Does Sup Forums hate women because they never experienced love?
Does Sup Forums hate women because they never experienced love?
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I hate women specifically because I experienced love.
I hate masculine women who work manly jobs, i like feminine women who stay home and mother.
I hate myself
I don't hate them. I fear them. Subtle, but important distinction.
I hate married women and underaged women who smile at me, strictly because single women my own age ignore.
>oh shit is that actual relationship potential.. Fuck fuck back out, cannot be interested
>oh wait I'm married / underaged so it'll never happen, okay, this is fine, time to stare him down
But women are incapable of love, so why would I expect them to experience it?
you have no idea how bad things really are.
I love women, but I hate them
A woman has many opportunities for love where a man has none or must abandon all hope of one on one lifelong compatibility. A woman is not loyal, they can forget you in a day if a learned man pushes the right emotional buttons. After sleeping with a man for a few times they become attached. It's why players and PUAs are the only ones who can date: women are too weak. They view sucking a different dick a day as empowering. They are too emotionally driven and catch STD's despite having knowledge on how easily transmitted diseases are. They take risks to feel "alive" and "fit in" to the societal norms that Jews pushed. Giving them rights was a grave mistake. Respecting them as equals is even worse. They are less wise than children and behave like toddlers.
nigger, single women don't exist. any worthwhile woman has multiple men in her life at any one time.
> t. guy who wishes marriage was still marriage
What kind of jacket is he wearing? I want to buy something cool like that
I don't mind staying home to be a mom, but they're human and get bored. Especially if they're white and have high IQs. You shouldn't hate them for wanting more, it's sad really
For me, yes.
Then a year ago I met an amazing woman. Catholic, conservative, about as traditional as I'll ever find in a big liberal city. I was a kissless 24 year old virgin. But I fell in love for the first time.
The misogynist mentality here almost ruined my relationship many times due to the paranoia about her being a slut it instilled in me. It was really just my hatred of myself. If I don't love myself how could somebody else?
Though if it goes south I don't think I'll ever love again.
/pol doesn't hate women. stop spreading this fake meme.
That is just a small part of it, I had bad experience with them in general.
>Jughead from the CW
Gay Jews can't love, OP.
I read this and it makes me sad. And I genuinely love Hitler and what he stood for
Sometimes women genuinely want more. They want to explore and have adventures and see new things. They love their families and will care for them, but resentment grows as they grow older and don't get to experience anything else but a life of serving.
thats exactly what a beta cuck homo would post, and i'm a guy by the way
what kind of fucked up laws do they have in the bahamas
divorce rape/alimony?
FPBP. Once you have been divorced you can understand. Until then its all a LARP
I don't hate women
I only hate them if they're communists, in which case there's a helicopter ride with their name on it
can a glow in the dark cia nigger still talk if their tongue has been torn out by it's roots? what about an fbi nigger? How about the nigger contractors they hire to automate demoralization and scraping threads on targeted social media sites?
Why would she be a slut
I really like masculine women, working manly jobs, not for the looks... Feminine women, who can't even have their own opinion are worthless. Really, girls who know what they want are the best.
>implying /pol is a single entity
t. whiteknight faggot
I have a gf and didn't stop hating women. She's nice though.
You know how atheists are angry because they felt they were lied to at church?
Same applies to women. We are told they were angels and all that. Then you grow up and see what they're really like and you felt you were lied to.
The closest things I ever got to having a gf was crushing on a girl during middle school. I don't even know how people found out, it's not like I told her or anything, maybe people noticed I glanced at her one too many times during class. She teased me about it, I look upon those memories fondly.
A girl asked me out to prom night, but I didn't find her very appealing. Nothing "interesting" happened between us.
Then came 4 years of college where I couldn't make friends let alone find a gf. Gonna be graduating soon though, I hope that finally I'll be able to get out of my depression.
> Does Sup Forums hate women because they never experienced love?
Correct. I've fucked a lot of girls. I've had 3 kids.
But I have never experienced what I'd call love from a woman. Ever.
Oh they LIKED me. Said they loved me. But it wasn't love. Love is an obligation. A gift you give. A duty. It doesn't want anything back.
Does that sound like the modern woman to you?
I miss the days when /r9k/ and Sup Forums were the problem children of Sup Forums. Why is this ridiculous board still up. It's getting higher traffic than Sup Forums, for fuck's sake. THAT'S supposed to be the normie trap.
Stop replying to retarded copypasted threads
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU
I don't hate women at all. My mother is a woman, my sister is a woman, my nieces are cute as a button little girls, and I have lots of love for all the women in my life. As for being in a romantic relationship with a woman, I just don't see the point. What would I get out of such a relationship that takes up so much of my time? Nothing. It would end abruptly and I would be back where I stated, only this time around I would have a broken heart.
Trust me, son, love isn't as important as getting your dick sucked on a daily basis.
Just stop thinking so much. It sounds like bad advice when you overthink it.
Women simply have very little to offer these days other than a moist hole to blow a load into. But they want to be worshipped as if they're gods. They have their world, I just want them to stay out of mine and let me be.
I am short and fat, I'm not that appealing to women anyway.
Not an argument. Let me add more to that, it's not only the bad experiences with them but eventually when you learn more about female nature you can no longer love women again. Their nature is too parasitical and corrupt to be having freedom to vote or have political roles.
Same goes for everyone stuck in a cubicle for decades on end. Society however can't be all rockstars.
Yet you worship the neet internet life life
I believed the pol line...all women are whores who will cheat on you in a second with someone who is 0.0001/10 better looking than you if they get the chance.
A lot of it just came from isolation from women. If I judge my gf based on my experience of her I don't see any slut tendencies.
I don't hate women, I hate what they do. Also love doesn't exist.
>girls who know what they want are the best
>know what they want
FPBP. I can't go back anymore, I've seen the truth and the abyss stared back into me
My mother didn't love me. I tried to kill her. Now that I'm out she REALLY doesn't love me.
user, I...
So you're looking for a tranny basically.
A woman's ability to stray is limited to her social circle. Same is true for men but to a lesser extent. Technology has really fucked us on that front.
Also women educating themselves and getting careers and still thinking they, and every of other women can continue to date up, despite shrinking the pool of financially and intellectually superior men to a hopelessly small size. A pool of men who with their high incomes would much rather have a young stupid 21 year old girl than a jaded career woman in her late 20s, early 30s.
Women were shit in the 1980s, 1950s, 1850s, 1700s, 1600s.... women have been shit throughout recorded history, our struggles are nothing new, the landscape has simply changed.
I've learned to accept it and move onto ambitions beyond carnal desires
Thank you
This!!! Stop!!! But seriously, love now and days isn't the same anymore it's too media filled, with Instagram and Facebook. I don't even get that butterflies in my stomach effect anymore when going on dates. I already no her intentions and it's pretty much for an Instagram status or because she's hungry. It's usually just repetitive at most and a burden. If you want love, love your self first anons. I can't stress this enough.
That's where it all starts.
I just like the women hate memes
>never experienced love
Nope, my waifu loves me and I meditate on her daily. Love exists completely within the mind the love I share with my waifu is as real if not more real then the love between a man and 3dpd.
>love your self first anons
I'm sure most anons do that already, except those on nofap.
Ok. I'm 33. Been there. It goes south. Now what?
Why should I hate women who have never experienced love?
>all women are whores who will cheat on you in a second with someone who is 0.0001/10 better looking
It's true though, except not just looks, it's the whole package.
I don't watch that gay show but I want a woman like that.
Take reality as it is, no need to get paranoid. Women are are emotionally driven and they sometimes make shit without realising it. Thats just in their nature. Be her strong guide and she will appreciate it
Is she wearing a yellow partyhat sweater?
Fixed your errors:
(western) Women simply have very little to offer these days other than a moist hole to blow a load into. But they want to be worshipped as if they're gods. They have their [world]->(jewish run media that encourages non-whites to have influence over their behavior), I just want them to [stay out of mine]->(not be vapid useless whores) and let me [be]->(impregnate them with white seed and raise intelligent children).
women have agape love?
>Does Sup Forums hate women
you are such a faggot
I have no opinion on women.
A man who has a female outlook on life though is absolutely abhorrent
First post... best post
I didnt hate women until I worked at a nightclub for two years and part of my duties involved resolving the hell that was the female bathrooms.
/r9k/ hates women.
Sup Forums literally follows the 14 words for fuck sake
I 'hate' women because of statistically significant data on society pertaining to behavioral patterns of said group. All of my views are based on objective and concrete study of the world around me. Basing any judgment on emotion is the gayest thing you can do.
Now, one of my biggest fears is love, because to me it's simply inconceivable. I cannot imagine someone like me can love someone else. The idea is just too detached from who I am.
i don't have them, i'm asexual
Your corrections are valid but since I live in a western country, not very useful.
I started to hate them when they decided to vote for open borders because the man in the tv told them too. They behave like empty vapid puppets to be filled up and controlled by society, which really REALLY fucking makes me despise those kinda women which are the majority.
>what are books
>what is playing the piano
>what is art
Life goes on, user, we will be alright at the end.
not you monkey man
People who follow snopes as if it was the bible really grinds my gears. I tell them to do their own research about shit but then they just look confused for a moment before going back to telling me the answer snopes gave. I never thought brainwashing people was THAT easy.
>pic related
any stories?
So your in it just for the premarital sex?
Can't you just wait and marry?
he's the best c: