I love you, Sup Forums!

I love you, Sup Forums!

It's dark, Mikan. Be careful not to stumble.



One of them is clearly an impostor Mikan.

love you too mikan

I love you too Mikan!

i love you too mikan!
i will always love you

Sup Forums is shit now a days

This thread will be deleted in .....3......2...

I love you too mandarin!



This might be because I haven't been on Sup Forums very long, but I don't know who mikan is.
I tried looking her up but I mainly got Danganronpa results

Sup Forums, please tell me where mikan is from.

That's Mikan from Death Note you faggot, how the fuck can you not recognise her?

How about you kill yourself instead.

God damn fucking underage newfags these days don't know how to lurk.

This thread breaks rule 6. Please familiarize yourself with the rules of this website before posting, thank you.


Love you too, Mikan!

Same, Mikan!

Mikan is being very needy lately.

Does sakurafish still post? I don't see it anymore. I guess Sup Forums finally liked it ;_;

Permabanned, along with Koume and every other form of daily dose.
Enjoy your new board.

Anyone who mentions it gets btfo'd if there's even one mod on.

This is fucking awful

Wait sakurafish was banned


Somebody post a screenshot confirming this. A mod had to have spoken up about it.


I didn't know Sakura!Fish had a discord.

Ty user.

This is a crime against chan culture and humanity itself.
Who cares if the other anons start daily threads? Just ban those.
If something slips under the mods enough that it becomes the culture of the board, it should stay.

Yotsuba was banned before

I recall.

But that got fixed at least.
I feel as though this one will be permanent.

loli in general has been getting shit on. A mod even went full captain retard and put a kemono thread on Sup Forums with autoplay music. Get rid of abib.

Man... I post on here almost every day and I still can't keep up with the internal happenings.

TFW newfags don't know about wanko.

I love you too Mikan!

Here have a transparent mikan for the road.

Can you get me some batteries Mikan?

That's a cute loli you have there, user. How much?

>implying Sup Forums was ever good

It seems to be over because there was loli thread yesterday

Nah, loli threads will be allowed again.

ive heard they just get auto saged. I wonder if the mod started fucking off after gookmoot stepped in for neogaf

Thank you very much.