What's the end goal with hipsters?
Where did these parasites come from and how do we put an end to their nonsense?
What's the end goal with hipsters?
Where did these parasites come from and how do we put an end to their nonsense?
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you're a shit eating moron, go back to the asshole that pushed you out
I've never seen a leaf that wasn't autistic
A single Chad telling them to change and poof, no more hipsters
It's incredibly ironic everyone suddenly became the mainstream consensus of what a hipster is. All males are soyboy bearded liberals who get offended at the slightest thing while putting up a facade of false masculinity and every female is some atheist, vegan worshioping wannabe quirky outsider
Exactly, overnight everyone has turned into this army of pretentious intellectual persona worldwide and I want to know if I missed something.
It's one step away from SJW and it seems we're all headed towards the end of the world to sound like a total dramatic faggot.
kill them all.
they are subhumans, they can't understand why we like things, so they put a label on them like time or place.
mostly time.
they call it old after a while, before anyone else does, and if people agree with them, it's time for a new thing!
That is hipsters.
they are literally a subspecies of human too stupid to comprehend anything that isn't drilled into them, it's what the elites invented.
the only thing the elites invented, because they are the same as elites.
what kind of shit casting couch is that?
weinstein would be sad.
Hipsters still exist?
I could have sworn they all became SJWs since just before the 2016 election.
Sort of like how Emos became Hipsters. And Goth became Emo. And Grunge became Goth. And Punk became Grunge.
And so on...
Dude you just don't get it I just moved here and I fully understand it
Is there something to get?
Hipsters were old ten years ago yet suddenly they're making a strong resurgence with gentrification (which is also suddenly happening worldwide).
Don't know if they were synonymous with it before but they are now.
Grunge Is weirdly making a comeback or at least the look anyway. I think what helped spread this was back in 07/08. It was the start of it all due to capeshit and The Big Bang Theory
>When your ho wake up but she still trippin
Will they eventually regress into "intellectual" Marxist beatniks before going back to the stupid, dirty, barefoot, potheaded hippie phase?
Did I travel back to the mid 2000s? Soy boys aren't hipsters, they may be an evolution of them but soys are slobbier and are completely immersed in surface level "geek" culture, unlike the hipsters of olde who collected vinyl records and glued NES controllers to their belt buckles and had twirly mustaches. I feel like being a hipster actually required effort whereas soyboys have just sort of given up on their appearance and life in general.
I also feel like it genuinely took a lot of effort to be a pastiche cultural parasite in the days before smartphones and social media, you actually had to spend a lot of time researching shit tonsil off whereas now you just follow a handful of ecelebs who tell you everything you need to know about everything, and everyone generally has a knowledge of useless pop culture trivia of the last 100 years that would have impressed your average normie back in the 2000s and before.
>culture has actually continued to plummet to the point that I almost have a weird nostalgia for hipsterdom
It was still the Emo phase 10 years ago.
Granted, it was dying, but it still existed.
Soys are beta Hipsters you obvious hipster douche
Love you though
>shit tonsil off
*shit to rip off
The joys of phonefagging
Eh, 'hipster' was so ubiquitous that everyone who wasn't a normie mcnormie who only listened to top 40 could have reasonably been construed as a hipster back in the day. Ten years ago I was a walking encyclopedia of classic country music and voted Ron Paul so I was probably an insufferable hipster according to some guy who dressed like a train conductor and always had a banjo strapped to his back.
>goth became emo
Yes it did.
She even has ugly tits
i'd bang her
goth became emo in the same way as hipsters became SJWs. They are more mainstream and more political.
this is how I know you're gay
those tits are qt af, kys virgin.
Goth did not turn into emo. Punk turned into emo. Goth turned into punk.
Wait no sorry I skipped grunge. It went goth>punk>grunge>emo>hipster>soy
Rich nyc girl goes to good will and buys donated clothes with a credit card, looks like oscar the grouch dressed her out of a garbage can, now shes a real authentic human being, many cases
son those are GRADE A TITS!
10/10 milkers? post more hipster thot evidence
Eventually they’ll officially convert to Judaism. But for now they just like the Jewish look.
is that account no longer on insta?
None of these faggots do drugs
ok lads i'm on it. i already tell feminists and leftists they are nothing but pathetic jokes and I laugh at them. hipsters: target aquired.
Anyone else think hipster are legitimately cool?
Conformity via increasingly exaggerated and ludicrous displays of 'self-expression'. See "I'm not like other girls"
whew lad I've bad news for you