what was his motive /pol? no emotion ,fully determined.
how did society get to this point?
victim identified.
CNN (2 mins ago) - daniel kurlan from queens, NY died from a single gunshot wound to the head late wednesday afternoon, the death is not being treated as suspicious.
Mobin couldn't hack it.
what is this?
Someone from r9k an heroed on youtube livestream with a kel tec shotgun
guy just killed himself an hour ago on live stream , he was from /R9k
What is r9K a board for? I’m only familiar with pol plebs and 8
Lonely manchildren go there to brood in their spcial rejection / personal failure
do you have the full video or link? I head the paramedics made fun of him
Is this a video of his suicide? Asking before clicking because I’m a girl (can’t handle much gore)
Well yeah. If a high power shotgun blast to the forehead isnt your cup of tea,dont click it
No hes just showing off his anime collection there
Bro don't watch it
What does “r9K” stand for? Rank??
It's nice to see this still happens, i was complaining that you don't see enough of this anymore in a thread months ago, i wonder if i inspired the lil guy.
Yes user, it is.
There's not much gore, you can see parts of his head flying everywhere but he falls out of view of the camera.
>paramedics made fun of him
this is honestly the only reason i haven't done it yet. i need to get around to cleaning all the piles of crusted cum off my carpet one of these years
Yeah and lot of users experienced PTSD after watching it so you're warned.
lurk moar
Thx. I clicked b4 i asked then closed it b4 it finished loading.
Off topic but did pol ever figure out who nick Cruz’s biological parents are?
All you see is him violently fall down and some blood splatter around. It happens so fast its not even disturbing.
Nah you're good, it censors itself
I’ve been posting on pol for 2 years. “MAGA” brought me here and pizzagate
Not true, you can see part of his head fly
his head quite literally explodes
I didn't feel anything.
I'm being 100% serious....what does that say about me?
He was probably a liberal cuck and the inevitable happened: he couldn't bare to live like that anymore
the interesting thing is not the suicide itself but hearing the mom and paramedics
You can hold my hand while you watch it if you want...
It stands for kys newfag
Some choice quotes by the cops/paramedics
>I have never seen anything this bad
>The smell
Audio is fucked up until 9:00, you hear his mom crying before the suicide for some reason.
The rest is his mom coming in the room and screaming and paramedics arriving and assessing the scene
If no one else will
>that's terrible... I'm sorry
I guarentee you that he was on antidepressants.
mutt memes
Another la creature americanos
Who cares.
Nothing will be done about mental health
>found the full video on liveleak
>his mom comes in and breaks down
GodfuckingDAMNIT, this turned me off of committing suicide.
For a guy, that’s probably not odd. This is why y’all can handle war more easily - aside from physicality
12 ga makes your head explode you dingus
You've become numb.
Did we somehow travel back in time to 2006 Sup Forums
Damn, he did that with his mom there? People will say otherwise for edginess, but all of that aside it has to be fucking awful for a mother to have her son die during her lifetime, especially by his own hand.
Paramedics/LEOs are always like that, it’s a coping mechanism. You joke, because letting it sink in isn’t worth it.
>source: emt
Oh wow. People actually buy those kel tec shotguns? I thought they were just a gimmick.
My sides
Oh gosh. It really does explode like a pumpkin. Yikes!
Not him, eyes are different, this guy looks a lot younger in the vid too.
Can you blame him? Look at the state of the world. Unfortunately some people will swallow too many black pills before they try any red ones.
bye bye bobo
Shh, don't talk about it and the time-squad might not notice for another hour.
>I’m a girl
That's Bobo from the Opie and Anthony show. Awwright?
Full vid w/sound
I could never commit suicide while my family was still alive.
>I’m a girl (can’t handle much gore)
i think this guy posted like 3 months ago on Sup Forums asking what firearm was the best way to off himself with that he didnt want to end up some vegetable and some user told him a keltec shotgun
dont let the kids see , goodbye
> Asking before clicking because I’m a girl (can’t handle much gore)
unnecessary. tits.
>I'm dead. Don't let the kids see my body. Goodbye.
Oim not loying.
>2017 was two years ago
fuck off
Honestly, this has really put me off suicide for some reason.
So thanks suicide weeb for your sacrifice
Not degenerate. Not whoreish
If it's possible - pull up your carpet.
Cleaning your room becomes 100x easiers, cleaning up cum is as easy as wiping it up with toilet paper and removing the leftover residue with a soapy damp rag.
Stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself!
Changed my mind about suicide seeing that
Been on best gore and Sup Forums and liveleak for a decade... and well ya know this vid really brings it home.
Id rather be depressed than dead.
only a pussy would be on to it.
i feel bad for the mother :(
>because I’m a girl
Why the fuck are cumdumpsters such attention whores? We don't give an actual fuck you stupid fucking bitch REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>what was his motive /pol?
I found the real reason he killed himself. here's a post from his reddit account
and then if you hop over to his myanimelist account you see he hasn't watched any anime in the last month
medaka box was the last thing he watched. he hated it so much he dropped it and didn't watch any other anime. medaka box literally killed this guy
Ding ding ding ding
At what time is the hahaha bit?
Ok watching the video I've only got one question.
If that cunt crying was so concerned why didn't she offer to fuck him? Guarantee he would have put that shit on hold for some pussy. Bitches will let you die if you aint chad.
He was white...
But was he a lgbtq?
If you need to be "turned off" committing suicide, you need help.
Tits and time stamp.
Then you mentioning your gender is irrelevant. Think before you post slut.
Are you Ashton Birdie?
yaaaasss biiitchh
Whos crying at the beginning?
why did he do it
It's literally brainlet wojack
suck my cock sweetie
You know exactly what you did didn't you.
Girls on pol?
Ewww icky politics !
>Mfw no qt huge titted thick middle of the road gf
Seek the Light
I always found it odd that Aussies were such O&A fans
Was just in queens today and everybody looked exactly like Bobo
he was very afraid.
wanted to live.
Just looking at this video is giving me ideas on how I should carry out my death. Definitely live streaming on Youtube except, I won't be your typical soyboy, in fact I'm not a boy at all.
>bye r9k