>his waifu doesn't smoke
Were you bullied in school, mentally handicapped or perhaps both?
His waifu doesn't smoke
smoking is degenerate with literally zero benefits and all negatives
Smoking kills.
So, it's ok for dead or immortal characters to smoke.
I had enough of teenage girls who drank and smoked when I was a teenager, thank you very much.
my waifu got me into smoking
Try to differentiate between 3DPD and 2D next time, fags.
Yeah, I do not want my waifu to die before me or have a fucking deformed child since she would be addicted to it if she already smokes from the start.
How about you stop being an edgy faggot who idolizes the most retarded and scummiest of habits.
How come anons hate smoking so much but not care about drinking, which kills much more?
Cause they are the same fags that think drinking lots of beer is ok and see no harm in getting drunk
because they're uptight fags
Drinking's fine too
Drinking alcohol is degenerate too.
Because drinking only hurts the drinker, unless they're in a car.
you can avoid a girl when she drinks. Smoking is a perpetual habit that leaves stained teeth, nasty breath, and smoke smell/stains everywhere
It's horrible
It's not even the health factor that I care about because I sit on my ass all day and that shit ain't healthy either. It's the disgusting teeth and general stench that would piss me off.
I do care about both, but smoking has higher lethality. People who drink die from being retarded and not stopping when their body is showing obvious signs of failure, people who smoke get cancer out of the blue, and even if they don't their lungs get fucked bad and are more prone to die from pneumonia. The liver regenerates, all it takes is not being dumb.
She does
I don't support either, but drinking has historical and cultural significance. Smoking has always been the realm of the neckbeards and nu-males of their time, pure degeneracy.
>Were you bullied in school
Yes, but that's beside the point. Smoking is disgusting and unhealthy. If you willingly put that shit in your body you're a retard.
Drinking is disgusting too.
I thought most people hated life on this board. Dying faster should be a good thing.
I don't want my waifu to be a cancerous one with yellow teeth and fucked up voice
Based tripcuck for once.
Because smoker breath is fucking disgusting, if its mixed coffee it is genuinely lethal
My waifu is smokin hot. Does that count?
or starts a bar fight, worsens domestic violence, serves as a gateway to heavier drugs etc
so, becauase it's icky?
drinking kills much in traffic alone
It doesn't make you die faster, it does male you die more painfully
Also i don't see why you would want your waifu to die faster if that's your point
>Die earlier
>All the 2nd seasons of your favorite anime get announced after a day of your death
This is why I will die naturally desu
No but hopefully you're berry your benis inside her