Say what ever the fuck you want, but she is right. fighting for justice *WILL* make you unemployable

say what ever the fuck you want, but she is right. fighting for justice *WILL* make you unemployable.

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being an uppity nog will make you unemployable

being a cancerous cultural marxist that will inevitably spread your mind cancer to your workplace absolutely makes you unemployable

That faggot didn't start that shit until he got benched!

so you're not disproving my point?

>millionaire raised by whites complaining about whitey all day

As a business owner who is white, I wouldn't hire that guy if it meant the difference between me working every 4th of July and Christmas day for the rest of my life plus missing the birth of my kids and their graduations. Tort law already essentially renders all businesses a potential trust fund for any nigger bold enough to think of a reason to sue you, why hire one that you already know is looking for a reason to get a bunch of people on the internet to hate you?

Pretty much this. The real reason he's unemployed is he started dating some Black Panther hippie bitch who got him to go vegan and focus on we was kangz instead of GOMAD and studying plays

I'm not going to continue to put up with this fucking bullshit anymore, either they shut the fuck up or i start ripping tongues out of nigger skulls

Yep, many of were doxxed after Charlottesville

His stupid protests weren't the only reason teams don't want to take a chance with him. He's not worth the headache.

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remove blacks and there will be zero cnflict

lol fuck off isn't he a millionaire? Or did he waste it all already like the retarded nigger he is?

your point is right just not for the self righteous reason you believe it to be
it's because the risk of spreading your bullshit mental parasite makes you a fucking liability

You're right, if we spoke out against jewish supremacy we would lose our jobs. Good point user.

Bad press is bad for business. If you lose money for your employer they'll fire your ass, regardless of your retarded political crusade bullshit

He was going to be out of job before he sat out.

hes still employable just not for millions of dollars

He doesn't have a job because he lead his team to the franchises worst season on record. You can literally rape or kill people and get away with it if you are winning games in the NFL.

The sharia-loving terrorist nigger had
a job and quit.

His mistake wasn't fighting for justice, it was simply doing something that angered his customer base.

Because his job was to play football, to give a service to his customers watching. So, by doing something that his customers didn't like, he effectively destroyed his business opportunities.

This isn't an issue of racism or justice, it's just a case of a terrible business strategy.

the opposite does, too. Trying to redpill your coworkers will get you fired if you have zero finesse with your wording.

He isn't an olympic athlete. He's a product and personality that is meant to be sold to the masses.
Once you start annoying the masses, the NFL overlords lose money and you get canned.
Also he's not even that good.

>play in the most liberal shithole in America
>a gross, but storied franchise, undefeated in the Super Bowl
>he gets them back to it
>becomes the one QB in team history to lose the 49ers the super bowl
>slides over the next two years
>benched, brought back, benched
>starts his retard “protest” when the writing is on the wall for him as a starter, or even for playing time
>suddenly he deserves a job

And yet, the team representing the most liberal shithole in America isn’t willing to put up with his bullshit.


Remember fighting for justice and truth is a double edged sword, for all the crimes the Clinton foundation has done, zero, 0, have been brought to justice.


Credit where credit is due: when people called him out for being an elitist nog who was just using his position to speak out with any real sacrifice, he actually started donating.
Still a faggot, but he's infinitely better than the rest of the chimps who are kneeling.

>fighting for justice *WILL* make you unemployable

no, sucking ass on the field is what will make you unemployable

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It's weird how if you spit into your bosses mouth, other people won't want to bite you

No dropping a media shitstorm on your employers head will get you unemployed.

He played for an organization that fired the head coach after he took the team to a superbowl because he lost. They were paying kaep a shit ton of money, and he couldn't even produce moderately decent stats. He then decided to lose a bunch of weight, stop practicing, and insult the flag of the nation that has given him everything because some cops were mean to him once.

Tim Tebow would have played for league minimum, and he is out of the league, because he just wasn't good enough and had negative media. Colin is blackish tebow.

You're right, look what happened to all the white nationalists that were outed at Charlottesville.


Damn, nigger should have studied more. Im sure mcdonalds will hire him. Nigger isnt even trying.

Is Colin considered a mutt?

Being an uppity nigger will do that

Correct. I'm not hiring some nigger who fucks off and doesn't get the work done because he feels oppressed.

No, he's unemployable because he doesn't want to use that business management degree he has.
The rule is that if the football thing doesn't work out, like it hasn't for a lot of people (seriously not everyone can make it to the NFL)
then you should fall back on your degree

>say what ever the fuck you want, but she is right. fighting for justice *WILL* make you unemployable.
Yup . Gas the kikes .

Attached: FightingForJustice.png (1200x720, 20K)

Oh no a black supremacist, sharia law loving, communist sympathizing half nigger faggot who still has a net worth of millions of dollars from playing a fucking sport can't find a job because he decided to use his career platform to virtue signal and shit on his country and countrymen over media contrived bullshit about muh poor oppressed black criminals being shot by the popo?

Oh no, I don't fucking care

>affirmative action
>in the nfl

>last 2 seasons

I guess most are comparing his first year or whole career.

Didn't he only decide he was a black nationalist after he lost his starting QB job? Guy played the last 1/3 of the season for a successful and stacked 49ers team and lost. Nothing since.

He also wanted to be traded to the Jets, like he was in a position to choose where he could go, and that shit team wanted no part of it.

First Tommy Sotomayor video I watched. Good analysis.

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"Say whatever the fuck you want but I'm right"

Fucking pleb traps, don't even legitimize this BS, don't engage intelligently anyone who takes this frame.

No. As a leftist you won't get canned for anything short of advocating genocide and not all of those get fired either. Her point generally only applies to the right.
