What if Madoka wished for breasts?
What if Madoka wished for breasts?
If she grew up to have naturally big boobs would nothing change or would she have double boobs?
They'd be very tasty.
Super Goddess boobs!
Definitively become overtly big
Shit is there more of this?
I forgot what I was suppose to post in Madoka thread in Sup Forums if I ever saw one.
yotsuba > madoka
Oh yeah. Is this suppose to be metaphor for womb?
Her meguca power would just be insane Keijo skills.
Nah Godoka isn't a different person to Madoka so it can't be a mom, just 2deep imagery
Then hopefully we'd get a Seikon no Qwaser-esque BE scene that I could fap to whenever I wanted.
I'm sure Coobie would find a way to ruin that wish, like he ruins everything.
Those are some great breasts.
i think this 'pure' whore has two main regions of her body which need to be focused on
her armpits and her asshole.
I'm getting major tumblr vibes from this image but can't quite pin it down.
She becomes worst girl
Thanks much.
She'd get her head cut off.
Madoka is already deliciously ripe though.
This. She's perfect as she is.
I would have dropped her show there and then.
who needs tits anyway madoka has a great derriere
end yourself
Madoka's breasts are already perfect.