>be american
>get shot
Is this normal in US?
Other urls found in this thread:
No usually someone shoots you, not you shoot yourself.
whiter than you achmed
is that tiger puking a queer flag
Not accurate. The vast majority of non-gang related shootings are suicides.
I want to hug his mom and tell her its gonna be ok.
Would shooting myself in the heart be instantly fatal and painless? I don't want my head to get blown off.
BREAKING: Reports of gunshots in Austin Texas
>literally killing yourself without first experiencing the almighty pleasure of playing with a pony cock
What's wrong with today's youth, Sup Forums? I firmly believe society would be better off if everyone had a pony.
no, it would stop the blood from oxygenating your heart so it's essentially the same as suffocating and will take a short while to pass out and die
>oxygenating your heart
*your brain
It's all the anime.
Wrong m8. A majority of "gun violence" are suicides
This faggot is condemning those posters to the trash heap.
60% of gun deaths in America are suicides.
Wrong. Very large majority of gun deaths are suicide
to an hero with a gun? yes
who should we blame in this case? soicety in general, his parents, anime?
He's from Jew York, what do you think? I'm surprised anybody could stand to live in that hellhole.
Post link faggot
It's SAO.
It's already garbage.
>mfw weeb who offed himself had monogatari poster in background
was deleted from liveleak, but there are some webms running in Sup Forums, lurk more fag
They just have easier access to guns.
Korea has double the rate of suicides of the US.
He must have had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton
going for latin sympathy fucks
In Weimerica, even los ogros de las americas are blackpilled and hopeless enough to kill themselves. Let that sink in.
Only the first ten minutes
>Be a mutt
>Don't get shot by someone.
>Shoot yourself instead because sadly no one shot you.
The American life cycle continues.
that's why we need The Space Force immediately!
to protect the space between your ears.
The Space Force
As someone who lives in New York, it's really fucking hard to not blow my brains out
Video games claim another victim
Twas beauty, killed the beast.
>first the mali video
>now this
2018's going to be a great year for gore lads
The Space Force
Why do we have to blame anyone? This life is our own. His life is his own. He has every right to end it himself instead of being a soulless slave to this world who never have control of his own life.
Its normal for weeb faggots.
>I don't want my head to get blown off.
you'd be dead anyway, why do you care?
Some of us tried to warn about the dangers of anime. It didn't have to end like this. The anime, the rainbow colored gay agenda face cover. It all adds up.
>That bitch crying the whole fucking video
Who the fuck is that and why won't she shut the fuck up/mute herself/fuck off?
Who is this and why did he kill himself
anime is the only reason worth living
See the poster on the left?
That's Sword Art Online.
It is to Anime what Big Bang Theory is to sitcoms.
good night robot
The kid was trying to be like Stephen Hawking, emulating a vegetable. It's Hawking's fault the kid is dead.
What's the comfiest way to kill yourself?
>Man kills self
>Who killed man?
can i get a run down
i have never been shot
Only two things guarantee swift death. Destruction of the brain stem or blood loss. To obtain blood loss quick enough to cause quick death you need to sever an artery. You'll be conscious for 10 seconds or so, then pass out and die in a few minutes. Destruction of the brain stem guarantees instant death. In this case, a shotgun with buckshot is basically guaranteed to hit your brain stem. A low velocity handgun round is the worst because you can miss the brain stem, and yes, you can survive a head shot that hits the brain. People can survive without portions of their brain. A high velocity rifle round would cause enough destruction of basically guarantee death as well.