Do you think you've become dumber or smarter as a result of browsing Sup Forums? How have you're politics changed?

Do you think you've become dumber or smarter as a result of browsing Sup Forums? How have you're politics changed?

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>mods won't delete the jidf slide/larp threads.. what can we do leaf?
Go on major sites and pretend to be the most obnoxious jew you can imagine.

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Smarter. But in all fairness, a mule would look like a genius if it were compared to the right wing retards that regularly use this board.

It moved the window of acceptable thought for me. I'm still pretty damned libertarian, but I now question sacred cows like racial intelligence, the differences between the sexes, and a few other things I had been programmed never to think about.

I still don't buy all the JOOS nazi larping or the fascism wank that goes on in here, but echo chambers are boring.

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MEMES brought me here and now I've ascended

Well I'm not a neoconservative anymore, I don't think I've gotten any smarter but this place opened up my views on different ideologies. The freedom of speech is nice here too, glad there's no thought police. Overall my geopolitical views have been broadened and I now know more about politics. I didn't become a national socialist but I believe people have a God given right to hold any political beliefs they want.

>pol takes away your borrowed brain but doesn't necessarily give you a new one
Makes sense desu.

What if my political beliefs are to take yours away?

Not really. Politics are fucking stupid. You fill your head with all this worthless knowledge that you won't ever get to exercise unless making small talk with friends/strangers because very few people give a fuck about politics. Sure they talk about trump or some shit, but that's because the media is literally talking about this shit alllll the time. It's on facebook. It's hard not to. But that's the extent of most people's knowledge of politics.

Politicians know all this, too. But it just comes with the job, and they contribute to the filth. Nobody is going to be a better person knowing about race realism or chinese expansion or the Jewish question or any of this shit. It's just something you fill your head with to feel better because you think you know something nobody else does, despite the fact that it doesn't take any special esoteric knowledge to find all this stuff. Most people can find it, they just don't care.

And the soyboys and feminists are that way because they've dedicated their entire lives being obedient to the system, getting good marks and following instructions, so of course they will be a 100% invested in whatever bullshit academia is pulling it's their fucking life. They will be permanent students, they can't risk being ostracized because they cannot handle living in the real world.

That's about it. That's all I learned from Sup Forums. I take most of this stuff with a grain of salt because a) it doesn't pertain to me in any direct way, and b) if it does, there's very little (if anything) I could do about it despite reading all those young adult novels with a protagonist that inadvertently changes the world through some simple yet courageous act.

my politics are pretty much the same, trump ballwashing gets annoying but it doesn't ruin my day like most faggots my age. somehow i still believe 6 million jews died by genocide, i think poor people commit crimes and violence and since most blacks are poor that's where the disparity exists. god is probably real, just not a bearded white fag who watches over everyone. it's possible god doesn't even know its god too.

so you tell me.

I've turned into a big brain nibba

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dumber for sure but i cant stop shitposting here

>has a friend

ive learned that you cant become dumber or smarter. intelligence is almost exclusively the result of genetics.

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Definitely dumber. I came here not really caring about politics, transformed into a Hoppean, and came back around to not caring. I only come here out of habit at this point. This whole website should be avoided.

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It's made me realize that everyone hates jews or at least loves ripping on them. I've gone overboard insulting jews in bars and everyone seems to agree. It's quite fascinating actually.

I've wasted time here but I don't think It's detracted from anything.And anyone who seriously thinks their views are vindicated here or who's opinions changed has always been Sup Forums's greatest meme.

Nothing. Just angrier.

Are you kidding? I've become every increasingly smarter and bolder because of this place. I can barely retain my power level now. In fact, I was having a conversation with a black guy and we both agreed that we should each have our own ethno states and having pride in ones own race is okay.

this place haunts my dreams, I fear I will be trapped here forever

If you're here for anything other than shitposting, you were a retard to begin with.

Could you be more specific?

this tbqh

I’m more sensitive to feminist and transgender rights than I used to be.

I’ve always been a right-wing Libertarian with an appetite for 20th century European history (including Nazis, Communists, dictators, and two world wars). This place just gave me an outlet for muh autism

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a little bit of both actually.
I really need to hold me back of believing anything that is said here.

btw nice trips

Genuine oldfag detected

I've become a lot more critical. 3/4 of the takes you Post here are fckin retarded, but doing my own research almost always redpills me so

I ignore 95% of the threads on this board and on Sup Forums in general. If you ignore the slide threads, the "hurr /pol humor" threads and all the disinfo/shareblue spam you walk away smarter.

The better question is
>does browsing Sup Forums improve your life in any meaningful way or do you just walk away more depressed.

Way more able to defend my views. But that also has to do with my hobby of reading philosophy as well.

agoooguu boobul utalal maltbroobubagooagag

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Like their right to be put to death?

Nigger fuck you.

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Not really smart just more aware of (((certain))) groups

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i'm dumber because of youtube, not Sup Forums

Nothing has changed but I found out I have an alter ego that browses td an awful lot.

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Joining any group makes you more dumb, this place just does it in style.

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t. liberalist cuck


without a doubt, dumber - and certainly more unproductive/unmotivated

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(You)s have destroyed my mind. If I offer an average comment I get no reply, if I offer a really smart comment I get at best one reply of someone sharing their own take, but if I post something really fucking stupid I will get inundated with loads of (You)s of people mocking me, arguing with me, correcting me, seriously defending me, pretending to defend me, ect. So rather than thinking "wait, is this just some dumb myth I'm repeating? I better check if that's real" I think "it's probably fake but if it is I'll just get a reply from someone getting mad about it! ebin!". Same with things as small as spelling.

On the other hand it has made me less self-conscious, I now feel good when I do something stupid, because I've been conditioned from (You)s to feel like that's a fun and amusing thing.


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Smarter, although there's some things I wished I never learned

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Agreed. I live for replies.

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I've never seen so many people fall for a few fake propaganda charts in my life. It's sad.

I think it helped considerably.

My reaction with facts and statistics to shut down SJWs is ridiculous kek

Reading this will probably allow me to sleep better at night.

Give it another year and you will end up in rehab for yelling heil hitler at your mother.

Kek has spoken

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Let this be a lesson to all; spare your (you)s to other anons wisely.

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>How have you're politics changed?
Fucking Christ Bong learn to use your own language.

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