Asspulls that'll never get an anime adaptation

Asspulls that'll never get an anime adaptation.


You are both retarded.


Im never going to get what kind of autism it takes to defend your favorite anime for the reason you dislike and call shit others

>for the reason you dislike and call shit others
What did he mean by this?

pick ONE
This was within the Nen rules which were stated early on. If O MY RUBBER NEN was an asspull, Pitou's post-death nen control would also count as an asspull (and that is not an asspull).

Yeah, these two series are so unpopular that they will never ever get adaptations.

im high as fuck senpai, i meant to say for the same reason you dislike others

With that grasp of the English language is going to be hard for you to get anything.


>Its okay to get drunk but is bad to get high "argument"

Underaged HxHfag detected.

A fourth season is very likely for bnha


Pitou was able to do it because he (she?) had an extreme devotion to Mereum. Hisoka did it because Togashi didn't want to kill a fan-favorite character

Why are you so mad about that scene, when it's obviously not an asspull. Same for Eri's quirk, what makes it an asspull? She had an unknown powerful quirk, its reveal doesn't make it an asspull. Go shitpost somewhere else, bandwagoning faggot.

Stoners need to be physically removed from society and dumped on a tropical island to fight for decent people's amusement.

Why are you so delusional about a scene that is definitely an asspull? I know your underaged soul would like to think it otherwise, but rubber nen makes no fucking sense.

It makes as much sense as a guy who can create clones out of smoke or any other shit that happens in HxH. As a matter of fact it makes more sense due to the nature of his power. Learn to think for yourself and stop following trendy memes.

> faggots call rubber nen asspull when in fact alluka is a conveninent plot device, if you want to shit on HxH, use that idiots -_-

> even bigger faggots defending the ABSOLUTE ASSPULL that was the loli-bitch of bnh, get the fuck outta here m8's clearly to drunk on the mangakas jizz to think clearly

So you say rubber nen is not the only bad thing about HxH, you have tons of other flaws. I can agree with that, since HxH is trash either way. Thanks for your support, underage friend.

The rubber nen became a meme because of some stupid translation and being just an all around fun word to say. People tend to forget this or is just following the trend blindly just to fit in.

Even though it's a "100% asspull" you sure have a hard time explaining why it is.


Lurk more, faggot.

Take your upvote, I understood that reference.


>It's an asspull because other anons said so
Now I'm not even sure if you've read the manga or not.

Well yeah, he's just attention whoring.

Hisoka should have died here. It would have been a fitting end. All his obsession with chasing fights and then he finally bites off more than he can chew and dies against Quworf Wrlccywrlir. It is kind of sad that he is too popular to kill off.

That's not an asspull because it happens to the villain.

anal beads face is proof that toriko was ended prematurely.

it would have made for good storytelling too, disregarding the plot armor for once.

but nooooo, o my hisoka.

reminder that Machi wants the clowndick.

This guy

This guy is a walking asspull


Rule of cool user. He created genuine tension and it was awesome to see this batman/dracula son of a bitch slaughtering everybody. Except my boy Mimura, fuck him for that.

When did anyone mention getting drunk?

Yeah, but the hypetrain almost made up for it.

>implying we won't see a Hisoka vs Chrollo OVA in the next 5 years


They should just go straight to SBR anyway.

Oh boy I can't wait for 70% screentime of cgi horses.

>skip to the weakest and least popular part

Eh, by the time they get to it around 2030 all anime will be cgi anyway.


>meme game reactionary image
>in fucking Sup Forums of all places
>he doesnt have a truckload of (You) Sup Forums related images
>jojo threads

oh it makes sense.

>reddit spacing