>Be a dick
>Find a girl
>Be a dick around girl
>Get married
>stop being a purposeful dick
>she will always expect the worst, but will think she changed you
Worked like a charm every time I got married.
>Be a dick
>Find a girl
>Be a dick around girl
>Get married
>stop being a purposeful dick
>she will always expect the worst, but will think she changed you
Worked like a charm every time I got married.
absolute leaf
H-how many times?
>>she will always expect the worst, but will think she changed you
that means she'll lose respect and attraction for you (since she likes assholes anyway). she's going to get BLACKED, hopefully when you're not watching
>every time I got married
Hi Papa JF
Go to bed grandpa, the nurse is coming tomorrow so hang on.
Having a dig bick helps more than anything else
So... you’re not still married?
haha I gotta save this one
What is with her lifeless eyes?
Is this a fuckdoll? I can't tell anymore.
>assblasted because he doesn't have an 11" penis
oh sweetie, relax.
Her eyes are lifeless because she is a whore.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she licensed herself as a sexdoll, if fact I may encourage.
women can't judge dimensions as well as men, the study with that information is downright incorrect due to this.
most women would have a huge issue dealing with a dick that is 2 standard deviations larger than the norm.
No, but seriously. Never been cheated on. Sometimes, you do have to be a dick to keep things exciting.
it's not about being a dick
it's about never flinching to her attempts to get a leg up on you
it's women who subconsciously are passive aggressive dicks, just expose their tactics to them and you're set
milkerz thread
My experiences with women.
>Be my unique based self.
>Most women hate me, but that's cool, because I'm not thirsty.
>Meet woman who doesn't hate me
>She falls hard as fuck for me
>Intensely wonderful relationship for a year
>Another year or two of her attempting to conform me to her/society's domesticated slave matrix
>Her finally realizing that I will never change
Women or woman?
This. Tell a girl a person they see is 6ft tall. Have that person stand next to a door and ask the girl how tall the door is. Watch how far off they are and laugh at all the stories of women telling their BF how big their exes dicks were.
What do you mean by being a dick?
I tell women I'm packing a massive 2 inches. When I whip it out and they see that 6 inches they're BTFO.
>Under sell and over deliver.
Women. It's literally this every time. Basically a 3 year cycle.
New meme resurgence or wave of dumb shills?
You're just a defeatist who doesn't start at the average and work you're way up.
>Worked like a charm every time I got married
>every time I got married
>every time
I'll see you at process tomorrow Craig ;)
Hmm ask me how i know this has been written by an incel kek.
You missed out a line before /relationship
>She got a puncture
Fuck it, I just hit 'em. But I'm also Muslim.
Always be a dick
Digits speak truth
Nah, sorry. Lost it too young and before I knew about wizardry.
dog fucking doesnt count.
Well it is Canada.
>What is vaginal wall prolapse
Fucking Vietnamese women compete on shooting ping pongs out their vagoo to show their grip
American women get blacked.
go back to r9k
>source: my ass
Oh look a friendly CIA agent
You have messed with the wrong overlord spouting that shit here agent.
You don't have to be a dick, you just have to be in charge.
>Worked like a charm every time I got married.
But it didn't nigger; you got divorced multiple times.
kys memeflag
>because fuck men for lying about their dick size
>Thinks she changed you
>Her job is done here
>Hands you divorce papers
>Pay child support for 18 years
I hate maple niggers.
>be confident asshole
>treat girls like shit
>treat girl you like slightly less like shit
>girl thinks she’s special because you treat everyone else worse. Yes girls are this retarded.
Oh, and just so you know maple nigger. This only works if you’re 8+/10. Girls decide your value off of how much other girls want you. You’re an object to show off. But if you do it right you dumb nigger faggot, they’ll constantly think you’ll leave whenever you want for someone better. Hence, you’re worth is more than them. But, you’re a maple nigger and a cuck. Kys.
the average depth of the female vagina is like 4.5 inches. Yeah I guess 11 inches is ideal if you want to have just the tip inside of her and already be hitting her cervix (the most abhorrent feeling in the universe according to every girl i've been with)
I'm cursed with an 8 inch dick but only like small white girls. I can only get half of my dick in before they start squirming and telling me to stop.
>tfw you will never know what it's like to be balls deep unless you fuck some niggress with a giant vagina. literally hell
Sauce. who is the girl ?
I'm 6 inches never had any complaints. And I can go balls deep when they scream harder
>be me
>24khhv, robot all of my life, got my life in order though (except my social life)
>finally meet cute grill, pale, green eyes, petite
>meet a lot, get very well along, finally get together, fuck a lot, lets me cum in her vagoo, she cuddles me, cooks for me, includes me in her social circle, we do a lot of stuff together
>after some time in the relationship I feel empty; because I always have to think about her, whether she gets into accidents as she seems to get into accidents rather often or what she is doing right now
So that's what it was all about? Relationships are not for everybody, I guess? It feels like the relationship is draining me
14 year old virgin detected. Read about vaginas, has never seen one in real life
You need some time just to yourself so you can recharge. Go on a week long "business trip" and just do what you want
>This only works if you’re 8+/10. Girls decide your value off of how much other girls want you.
So let's a dude is like a 6-7 and no girls ever want him. Even after years of effort improving his appearance, dressing well, being fit and having high social standing with males in his peer group.
Would you say this guy has any recourse?
Literally just pay a girl $100 to fakeflirt over you at a bar, and then you act playful and flirty with other girls. (as an aside this will also make the girl you're paying to do this find you more attractive as she sees you getting attention from other girls, who are only giving you attention because you've got her giving you attention)
Pre-selection is a good 80% of the game it's ridiculous how much women base sexual selection solely on how much other women want you.
If .01% of this board believes the 4.5 inch vagina myth, all is lost