Are you happy Sup Forums? Your American Goblino memes made a kid kill himself

Are you happy Sup Forums? Your American Goblino memes made a kid kill himself.

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I fucking knew it. The narrative on MSM that's gonna be pushed is that Sup Forums pushed this kid to suicide and it should be shut down. This is a psy op.

Party hard

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How come the window didn't blow open form the bullet? Because this is a psyop.


Parents probably told him he's being a little faggot and he needs to stop watching anime and asking for hormone therapy

r9k though

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Another white kid with a gun here in the USA of Mexico. Rip dreamer you gave up that free college

His head acted like a bucket of water

don't do anime kids

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hes aiming down, not straight back.

fucking idiot

Watermelon challenge all the youtubers are doing it.

Explain this.

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Link to video?

What an idiot. He will go to hell for putting his mother through that. Some people are selfish in their plans, but that's just pathetic cowardice that destroyed his goblino mothers life. What a pussy

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Because buckshot is essentially .38 caliber bullets. It's not going through the front and back of the skull. It went through the front and scooped his meme data storage out with itbut couldn't get through the backaroony

shit user good find

you’re fucking retarded
People like you are the reason nobody believes anything is a psyop.

rather, his mother will go to hell for raising her kid so poorly that he ended up doing that

kek so.. this place needs to die

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>Are you happy Sup Forums?

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Kek, more of this please.

>not a boy
he identified as a anime girl judging from his google plus

Goblin was too rude to make sure his broodmother didn't see him. Very rude.

Dude El Goblino or not this kids poor mother is going through hell right now.

This is a psy op and you Jews get worse and fucking worse every day.

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yeah i’m sure the jews arranged for an actor to write “bye r9k” on a piece of paper and shoot himself, and then they hired a middle aged woman to completely lose her shit.
Get off the internet, you aren’t thinking logically.

*squeaky toy noise*





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>you aren’t thinking logically
or maybe he's the only one who is

link please someone. haven't seen this one yet.

Even if they did though, why the fuck would I care?

It was poor parenting, it's always poor parenting. Stop trying to shift the blame from parents.

Its a good thing, the less goblos the better. But the meme is getting stale

Holy fuck my sides

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you are actually retarded. it's impossible to fake that video without pixar.
Haven't watched it this link was on another thread copied it before it got deleted for you sick fucks.
I can't watch because of the feelzzzz
>Pic not related just a pick me up if this saddens you

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Thank user from another thread

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Pretty much, but women are naturally stupid and raise kids as pussies, can't really blame his mom for doing what women do naturally. I'm glad he chose to only kill himself, but what a little faggot for breaking his mother's soul on the way out, she will be locked in sadness for years, to parents it's a fate worse than death.

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This is amazing.

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It did put a hole in the window. The mom actually says, "why is there a hole in the window?", while she's on the phone with the 911 operator.

>tfw 57%


Can i get a quick rundown?

fuck that kid. no empathy for something that was a failure at life and weak. nothing of value was lost here.


Kid offed himself on livestream youtube, el goblino mom finds him blown the fuck out.

this, why is everyone getting upset at some soyboy 56% removing himself from the gene pool? good riddance I say.

the one on the right is the same lady

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there's nothign wrong with suicide and if you're feeling suicidal yourself follow this bro's example and livestream it for us

Because they are a bunch of newfag vleddit normalfags fugees.

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None of the links are working. What is the moms reaction like?

Pussy with a mask on his face sends himself to hell.mp4

What happened?

Why’d he off himself?
take it you fucking asshole

They're newfags who were never around for the stick the needle in dick threads and period blood degeneracy of old Sup Forums

He was an r9gay anime fag incel 56% la creatura 18 yo. Shotgunned himself.

I think it's more empathy for the mom. Can you imagine what your mother would feel if you were to kill yourself? And considering all women aren't fully there in the head, it could be entirely circumstancal this Mon ended up with a defective offspring.

>it’s okay that the parkland students created a mass murderer
>we just need to ban guns
>a kid might have been pushed over the edge by other autists
>we need to ban the site they were on to prevent other kids from getting bullied

Literally fuck the MSM

Fucking dying. Not as bad as him tho!

hell doesn't exist. even by your judeo-christian bible hell is a state of non-existence.

This video isn't even traumatizing. It's completely ruined by that obnoxious boy(girl?) crying and mumbling on about shit. It's completely insufferable to even watch.

Someone tell me what the I'm does? Does she hear the shot?

Normalfags ruin everything, notice how it's all about the woman when some shit goes down. Doesn't matter that some kid just blew his head off, the bitch wants attention from everyone. I swear on my balls that women are worse that jews.

What the fuck?

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>meme data storage

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Oh hey look, I just posted another one on a different thread. The fact that you schizos believe this is some kind of psy ops taking over Sup Forums is absolutely absurd. Yes I am suicidal, however the likelihood of me filming my own death is only 50/50, I might just die another way.

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So you just admitted to being a kike shill planting these posts and threads in order demonize this place on the MSM to try and get it censored? Fuck off kike.

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based af desu ngl famalamaramzpai

Checked and true

Shoots himself at 6:02

Looks like you need your meds more than I do

>mfw lost half my face

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tits or gtfo

>/pol causes mass suicsoyds

He's not white. He's a muslim. His mom gave their address and phone number to 911. Looked it up and the surname is Aslam.

>hispanic mutt goblins
>ever even once

send me a picture of your fucking asshole

Those are sandniggers nerwfag. Learn your phenotypes pleb.

I was always against 56 memes. It demoralizes both white kids and mixed kids. God will never forgive Hisperic for drawing the originals.

I don't understand where is this audio of someone crying coming from and who is it

LOL the state of the amerimutt

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why does he wear the mask

Why do i care about a non white offing themself?

have you actually fired a gun?

You won't do it, you're looking for attention like every other """suicidal""" female.

With any luck you'll be locked up in a psych ward for years. God forbid you suffer any consequences for being a histrionic fuckhead.

Le 56% of his head

>and scooped his meme data storage out

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>be American
>so used to getting shot that you shoot yourself

it doesnt demoralize anyone but mixed kids. white people though being 56% of the country still look white.

Mahmoud dindu nuffin, he was a good boy jus' wachin' his anime when the evil hacker known as Sup Forums bullied him 56% memes.

ooooh maybe itll be revealed that le 56% is one of the clown nigger created ones


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the 56% meme also refers to the fact that 'white' americans are an admixture of several different types of euros. you have no ancestral homeland, mutt

Its one of his school friends sounds like, kind of sadistic of him to call up his friends to watch him kill himself.
I feel bad for the mom but that bitch squeaking on the conference call is annoying as fuck.

>Says the leaf.

>Sup Forums getting shut down

dear god please yes