>"I'm glad I spent the majority of my life watching anime"
"I'm glad I spent the majority of my life watching anime"
>implying anyone here will live that long
me too user
Why not? We lived in the only time period that it was really possible. I wish I could immerse myself deeper into technological escapism. Men of the past have mapped the forests, crossed the rivers, climbed the mountains. Only I and others like me can claim to have headpatted our waifu in a hyper realistic augmented VR simulation. I hope to see that day.
>"I regret spending my free time on a pastime I enjoy"
I regret never spending my entire life doing exactly what everyone else wanted.
>tfw try to life for years
>tfw loose job and friends and girlfriend
>get back to animu vidya and animu
>suddenly happy levels rising to a degree i tought will never come back
>implying you really enjoy it and are not just using it to escape your terrible life
I also play videogames and read LN and VN.
I don't get this. If your life is largely composed of watching anime, how could you watch anime to escape your life of watching anime?
I also masturbate.
face it, you were never going to do anything better
its more about what your life ISNT composed of
>tfw dead end job
>tfw wasted opportunities
It's just another way to get that extra dopamine that everyone always needs.
I want to die with my dick in waifubot's mouth and a bellyful of synthetic virgin pussy juice.
>implying you really enjoy reading books and are not just using them to escape your terrible life
>implying you really enjoy your high pay job and are not just using it to escape your terrible life
>implying you really enjoy your time with gf and are not just using her to escape your terrible life
>implying you really enjoy talking with others and are not just using them to escape your terrible life
>implying you really enjoy life and are not just using it to escape life
You can only escape life by killing yourself
Memes aside I wonder how many Sup Forumsnons are just normal people with a family and shit?
Life has ups and downs man. Having nice things in your life compensating for bad things, does not mean the nice things need to be condemned as just escapism.
That's like saying, a man coming home after a hard day at work to enjoy his wife's company and homemade cooking is "just escaping his miserable life by spending time with his wife."
I would say they are minority and those who are normal are the newfriends that came in one of the numerous recent waves.
i have a friend who barely keeps up with anime anymore since having a kid
He is, he should man up and fuck a whore because that is "living" by the terminology of the west.
What terminology of the west?
I don't even know what you mean, but I can already see you have some very crass notions about things.
Maybe you drank too much eggnog waiting for Santa Claus? Haha, better go for some of the milk from the milk and cookies, if you have some left over.
Why would anyone want to kill themselves? Life is fun and there is always the next season of anime. I don't know what I'll do when the anime will be over and banned in Japan.
I've been around since 2006 and i have a "normal" social life, a job i love my own place and close friends. You don't have to be a complete mysanthrope to enjoy this kind of lifestyle i guess. I love being alone most of the time and dive into anime, movies and books everyday.
I don't think i'm the majority, but some of the guys here are just internet lover.
There is enough anime to last you a life time already. Besides if its banned someone else would do it anyway.
>dead end job
Most jobs are boring, not everyone can be a rockstar and there aren't enough CEO and trustfund-kiddies opened positions. Majority of people go to work because they want the money and maybe enjoy the company of coworkers.
>wasted opportunities
The only wasted opportunities are those that you didn't take. Like not watching nice anime just because Sup Forums didn't like it or it got popular on MAL.
Fuck off with your blogpost.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Fuck off back o your family.
>I'm glad I always put in extra shifts at work, got a girlfriend just because it was expected of me and put society's approval of me above all my interests. Imagine a life where you're not employee of the week for a while and don't have as many Facebook likes, where you instead having fun and enjoying what you're doing, how unfulfilling must that be?
Fuck off.
You don't belong here. This is a place for men of reason and taste.
By the time I'm in my mid 40s, VR would have advanced further in. I would be owning a home. My entire day time would be being plugged into a VR machine.
>implying we all don't exist in a simulation
too bad we will be long dead before that dream can be fulfilled.
I'd rather simulation inside a simulation
Probably a good amount. Most of them just have the good sense to keep normalfag shit out of here and just talk about anime.
I'm glad I spend the majority of my life learning to draw my waifu
>I've been around since 2006
What's an eleven year old doing here?