film have warmth to them that is lost with digital.
Even the background painting (those weird artsy, liney clouds in the original) are nicer to look at. The they just went with backgroundclouds.png on the right. Little things like this add up.
>From what I've seen, it's because you can't draw with the same detail digitally
That's fucking retarded
>what is Endless Waltz
That's not a still shot you retard fuck
Why are you even trying to compare OPs to random episode footage at all? Any Gundam TV series has wildly inconsistent detail levels regardless of how it was produced.
If you actually look at old cells before they were transferred onto shitty analog media the paint doesn't look much different from digital era shows besides using a narrower range of colours. The trending art styles are different and fuzzy lines make it easier to overlook mistakes, that's about it besides nostalgia.
It also happens in recent years we've had a few examples of modern shows with very old style character designs for comparison
Plus some others that use techniques to try to soften their outlines to look more like old line art.
It's kind of hit or miss and Granblue fucks it up a lot more than G-Reco does but it's neat when it works.
How is that retarded?
There are lots of artistic styles that are totally impossibly digitally.
film 5 is the best iteration imo
not an argument